
"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

author:Rose says entertainment

As "The Sea in My Dreams" is about to usher in the finale, the fate of the actor "Xiao Chunsheng" played by Xiao Zhan has also reached a dramatic turning point. This drama is not only a test for Xiao Chunsheng, but also a comprehensive review of Xiao Zhan's acting skills.

In the play, Xiao Chunsheng suffered a heartbreaking betrayal. was injured in order to save his brother Ye Guohua, and he may no longer be able to walk, but in exchange for the abandonment of his girlfriend He Hongling and the betrayal of Ye Guohua.

He Hongling directly labeled Xiao Chunsheng as "disabled" and left without looking back. And Ye Guohua even took the credit of Xiao Chunsheng, "comforted" each other with He Hongling, and slapped his ass and left with peace of mind.

This plot is heart-wrenching, and it should have been a good opportunity for the actor to show his talents. However, Xiao Zhan's performance was slightly disappointing. His lines are not natural enough, his expressions are poorly managed, and he often seems to exert too much force, especially when expressing strong emotions.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

For example, when receiving the award, Xiao Zhan's mouth was obviously stealing the show, he was not laughing, but wanted to speak, and there was a feeling that he wanted to speak and stopped. This kind of problem of too heavy performance traces is not uncommon throughout the play.

What's even more regrettable is that as a character with "being a soldier" as his biggest dream, Xiao Zhan's interpretation of Xiao Chunsheng is not even standard for the most basic salute movements. Whenever he needed to salute, Xiao Zhan's hands would be very tight, his hands would bend a "pit" out, and his body would become crooked.

If this detail is not grasped properly, it will give people the feeling that he wants to "be a soldier" and is just talking. In addition, Xiao Zhan also seemed incapable of dealing with the accent issue.

As a southwesterner, he easily brings in his own accent when imitating the "children's pronunciation" of Beijingers, causing his lines to sometimes sound comfortable and sometimes uncomfortable.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

This unstable performance has undoubtedly affected the audience's viewing experience. However, we must also see that Xiao Zhan has really worked hard in this drama. He tries to portray the character through subtle expressions and movements, but sometimes it backfires by pushing too hard.

For example, when depicting an emotional outpouring scene, the muscles of his mouth or the lower half of his face often appear strange and unnatural. This can't help but recall Xiao Zhan's performance in "Chen Qing Ling".

At that time, he played Wei Wuxian, who was smart and natural, and won the love of the audience. So, what exactly causes such a contrast? Perhaps, it is this contrast that reveals Xiao Zhan's limitations as an actor.

"The Sea in My Dreams" is undoubtedly an important node in Xiao Zhan's acting career. It shows both his efforts and his shortcomings. For Xiao Zhan, how to find a balance in future performances and how to truly convey his emotions to the audience will be the direction he needs to continue to work on.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

Xiao Zhan's acting career is the epitome of contemporary traffic stars. As an actor from a non-professional class, Xiao Zhan's success and hard work are obvious to all. However, from the popularity of "Chen Qingling" to the controversy of "The Sea in My Dreams", Xiao Zhan's acting skills have not been smooth sailing.

In "Chen Qing Ling", Xiao Zhan's Wei Wuxian left a deep impression on the audience. His careful figuration and smart performance of the role won him a large number of fans and laid the foundation for his subsequent development.

This success gave Xiao Zhan a taste of the sweetness brought by traffic, but at the same time, it also brought him greater challenges and expectations. However, when we turn our attention to "The Sea in My Dreams", Xiao Zhan's performance is a little disappointing.

In this drama, Xiao Chunsheng played by Xiao Zhan is an absolute male protagonist who undertakes the important performance tasks of the whole play. Although Xiao Zhan was obviously very attentive, his performance gave people the feeling of exerting too much force.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

For example, when showing scenes of emotional outburst, Xiao Zhan's mouth or the muscles of the lower half of his face often seem strange and unnatural. In the skating scene, in order to show the ruffian, he performed the "evil smile", but this expression seems out of place with the character's setting.

These details all expose Xiao Zhan's shortcomings in acting skills. What's even more regrettable is that as a character with "being a soldier" as his biggest dream, Xiao Zhan's interpretation of Xiao Chunsheng is not even standard for the most basic salute movements.

Whenever he needed to salute, Xiao Zhan's hands would be very tight, his hands would bend a "pit" out, and his body would become crooked. This detail is not grasped properly, which seriously affects the credibility of the character.

