
It's a big deal! The man ran to the funeral car coffin and slept for a night after drinking, and when he woke up, he was scared and died laughing in the comment area

author:Love pineapple

It's a big deal! The man ran to the funeral car coffin and slept for a night after drinking, and when he woke up, he was scared and died laughing in the comment area

It's a big deal! The man ran to the funeral car coffin and slept for a night after drinking, and when he woke up, he was scared and died laughing in the comment area

Night's Horror! The man went into the funeral car to sleep in the coffin after drinking, and netizens laughed

Hello everyone, I am Xiao Ming, the self-media big V you are familiar with. Today I want to share with you a super interesting event, I believe you will laugh directly after reading it!

This man was so open-minded that after drinking at a friend's party, he accidentally got into a funeral car, and finally slept peacefully in the coffin all night! If it were me, I would have been scared to death. Netizens also laughed after reading this story, what do you guess this buddy's reaction will be when he wakes up?

It's a big deal! The man ran to the funeral car coffin and slept for a night after drinking, and when he woke up, he was scared and died laughing in the comment area

Well, I'll tell you about the event that is definitely the best joke of 2023. I believe that after reading it, you will definitely be like me, and it is too funny to call this drunk man!

A night of terror

Speaking of this, we have to start with a gathering of friends. One ordinary night, the man got together with a few close friends and drank a good drink. After three rounds of drinking, his whole body fell into a fairy-like drunkenness.

It's a big deal! The man ran to the funeral car coffin and slept for a night after drinking, and when he woke up, he was scared and died laughing in the comment area

"Wow, this wine is so enjoyable! The whole world is spinning under my feet! The man staggered to his feet, his head full of alcohol.

He staggered out of the box and staggered in the direction of home. The night was hazy, and the streets were silent, except for the occasional car passing by.

Suddenly, the man's eyes were drawn to a black funeral cart parked on the side of the road. He stared blankly at the car, as if bewitched by some magical power, and walked over and reached out to open the door.

"Holy, what is this place? Why is it so dark, and there is a coffin? Am I in the wrong car? The man looked around in a daze, but the strength of the wine was already on the rise, and there was nothing else to care about. He sat down in the coffin, closed his eyes, and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

In this way, this unconscious drunk actually got into the funeral car in the middle of the night and lay down in the coffin and fell asleep peacefully! If this is discovered, I'm afraid he will be scared to death.

Early the next morning

The sun gradually rose, and the sun shone on the man's face through the car window. The drunken man, who had slept soundly, finally woke up and opened his eyes in a daze.

"Damn, where is this? Why is it so dark, and this coffin? Could it be that I... Am I dead? The man panicked for a moment and was completely overwhelmed.

He jerked up from the coffin and looked around, only to realize that he had spent the night in a funeral car! The man suddenly felt a chill in his back, and he was almost frightened.

"Damn, what's going on with me? How did I end up here? Am I sleeping here? The man was stunned and muttered to himself. He quickly escaped from the funeral car and ran all the way home, afraid that he would become the protagonist of some horror movie.

Netizens are hotly discussed

After this incident was discovered by passers-by, it quickly became popular on the Internet, triggering heated discussions among countless netizens. Everyone was hooked in the comment area and relished the drunk's stupid behavior.

Someone joked: "This guy is also heroic enough, he dares to sleep in a coffin for one night!" This wine is so awesome that even the Grim Reaper is not afraid of death. “

Some people also sighed: "This brother Dei is too lucky, if the coffin is really covered, then it will not see the light of day at all." It seems that drunken distress is not all bad, and it can still make people get such a unique life experience! “

Some netizens exclaimed: ", this is too terrifying!" I almost didn't get out of my breath when I saw the news. It's scary, and if it were me, I'd be scared half to death. But then I thought about it, this guy was so lucky, he slept in a coffin, and I admired it so much. “

Overall, there was a great deal of interest in this one-of-a-kind event. Everyone marveled at the drunkard's audacity, while also expressing admiration for his luck. Netizens have started heated discussions and ridicule, eager to experience this "unique" experience in person.

Reflection in hindsight

The drunk also realized his gaffe afterwards. "I didn't expect to do such a stupid thing at all," he said, "and I almost never woke up after falling asleep." In the future, I must pay attention to the amount of alcohol I drink, and I will never dare to mess around like this again! “

He shook his head in disbelief, as if trying to erase the absurd experience from his mind. However, this incident eventually gave him some profound revelations.

"I'm really lucky, if something happens, the consequences are unimaginable. This experience made me realize how dangerous it is to behave under the influence of alcohol, and to get into unforeseen situations if you are not careful. “

The man sighed: "In the future, I must always keep a clear head and not be carried away by alcohol." Life is precious, we must cherish it and enjoy the bits and pieces of life. “

This ironic incident is undoubtedly a heavy lesson. For this man, he was lucky to escape, which made him deeply aware of the dangers of drunken behavior. He realized that his indulgence was too risky, and that he would have to be more cautious and disciplined in the future.

At the same time, this incident also serves as a warning to everyone: we must always keep a clear head and not do dangerous things because of temporary relaxation. Life is precious, we must cherish the present moment and take every detail of life seriously. Only in this way can we avoid the unfortunate and truly live a happy and fulfilling life.

Harvest and reflection

To say that the experience of this drunk man is really a little different from ordinary people. He swaggered into the funeral car, and finally slept peacefully in the coffin, and if it were me, I would have been scared to death.

But then again, we can't completely laugh at his stupid behavior. After all, this brother dei can be regarded as a fluke, and if he is really killed by some accident, it will be a big disaster. If this unique life experience is placed on someone else, I am afraid that it is not so lucky.

So I think we need to learn from this incident and keep a clear head at all times and not get carried away by alcohol. Life is precious, we must cherish the present moment and use wisdom to deal with various challenges in life.

At the same time, I also hope that everyone can look at life with a positive and optimistic attitude. Although the experience of this drunk man is a little absurd, it also shows us that there are endless possibilities in life. As long as we keep an open mind, we believe that we will definitely encounter more interesting things.

So friends, let's keep this lesson in mind, stay away from the dangerous behavior of drunkenness, and use reason and wisdom to grasp the direction of life. I believe that as long as we manage with our hearts, life will definitely become more exciting! Let's talk about your thoughts, I'm looking forward to your wonderful comments!