
44+14 sent Japan to a fiasco! 17-year-old Zhang Ziyu set two historical records: the Japanese media was completely convinced!

author:Happy Sea Breeze O7J
44+14 sent Japan to a fiasco! 17-year-old Zhang Ziyu set two historical records: the Japanese media was completely convinced!

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China's U18 women's basketball team won three consecutive victories in the group stage, and Zhang Ziyu's strong performance detonated the international basketball world

On June 27, 2024, the U18 women's basketball group B game came to an end, and the Chinese U18 women's basketball team locked the first place in the group without suspense with a proud record of winning all three games, and advanced to the semifinals

44+14 sent Japan to a fiasco! 17-year-old Zhang Ziyu set two historical records: the Japanese media was completely convinced!

In the game with the Japanese team, Zhang Ziyu only played 26 minutes, and handed over incredible data: 90.91% shooting rate and up to 59 efficiency value, such a performance, not only the data of crushing, but also the complete destruction of the opponent's psychological defense, Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance, like a thunderclap on the ground, caused a huge shock in the international basketball world, and many national team scouts and coaches have set their eyes on this talented girl from the East

After the game, in the face of the flocking media reporters, Zhang Ziyu showed a maturity and stability that did not match her age, she spoke decently, was generous, and always gave clear and logical answers to reporters' questions, Zhang Ziyu's confidence and calmness not only conquered the media, but also won the love of fans

Zhang Ziyu dominated both offensive and defensive ends, and the Japanese team felt the pressure

The Japanese media spoke highly of Zhang Ziyu's performance, admitting that her height and strong interior dominance brought huge pressure to the Japanese team. Defensively, she is like an impregnable wall, keeping out the opponent's attacks again and again

44+14 sent Japan to a fiasco! 17-year-old Zhang Ziyu set two historical records: the Japanese media was completely convinced!

The Japanese team obviously did not expect Zhang Ziyu to bring such a huge threat before the game, they were poorly prepared in terms of defensive strategy, and they could not find a way to limit Zhang Ziyu at all, and the Japanese team was forced to struggle in the shadow of Zhang Ziyu throughout the game, and finally had no choice but to swallow the defeat

The future of the Chinese women's basketball team is promising, and teamwork is the key to success

The victory of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team does not only rely on Zhang Ziyu's personal ability, but more importantly, the team's sincere cooperation and tenacious struggle

44+14 sent Japan to a fiasco! 17-year-old Zhang Ziyu set two historical records: the Japanese media was completely convinced!

The head coach of the Chinese women's basketball team said in an interview after the game that the success of the team is inseparable from the dedication of every player, Zhang Ziyu's performance is excellent, but other players are also indispensable, he also stressed that the future of the Chinese women's basketball team is full of hope, but at the same time, we must also be aware of our own shortcomings, continue to work hard, and continue to improve

Looking forward to the future, the Chinese women's basketball team has a long way to go

The strength and potential of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team in this competition is exciting, but this is only the beginning, and the Chinese women's basketball team needs to make more arduous efforts if it wants to achieve more brilliant achievements on the world stage

44+14 sent Japan to a fiasco! 17-year-old Zhang Ziyu set two historical records: the Japanese media was completely convinced!

It is necessary to continue to strengthen the cultivation of talents, expand the selection of materials, cultivate more outstanding young players like Zhang Ziyu, pay attention to the improvement of skills and tactics, learn and learn from the world's advanced basketball concepts, and constantly improve the overall strength of the team, strengthen international exchanges and learning, actively participate in high-level international competitions, continue to accumulate experience, and enhance their competitiveness in the international arena

The future of the Chinese women's basketball team is full of hope, let us look forward to their more brilliant results in future games!

The spirit of women's basketball is inspiring, hard work, and never stops

The tenacious struggle and never-give-up spirit shown by the girls of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team on the court have touched countless fans, and they have interpreted what is the spirit of women's basketball and what is the power of China with practical actions

44+14 sent Japan to a fiasco! 17-year-old Zhang Ziyu set two historical records: the Japanese media was completely convinced!

In today's society, each of us is facing a variety of challenges and pressures, but no matter what difficulties we encounter, we should be like the Chinese women's basketball team, maintain a positive attitude, face it bravely, fight tenaciously, and finally overcome the difficulties and realize our dreams

The victory of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team is not only a victory in a sports competition, but also a spiritual victory, and their stories will inspire more people to work hard for their dreams!

From victory to the future, the Chinese women's basketball team needs more attention and support

The success of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team is inseparable from the hard work of the coaching team, and also inseparable from the care and support of all sectors of society

44+14 sent Japan to a fiasco! 17-year-old Zhang Ziyu set two historical records: the Japanese media was completely convinced!

Government departments should increase investment in women's basketball, improve infrastructure construction, provide better training and competition conditions for women's basketball players, and the media should strengthen publicity and reporting on women's basketball games, increase the social influence of women's basketball, and attract more people's attention and support for women's basketball

I believe that with the continuous efforts of the girls of the Chinese women's basketball team and the joint support of all sectors of society, the future of the Chinese women's basketball team will be even better!

It is expected that the Chinese women's basketball team will create another glory and win glory for the country

The success of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team has injected new hope into the future of Chinese basketball, and I believe that in the near future, the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to achieve more dazzling results on the world stage and win glory for the country!

44+14 sent Japan to a fiasco! 17-year-old Zhang Ziyu set two historical records: the Japanese media was completely convinced!

Let's cheer for the Chinese women's basketball team and look forward to their brilliance in the future games!

What are your expectations for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views

This article only represents a personal view and does not constitute any investment advice.

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