In addition, Xiao Zhan also seemed incapable of dealing with the accent issue. As a southwesterner, he easily brings in his own accent when imitating the "children's pronunciation" of Beijingers, causing his lines to sometimes sound comfortable and sometimes uncomfortable.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

This unstable performance has undoubtedly affected the audience's viewing experience. From "Chen Qingling" to "The Sea in My Dreams", Xiao Zhan's acting skills are full of challenges. As a traffic star, he is faced with the problem of how to turn popularity into strength.

And the solution of this problem not only takes time, but also requires the right method and continuous efforts. Xiao Zhan's experience reminds us that in the entertainment industry, traffic is important, but what can really stand the test of time is always excellent acting skills.

For Xiao Zhan, how to continuously improve his acting skills while maintaining his own characteristics will be the key to his future development. We are looking forward to seeing a Xiao Zhan who is constantly improving, an excellent actor who can really handle various roles.

The ratings performance of "The Sea in My Dreams" can be said to be quite surprising. This TV series starring Xiao Zhan was supposed to attract a large number of viewers with its "traffic +" advantage, but the actual situation was not satisfactory.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

In the 10 days that CCTV 8 was broadcast, the ratings of "The Sea in My Dreams" have always hovered between 1.3 and 1.5. At first glance, this result seems to be quite stable, but on closer inspection, it can only be described as "decent".

You must know that CCTV 8 itself has a stable audience group, which is really hardly excellent. What's even more surprising is that when this drama landed on Dragon TV on June 6, the ratings performance was even more disappointing.

As a first-line satellite TV, in the absence of other strong opponents, it is really incomprehensible that "The Sea in My Dreams" is difficult to arouse the audience's interest. This embarrassment is even more pronounced if we look at other episodes.

In the first half of this year, "Love in Jiudaowan", which was also broadcast on CCTV's 8 sets of prime time, although there was no traffic actor blessing, the final average rating reached 1.6.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

And "Hurricane" booked the annual ratings championship of CCTV 8 with an amazing score of 2.5 episodes. Some people may say that "The Sea in My Dreams" is a period drama after all, and the audience is already limited.

However, we must not forget such phenomenal works as "Parental Love". It proves that as long as the content is excellent and the actors perform well, period dramas can also arouse heated discussions among the whole people and become a hit.

So, what exactly caused the embarrassing situation of "The Sea in My Dreams"? The answer may be hidden in Xiao Zhan's performance. As the absolute leading actor, Xiao Zhan's acting skills directly affect the quality of the whole drama.

His unstable performance, including the stiffness of his lines, the excessive expression of his expressions, and the unnaturalness of his movements, may have affected the audience's viewing experience, which made it difficult to increase the ratings.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

In addition, the setting of the plot may also be a factor that affects the ratings. Although the plot setting of "The Sea in My Dreams" is in line with the current popular business model, and the protagonist is reborn after experiencing major setbacks, has this routine plot development caused the audience aesthetic fatigue? It is worth mentioning that despite the poor ratings, "The Sea in My Dreams" still sparked a lot of discussion.

This may be where the magic of "traffic +" lies. However, if you can't translate the discussion into actual ratings, this popularity will be short-lived. The ratings performance of "The Sea in My Dreams" is a wake-up call for us.

It reminds us that in this era where content is king, relying on traffic stars alone is no longer enough to support the success of a work. The audience's eyes are getting more and more vicious, and what they need is really quality content and great performances.

For Xiao Zhan and the entire production team, the ratings performance of "The Sea in My Dreams" is undoubtedly an important feedback. It is both a wake-up call and an opportunity.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

How to improve the quality of future works and how to better meet the needs of the audience are all questions that they need to think about seriously. The change in Xiao Chunsheng's fate in "The Sea in My Dreams" reflects the creative mode of the current popular drama series to some extent.

In the progress of the plot, we see that Xiao Chunsheng has experienced a series of dramatic changes, which not only shape the characters, but also reflect some characteristics of contemporary TV drama creation.

Xiao Chunsheng's life trajectory is full of drama. In the process of completing the mission, he suffered a leg injury and may not be able to walk again. It was supposed to be a tragic turning point, but the screenwriters didn't stop there.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chunsheng suffered the double betrayal of his girlfriend and good brother. On the surface, this seems to be an old-fashioned "cuckold" plot. But the actual situation is even more infuriating: Xiao Chunsheng was injured to save Ye Guohua, but He Hongling directly labeled Xiao Chunsheng as a "disabled" and left without looking back.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

What's even more infuriating is that Ye Guohua also took the credit of Xiao Chunsheng, "comforted" each other with He Hongling, and slapped his ass and left with peace of mind. This kind of plot setting is in line with the creation rules of commercial films and TV series in recent years.

