
Yu Minhong issued a solemn statement", netizens issued soul torture, and the comment area was noisy!


Yu Minhong's "royal statement" and netizens' questions

"Oriental Selection" fell into a negative turmoil, and Yu Minhong responded embarrassedly

Since the rise of Dongfang Selection in the live broadcast industry, it has frequently caused various negative news. As the founder of Oriental Education Group and the person in charge of "Oriental Selection", Yu Minhong has been cautious and silent about these negative news, and rarely comes forward to defend the platform in person.

However, on the evening of June 29, Yu Minhong issued a "solemn statement" on Douyin, clarifying the untrue remarks circulating on the Internet on behalf of Dongfang Selection about "charging huge pit fees". However, this statement has aroused more questions and dissatisfaction among netizens.

Yu Minhong issued a solemn statement", netizens issued soul torture, and the comment area was noisy!

Netizens have raised some sharp questions in the comment area, believing that Yu Minhong was selective in speaking out this time, neither speaking out for the anchor Dong Yuhui who was exposed to inappropriate behavior, but only coming forward for his own interests. Some netizens even bluntly pointed out that Dongfang Selection's public relations strategy was too poor, which caused more controversy, which can't help but make people suspect that this is a "deliberate contradiction creation" approach.

This "solemn statement" undoubtedly plunged the "Oriental Selection" into a whirlpool again, and Yu Minhong's response attitude also aroused the dissatisfaction and questions of many netizens. For this incident, we have to delve into the reasons and problems behind it.

1. Why did Yu Minhong "speak out"?

Judging from the content of the statement, Yu Minhong's purpose is obviously to "correct the name" of Dongfang and eliminate rumors on the Internet about "charging huge pit fees".

Yu Minhong issued a solemn statement", netizens issued soul torture, and the comment area was noisy!

In fact, this is not the first time that this kind of rumor of "pit fees" has appeared. As early as 2021, some netizens broke the news that Dongfang Selection required anchors to pay high pit fees, which made it difficult for many small and medium-sized anchors to enter the platform. At the time, the news sparked widespread attention and discussion.

But Yu Minhong and Dongfang Selection have not made an official response to this. It wasn't until the rumors resurfaced on the Internet this time that they finally decided to speak out.

The reason why Yu Minhong chose to issue a statement at this time may be due to the following reasons:

1. Oriental Selection has had frequent negative news recently, and it is in urgent need of "correcting its name".

Recently, Dongfang Selection has exposed some negative news one after another, such as the anchor Dong Yuhui was exposed to misconduct, and Sister Yanzi was "edited", which has caused great controversy. In this case, Yu Minhong's voice at this time may be to suppress these negative influences as soon as possible and maintain the image of Dongfang Selection.

2. Internet public opinion has caused some pressure on Dongfang Selection.

Judging from the attitude of netizens' messages, everyone's attention and reaction to the negative news of Dongfang Selection are very strong. Speaking out at this time, perhaps Yu Minhong wants to take the initiative to respond to the questions of netizens to reduce the pressure of online public opinion.

3. Yu Minhong himself was also implicated.

Yu Minhong issued a solemn statement", netizens issued soul torture, and the comment area was noisy!

As the founder of Oriental Education Group, Yu Minhong is closely related to the development of "Oriental Selection". The emergence of some negative news inevitably affected his personal reputation and status. So he had to come forward to "correct the name" of the platform.

In general, Yu Minhong's voice this time was mainly out of consideration for maintaining the image of Oriental Selection and his own interests. But the problem is that his "selective voice" method has caused more dissatisfaction among netizens.

2. Why did netizens question Yu Minhong's "selective voice"?

By browsing the messages of netizens, it is not difficult to find that they have many questions and dissatisfaction with Yu Minhong's statement. The main ones are as follows:

1. Why didn't you speak up for Dong Yuhui?

Dong Yuhui was exposed to misconduct, which has attracted widespread attention. But in Yu Minhong's statement, there was no mention of the matter, nor did he defend Dong Yuhui. This caused confusion and doubts among netizens. Some netizens bluntly said: "Dong Yuhui has been exposed to the Internet for so long, why hasn't a statement come out?"

This kind of "selective voice" has aroused strong dissatisfaction among netizens, who believe that Yu Minhong only speaks for himself and the interests of the platform, but turns a blind eye to the problems of employees.

2. Why don't you correct your own problems and "create contradictions"?

Yu Minhong issued a solemn statement", netizens issued soul torture, and the comment area was noisy!

