
Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

author:Porridge porridge chat entertainment


On this star-studded night, the Magnolia Awards Ceremony came as scheduled, like a grand drama, which not only opened the annual curtain of domestic entertainment, but also quietly reflected the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the entertainment industry.

It is not only the flash and applause on the red carpet, but also the inextinguishable light in the hearts of countless filmmakers and actresses, illuminating the ups and downs and brilliance of the road of acting.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

When the six steps become a witness for thirty years

"I have walked these six steps for thirty years." ——This sentence slowly spit out from Ning Li's mouth, like a miniature life drama, instantly poked the tears of countless people.

It is not only an emotion, but also a heavy look back on his acting career.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

On this road, some people become famous overnight, and some people are unknown, but every footprint is a persistent pursuit of dreams.

The Magnolia Awards Ceremony is such a stage that allows these stories to be seen and remembered.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

Magnolia Awards: The Story Behind the Glory

When it comes to the Magnolia Awards, it's like talking about the Oscars in the TV drama industry.

Since its establishment, it has become the gold standard for measuring the quality of domestic TV drama works with its professionalism and authority.

Each year's selection is like a big inventory of film and television works in the past year, whether it is the gorgeous turn of costume dramas or the true portrayal of modern dramas, they have found their sense of belonging here.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

Looking back on the past, from the court situation of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" to the power and wit of "Langya Bang", from the social mirror image of "In the Name of the People" to the family warmth of "It's All Good", the Magnolia Award has witnessed the birth of countless classics.

And those actors who won the trophy, such as Sun Li, Hu Ge, Zhang Jiayi, etc., their names were engraved on the corridor of memory together with their works.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

This year's shining moment: moving and resonating

Ning Li's emotion is not only the expression of his personal journey, but also the deep resonance of countless film and television workers.

This night, Hu Ge showed the audience the demeanor of a powerful actor with his usual humility and sincerity; Jiang Yan used her talking eyes to silently tell her love and respect for art.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

The thirty-year road of Ningli's "Li Toyota".

Speaking of which, we may not be the first to pop up his name when chatting after dinner, but in the hearts of many film and television fans, it is a thunderous existence.

Especially the role of Li Toyota in "Undocumented Crime", it is like a time bomb he planted in the hearts of the audience, with a "bang", it exploded an earth-shattering character image.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

This Li Toyota, so bad that it makes people's teeth itch, but it is inexplicably a little charming, and at the same time, people grit their teeth with hatred, and at the same time, they have to admire Ning Li's acting skills that are just right, which is really amazing!

But you know what? The big brother of the acting school has walked a road that is more tortuous and winding than we imagined.

Ning Li has been in the circle for 30 years, this is not a joke.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

He is like the mountain stream, all the way around the stones, through the dense forest, although not as magnificent as the great rivers, but with his own unknown tenacity and clarity.

This "thirty years" journey is simply a living history of the struggle of the acting school, which makes people sigh, hey, the spring of a good actor, why is it so late?

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

In this era, traffic Xiaosheng Xiaohuadan, with a look and a smile, can easily dominate the hot search, and an acting school like Ning Li often waits until a few silver strands are boiled out of his hair, and then he waits for one or two amazing roles.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

Isn't this the status quo of our internal entertainment, acting skills and traffic are sometimes like fish and bear's paws, you can't have both.

Dan Ningli used his own experience to tell us that as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle is sharpened into a needle, and the acting skills are such things, time will give the fairest evaluation.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

You see, Ning Li's "Li Toyota" is not the best proof? This role is like a tree he planted on the road of acting, although it is slow, but solid, and finally grows into a look that people look up to.

In this process, if it were us, I am afraid that we would have been unable to bear the loneliness for a long time, so we would have changed our careers to sell pancakes and fruits!

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

But Ning Li didn't, he just took it step by step, steadily and steadily, and finally let his name shine with his own light in the starry sky of the acting school.

So, next time we are crazy about calling those traffic stars, we might as well pay a little attention to these acting schools who are working silently.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

After all, although the spring of a good actor comes late, once it comes, the charm that exudes from the inside out is more heartwarming than the brightest sunshine in spring!

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

The "lateness" of old drama bones and awards

Ning Li is not alone.

Many acting actors, their acting skills honed over the years, often look bleak in front of awards.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

This can't help but make people reflect, is it the bias of the award selection, or the unfairness of the industry ecology? In the long wait, they used perseverance and love to interpret what a real "actor" is.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

The Balance of Resources: Skew and Balance

Whenever there is a mention of an uneven distribution of resources, it is inevitable to mention the cases of those who have abundant resources but have not been able to deliver satisfactory results.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

is like "thunder", which came vigorously, but was met with a cold reception from the audience because the role was not suitable.

This phenomenon not only hurts the audience's expectations, but also makes the actors with real potential miss the opportunity, which hinders the healthy development of the entire industry.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

Replacement of the old and the new: the opportunities and challenges of the times

With the rise of the new generation of domestic entertainment, new faces such as Liu Haocun and Zhang Jingyi bravely stood in the spotlight with the breath of youth.

They have unprecedented exposure and are facing increased competition.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment

In contrast, although the old actors are experienced and skilled in acting, they have to find a new positioning in the gap between the market and the times, and every attempt they make is like setting an example for the younger generations, telling the indomitable acting life.

Magnolia Awards Ceremony Hot Search! "I have walked these six steps for thirty years"! Why do you have internal entertainment


The Magnolia Award Ceremony is the end and the beginning.

It not only recognizes past achievements, but also acts like a clarion call to inspire all filmmakers to continue to move forward in the days to come.

Under this sky that belongs to dreams, whether it is the perseverance of the old drama bones or the vitality of the new stars, they all constitute the most moving scenery of domestic entertainment.

Let us look forward to more bright flowers blooming in this land, so that every effort and talent can find its own stage.

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