
The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

author:Porridge porridge chat entertainment


Magnolia Award Night, Star-Gazed "Mixed Joys and Sorrows"

At the end of this June, with the gorgeous unveiling of the Magnolia Award list, the film and television industry is boiling again, as if the enthusiasm of the whole summer is focused on this moment.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

The costumes and magnesium lights on the red carpet are intertwined, and behind the smiles of the stars, there are their own stories, among which the most sweaty is our "award insulator" - Yao Chen.

This acting goddess always seems to pass by the awards, which makes people want to ask: In terms of prize luck, who else can compare to her?

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

A glorious moment for the new king

Time back to June 30, 2024, that night, Zhou Xun easily brought the best actress's little golden figure home with her delicate acting skills in "Imperfect Victim", as if fate was another affirmation of her acting career.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

On the other hand, Hu Ge once again showed what it means to be a powerful faction in "Flowers", and he was crowned king for the second time, and fans called it "well deserved".

As for Tang Yan and Yang Zi, although they failed to wear the laurels, their hard work and sweat have planted the seeds of hope in the hearts of the audience, after all, "gold always shines", isn't it?

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

Yao Chen: Acting skills are online, trophies are hard to find

In the spring of 2019, the drama "It's All Good" was born, which directly plucked the audience's heartstrings "puff", and the heat was even more thirst-quenching than a chilled watermelon in summer.

Su Mingyu played by Yao Chen, which is called a "knife mouth tofu heart", is vigorous and resolute in the workplace, and has mixed tastes in the family, her acting skills simply have evolved the role into the audience's living room.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

But when it comes to the stage of the Magnolia Awards, oops, this plot is a bit reversed.

Su Daqiang and Su Mingcheng, one became the "national father-in-law" and the other became the "topic brother", both won the trophy, but our sister Mingyu became an "invisible person".

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

The crown of Best Actress unexpectedly fell on Jiang Wenli's head, which made many drama fans mutter: Did this judge forget to turn on the magnification mirror and miss our Mingyu's delicate acting skills? Yao Chen can only laugh at himself on Weibo, showing the self-healing power of high emotional intelligence.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

Time goes back to 2015, that year's "Divorce Lawyer", Yao Chen turned into a beautiful legal woman with both wisdom and beauty, and the rivalry with Wu Xiubo was full of sparks, and it was addictive to watch.

As a result, a Zhou Gongzi was killed halfway - Zhou Xun, who was so wild and beautiful in "Red Sorghum" that she was stunned to win the Best Actress trophy.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

Yao Chen, although her acting skills are not lost, she seems to lack the blessing of "prize luck", so she can only continue to be her acting school in the audience's regret.

Going back further, when it came to "Latent", this spy war drama was simply the "white moonlight" in the hearts of spy war fans, Sun Honglei and Yao Chen's partner, the tacit understanding was like the fried noodles and bean juice in old Beijing, one word: absolutely!

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

The drama became popular and won a lot of awards, but it was like a well-prepared Manchu and Han full banquet, and everyone ate it, but Yao Chen, the head chef, was still busy in the kitchen and didn't get a share of the table.

Sun Honglei's acting skills are certainly eye-catching, but Yao Chen's Cuiping, with that wit and forbearance, is also unforgettable, why didn't she stand on the podium? In this matter, you have to ask the trophy if it has a conscience!

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

At the end of the day, awards are sometimes like weather forecasts, where you think the sky is clear and it rains.

Yao Chen's acting skills are obvious to all, and perhaps the absence of awards has left her enough space to plant more "unofficially certified" Best Actress trophies in the hearts of the audience.

After all, the recognition of the audience is the most real "award", you say?

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

Can acting skills and trophies really be equated?

If you want to say that this showbiz, the trophy is valuable, and the acting price is higher.

Take our Yao Chen as an example, although there is less luck in "winning the cup" on the stage of Magnolia, this does not affect her road to "becoming a god" in the hearts of the audience.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

When "It's All Good" was a mess, Su Mingyu was simply a walking textbook for working women, independent, strong, and with a bit of homely fireworks.

Yao Chen played this role alive, so how many sisters nodded while watching in front of the screen: "Hey, isn't this me!" "Let's ask, does such a heart-to-heart performance still need to be crowned with a trophy?

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

Besides, art is a thing that is very subjective, just like eating hot pot, some people love spicy, some people are light, who can say which taste is wrong? The award selection is like a blind box lottery, which contains the taste preferences of the judges.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

Yao Chen's witty and elegant appearance in "Divorce Lawyer", as well as Cui Ping's cleverness and bravery in "Latent", which one is not the "uncrowned king" in the audience's hearts? The audience's word-of-mouth, that is a real "golden word-of-mouth", is heavier than any trophy.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

Speaking of which, I can't help but think: In these years, can there really be a simple equivalence between awards and acting skills? For example, Van Gogh's paintings were not treated coldly during his lifetime, and who doesn't say that they are priceless now?

The actor's profession, and sometimes the same, does not win an award at the moment, which does not mean that it will not be rediscovered in the future.

After all, time is the most fair judge, and the audience's memory is the best certificate of honor.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

So, let's Yao Chen, let's continue to run wild on the road of acting, regardless of whether it is a trophy or word of mouth, as long as the role is three points, the audience will have their own conclusion.

In this era of traffic and strength, the magnet of acting will always attract the glory that belongs to it.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?

The future is promising, and the starlight lives up to the passers-by

On the big stage of the entertainment industry, there are many newcomers, Tang Yan , Yang Zi and other rising stars, although they failed to win the crown this time, but who can say that this is not the starting point for them to reach a higher peak? Failure is the mother of success, as long as you continue to work hard and figure out every role with your heart, one day, they will hold the trophy in their hands and smile brighter than anyone else.

The Magnolia Award award ranking has been settled! In terms of prize luck, is there anyone who can compare to her?


The Magnolia Award, every year is a new beginning, which has witnessed the glory and loss of countless actors.

But in this feast of light and shadow, the most important thing is not the moment you stand on the podium, but your love and dedication to performance.

For Yao Chen, perhaps the next corner is her indissoluble bond with the trophy.

For Chinese TV dramas, every award ceremony is a big step forward, inspiring every actor to continue to explore, continue to create, and jointly draw a more brilliant film and television picture.

So, let's continue to pay attention to these artists who sweat on the screen with a relaxed heart.

After all, the best is always on the way, isn't it?

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