The protagonist often suffers a major setback in the middle of the story, and then embarks on a fateful journey. Such an arrangement can undoubtedly arouse the audience's sympathy and increase the tension of the plot.

However, we can't help but ask: has this kind of routine plot caused the audience to have aesthetic fatigue? In "The Sea in My Dreams", the screenwriters seem to be too obsessed with piling up Xiao Chunsheng's suffering, so much so that some plots seem far-fetched.

For example, the plot of Ye Guohua taking credit and He Hongling abandoning Xiao Chunsheng is full of drama, but it also seems a bit deliberate. Judging from the development of the plot, Xiao Chunsheng's fate has reached a very dramatic turning point.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

After experiencing a series of blows such as leg injury, betrayal, death of his father, and no longer being a soldier, the next thing is likely to be the process of Xiao Chunsheng's change of fate. This kind of plot trend of "first suppressing and then rising" is not uncommon in contemporary film and television works.

Predicting the next plot, Xiao Chunsheng is likely to go through a difficult rehabilitation process and finally achieve self-redemption. Although this development is in line with the expectations of the public, it also makes people feel a little cliché.

The plot arrangement of "The Sea in My Dreams" to some extent reflects a common tendency in the creation of current TV dramas: to win the audience's sympathy by piling up the suffering of the protagonist, and then attract the audience's continuous attention.

However, whether this creative method can be effective for a long time and whether it can truly move the audience is still worth pondering. In this era where content is king, how to find a balance between routine and innovation, and how to seek a breakthrough between drama and authenticity, may be a challenge that every creator needs to face.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

Looking at Xiao Zhan's acting career, we have to admit that he does have unique advantages. As a popular traffic star, Xiao Zhan has a huge fan base, which has won him many valuable performance opportunities.

From the popularity of "Chen Qingling" to the opportunity to cooperate with Tsui Hark, Xiao Zhan's development trajectory is enviable. However, there are both opportunities and challenges. The broadcast of "The Sea in My Dreams" to some extent unveiled the last fig leaf of Xiao Zhan as an actor.

In this play, Xiao Chunsheng played by Xiao Zhan is the absolute male protagonist and undertakes the important performance task of the whole play. Although Xiao Zhan was obviously very attentive, his performance exposed many problems.

For example, when showing scenes of emotional outburst, Xiao Zhan's mouth or the muscles of the lower half of his face often seem strange and unnatural. In the skating scene, in order to show the ruffian, he performed the "evil smile", but this expression seems out of place with the character's setting.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

What's even more regrettable is that as a character with "being a soldier" as his biggest dream, Xiao Zhan's interpretation of Xiao Chunsheng is not even standard for the most basic salute movements. Facing the future, Xiao Zhan needs to think seriously: how to transform his traffic advantage into real acting strength? How do you show your potential in front of a master like Tsui Hark? These are the issues he has to face.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Zhan is about to cooperate with Tsui Hark. This is undoubtedly a huge opportunity. You must know that Tsui Hark has cooperated with Leslie Cheung, Wong Zuxian, Chow Yun-fat, Dillon, Maggie Cheung, Jet Li and other superstars of the golden age of Hong Kong films, and has created countless classics.

Now, this monster genius director has set his sights on Xiao Zhan, which is not only an affirmation of Xiao Zhan, but also a test for him. Tsui Hark has an almost paranoid desire to control his work, and I believe that he will "tune" Xiao Zhan well.

This process may be difficult, but it may also become a key node in Xiao Zhan's acting breakthrough. We look forward to seeing a progressive, Xiao Zhan. I hope he can learn modestly, devote himself to studying acting, and truly grow into an excellent actor.

"The Sea in My Dreams" unveiled the last fig leaf of traffic actor Xiao Zhan

After all, in this ever-changing entertainment industry, only real talent and real learning can stand the test of time. Xiao Zhan's future may be like the ocean in "The Sea in My Dreams", which is both deep and full of unknowns.

And whether he can sail away depends ultimately on his own choices and efforts. In this era where content is king, how to continuously improve his acting skills while maintaining his own characteristics will be the key to Xiao Zhan's future development.

We are looking forward to seeing an excellent actor Xiao Zhan who can really handle various roles.

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