
Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

author:The world is wonderful

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Whoopi Goldberg, the legendary actress of Hollywood, is truly breathtaking.

Her acting career is like a colorful picture, not only shining on the comedy stage, but also leading the theater field.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Do you know? In 1994, she took the helm of the microphone for the first time at the Oscars, becoming the host on the shining stage.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Since then, her star has soared, eventually becoming one of the few superstars in Hollywood history to win Oscars, Tony Awards, Emmys, and Grammys at the same time.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Think about it, she fought side by side with Helen Hays, Audrey Hepburn and other legendary actresses, and together created a brilliant chapter in the film industry.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

But you know what? Whoopi's early life was a rough one.

She struggled to survive in the slums of New York City, but she always had a love for Hollywood classics and dreamed of one day lifting that glittering Oscar.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

To be honest, the gap between reality and dreams is really insurmountable for Whoopi.

Her life was full of challenges, and she even experienced drug trials and running around for life as a young person.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

You might not expect that she worked as a licensed beautician for a short time, and during that time work was hard to find, and she had to provide beauty services to the deceased.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

However, it was this experience that made her determined to embark on a more challenging path in acting.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

In 1983, Whoopi took the first steps in his acting career with a local theatre company and dance theatre.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Soon, her comedic talent earned widespread recognition on Broadway.

Her stand-up comedy show not only shows her ability to play male roles, but also highlights her flexible and profound acting skills.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

And the turning point of her acting career occurred in 1985.

At that time, she attracted the attention of the famous director Steven Spielberg with her unique acting skills and confident demeanor.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

In this way, she played the role of a black slave girl in the movie "The Color Purple", which not only won a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress, but also an Oscar nomination.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

In 1990, Whoopy's role as a special functional psychic medium in "The Love of Ghosts" won her the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Do you know? She is the second black actress to receive this award.

Although there are not many scenes, her presence is enough to overshadow the light of the protagonist.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

After that, Whoopi Goldberg continued to write her legend in the film industry.

In 1992, the outstanding performance in "Nuns Are Crazy" won praise from audiences and critics alike, and the film's box office success was even more proof of her great appeal.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Through these diverse roles and performances, Whoopi not only solidifies her position in the theater world, but also demonstrates her versatility and depth as an actor.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

By 1993, Whoopi Goldberg continued to expand his influence with his performances of "Sperm Are Crazy" and "Nuns Are Crazy 2".

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

In particular, "Nuns Are Crazy 2" further highlighted her status as a commercial film superstar with a staggering $1.8 billion box office performance.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

In addition, in "Tycoon is Crazy", she played the role of a Wall Street financial analyst who not only broke the stereotypes of gender and race, but also brought a visual feast to the audience with a unique comedy style.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Speaking of Whoopi's private life, it was really magnificent.

Her first marriage, at the age of 19, was to the doctor Alvin Martin, but unfortunately, the good times did not last long and ended quickly.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Later, his love life was also full of twists and turns.

Her marriage to Dutch photographer David Claessen also did not last long, which is really embarrassing.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

The relationship with the famous actor Timothy Dalton, although it was hyped by the media, the two always insisted that they were just good friends.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

However, her love affair with Ted Danson was really vigorous.

Despite the challenges of racial discrimination, the relationship between the two has become the focus of public attention.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Whoopi Goldberg, she's more than just an actor.

She is also talented in areas such as philanthropy, writing, and music.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Her enthusiasm for supporting the social activities of the homeless and AIDS patients is truly admirable.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Speaking of which, the release of "Nun is Crazy 3" has been postponed to 2025, which really makes fans look forward to and discuss it even more.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Whoopi Goldberg's professional and personal life both demonstrate the complexity and diversity of her as an artist.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Her tenacity and versatility have earned her numerous awards as well as widespread love and respect.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

Such a legendary actress is truly breathtaking.

Whoopi Goldberg's love affair is the same as in her films, and the nun is also crazy and loves it so much

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