Some netizens believe that Dongfang Selection's own problems are the ones that need to be solved the most, such as the unfair treatment of anchors. But now Yu Minhong has shifted the focus and issued such a "solemn statement", which seems to be a deliberate attempt to create contradictions and divert everyone's attention.

Some netizens bluntly said: "Why create contradictions? Isn't it good to shine separately?" Everyone can watch which one they like, as a mother-in-law, she has never smeared any oriental selection anchor and platform, and I believe that the real mother-in-law will not. "

This point of view reflects that netizens hope that Dongfang Selection can face up to its own problems, rather than trying to "escape" in this way.

3. Why didn't you speak up for other streamers?

In addition to Dong Yuhui, Dongfang Selection has some other anchors who have also suffered negative reports. But Mr. Yu's statement did not address those circumstances.

Some netizens questioned: "Why can't I see the blessings of anyone here when I go on the broadcast with Hui?" Can you explain?"

This reflects that netizens hope that Yu Minhong can treat all anchors fairly, rather than speaking up for certain people in a targeted manner.

In general, the main reason why netizens are dissatisfied with Yu Minhong's statement is that they feel that there is a problem with this "selective voice". They hope that Yu Minhong will be more fair and responsible in dealing with issues related to Dongfang Selection, rather than just speaking out for himself and the platform's interests.

Yu Minhong issued a solemn statement", netizens issued soul torture, and the comment area was noisy!

Third, there are problems with the public relations strategy of Oriental Selection

In addition to questioning Yu Minhong, netizens also criticized Dongfang Selection's public relations strategy.

Some netizens bluntly said, "The public relations of Dongfang Selection is too bad, and not many people know about it, and it can't be published, this is deliberately stimulating contradictions!"

This shows that Dongfang Selection is dealing with negative news

Ok, I'll go ahead and add the full content of the article.

There are problems with Oriental Selection's PR strategy

In addition to questioning Yu Minhong, netizens also criticized Dongfang Selection's public relations strategy. Some netizens bluntly said, "The public relations of Dongfang Selection is too bad, and not many people know about it, and it can't be published, this is deliberately stimulating contradictions!"

This shows that there are many problems in Dongfang Selection's public relations in response to negative news.

Yu Minhong issued a solemn statement", netizens issued soul torture, and the comment area was noisy!

First of all, Dongfang Selection's crisis public relations capabilities are obviously insufficient. When negative news appears, they do not respond and clarify in a timely and proactive manner, but wait until public opinion has fermented to a certain extent, and then they are forced to passively issue statements. It's easy to feel like they're trying to cover up the problem, adding to the suspicion and distrust of the outside world.

Secondly, there are also problems with the content of the statement. Judging from the feedback from netizens, this statement simply denied the statement of "charging huge pit fees", but did not respond to some other negative events that have attracted much attention, such as the Dong Yuhui incident. This selective response has instead sparked more skepticism and resentment.

In addition, Dongfang Selection's public relations strategy lacks overall thinking. They seem to focus only on the maintenance of short-term interests, and ignore long-term development. By deliberately creating contradictions and diverting attention, not only will we not be able to solve the fundamental problem, but on the contrary, we may further deteriorate the public opinion environment and fall into a more passive situation.

It can be said that the performance of Oriental Selection in crisis public relations is quite disappointing. Not only did they not face up to their own problems, but they tried to cover up and divert attention with some inappropriate means, which will undoubtedly only make the situation worse.

In this regard, Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong should reflect on their own public relations strategies and handling methods. They should face the problem sincerely, take the initiative to take responsibility, and win back the public's trust through targeted explanations and corrections, rather than simply blaming others for the conflict or deliberately creating new disputes. Only in this way can Dongfang Selection tide over the current difficulties and move forward steadily.

In addition, as an emerging live broadcast platform, Dongfang Selection also needs to pay special attention to the control of public opinion in the future development. They should establish a sound crisis public relations system, adopt a more proactive and transparent way to communicate with the public, and respond to the demands of all parties in a timely manner, so as to win a good social image and reputation. Only in this way can Dongfang Selection be invincible in the fierce market competition.

In short, the turmoil caused by Yu Minhong's voice this time once again exposed many problems in public relations of Oriental Selection. They need to learn from the lessons, fundamentally improve their PR strategies, and proactively face and address negative impacts in order to move forward better on the road ahead.