
Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

author:Porridge porridge chat entertainment


In the starry and undercurrent of the entertainment industry, the story of Wang Xiaofei and Da S is like a serial, with ups and downs in the plot, which makes people call it more exciting than TV series.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

And the latest episode seems to have pressed the fast-forward button of family entanglements, firmly locking the audience's attention on the focus of "whether the child can return home across the sea".

Let's take a plate of this matter, since we are eating melons, let's eat deliciously without losing grace.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

In the past, the fairy couples are now scolding each other on Weibo

If you want to talk about the pair of Wang Xiaofei and Da S, they were the "golden boy and girl" in the entertainment industry at the beginning, and the wedding scene was comparable to the idol drama scene, and the sweetness was off the charts, which made people envious.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

But who would have thought that no matter how beautiful the fireworks were, when they came to an end, the love story between the two slowly turned from sweet to the realistic version of "firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea".

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Divorce is quite common, everyone breaks up peacefully, each goes his own Yangguan Road, and you can still nod and smile when you see each other in the rivers and lakes, how chic it is.

But these two seem to be destined to provide a steady stream of materials for the people who eat melons.

The custody and visitation rights of the children have become a new round of "battles" after their divorce, and they have set off waves on social media from time to time, making people can't help but sigh, this is a breakup, it is simply a successful renewal of a large-scale series!

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Let's just say that this custody battle is simply a master's move, and the swords and swords are invisible.

Wang Xiaofei's side, every once in a while, she "misses" on Weibo, and the words are full of concern and love for her children, which makes people can't help but have a sour nose when they see it, thinking that it is not easy for this father to be a father.

As for Big S, although he doesn't talk much in public, he hits the nail on the head every time he makes a move, and the principle he adheres to seems to say: "I am in charge of my children, and everything is for the good of my children." ”

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

No, recently, because of whether the child can return to Beijing, the two fans and the melon-eating masses exploded again.

The scene of the children packing their own luggage makes it feel distressing to think about it, and in these years, even the children have to learn to "comfort themselves", thinking that "tomorrow is a new day, maybe I can see my father".

The sadness behind this is estimated to be understood only by those who have experienced it.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

The children's wishes are greatly lost

Xiao Yue'er and Xiao La, these two little cuties, have a big dream in their hearts - to fly across the strait and go to Beijing to play with their father.

They are innocent and think that as long as they pack their toys and fairy tale books, they can embark on a trip that they can just say.

But the reality is that their "suitcase" has never been able to leave the corner of the room, because the sentence of "no" from their mother Da S is like an invisible wall, blocking their expectations from the door.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

In the child's eyes, there is gradually a sadness that the adult world does not understand, as if asking: "Why can't I love both?" ”

Zhang Lan's live broadcast room has become an emotional outlet

Zhang Lan, the strong woman who is resolute in the business world, is as soft as a marshmallow when she arrives at her grandchildren.

She expressed her longing for her grandchildren in the live broadcast room more than once with tears in her eyes.

When he learned that Big S was resolutely not allowed to see the baby, Zhang Lan's live broadcast room directly became an "emotional release station".

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

In her words, there was both anger and helplessness, as if she was saying to the world: "I'm just a grandmother who wants to hug her grandson!" This scene made the melon-eating crowd in front of the screen sigh and sigh.

Big S's persistence, is it love or hindrance?

Standing on the other side of public opinion, Big S's position is also worth listening to.

Perhaps, in her view, the refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing is out of consideration for the safety and growth environment of the children.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

After all, the children of public figures, every move is scrutinized by a magnifying glass, and protecting the child from distractions may be the biggest "mother's love algorithm" in her heart.

But did this love inadvertently build a wall to separate family affection? This question is difficult for even the smartest AI to give a full score.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Wang Xiaofei's "Where are you going, Dad"

Wang Xiaofei, the former four young people in Beijing, has now become a representative of "online baby-seeking".

His Weibo has become a diary to record his thoughts and efforts.

Every forward, every comment, can read a father's eagerness and helplessness.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

While he was busy with the expansion of his career, he was thinking about those two little figures, and he longed to give birth to three heads and six arms, which could not only give the children a warm embrace, but also shelter them from the wind and rain.

This tug-of-war of love made this tough guy inevitably feel soft.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Where does the vane of public opinion point?

In the world of the Internet, everyone is a judge, and every keyboard can strike a spark of justice.

Regarding the entanglement between Wang Xiaofei and Big S, some people waved the banner of morality and criticized Big S's approach for being too decisive; There are also people who understand Da S's hardships as a mother, and think that the outside world has no right to point fingers.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

But in any case, the smile of the child should not be a victim of this war.

In this era of information explosion, what we should learn more is to leave a quiet sky for celebrity families, so that love has its natural space.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

When will the olive branch of reconciliation be grasped?

In the complicated entertainment industry, family affairs change the world, but home is a place of love, not a battlefield.

Wang Xiaofei and Da S, if they can put down the tension, sit down, and consider the smiling faces of the children, they may be able to find that win-win road.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S didn't let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they refused to allow Zhang Lan to see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Just like the puzzle pieces, each piece has its place, and as long as you are willing to look, you can always piece together a complete picture of happiness.

And professional family counseling may be the "magic potion" that can make everything harmonious.


At the end of the story, we might as well leave an open-ended ending.

The "family situation" between Wang Xiaofei and Big S may be the epitome of the plight of many modern families.

It tells us that love needs communication, understanding needs bridges, and children's happiness is always the most valuable treasure in the world.

One day in the future, when this past is turned over and people talk about Wang Xiaofei and Da S, they hope that it will be more about how they found the key to reconciliation, rather than the disputes and confrontations in the past.

After all, in life, we still have to look forward, with a smile and love, and move on.

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