
Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

author:Toffee says entertainment
Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

You didn't expect that Wang Sicong would cry poor! This is not Huang Yiming recently exposed a chat record with Wang Sicong on social platforms, which sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

From the chat records, we can see that Huang Yiming has been urging Wang Sicong to buy milk powder for Shanshan, but Wang Sicong's response was a big surprise - "You bear with it yourself, and I will give you money next year." This is what Shining Father Wang Sicong said personally!

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

As the heir of Wanda Group, Wang Sicong would actually say that he has no money? This made many netizens express disbelief. Someone joked, "When a man doesn't love you, let alone a man, even Wang Sicong will have no money." "

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

However, some netizens stood up to speak for Wang Sicong, thinking that he might just want to express that he was temporarily short of money and not really had no money. After all, Wang Sicong is a rich man among the rich, and his family's foundation is definitely not shallow.

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

But when we saw Wang Sicong's repeated rejections, we realized that he might really not have enough money. After shirking again and again, Wang Sicong even said the unbelievable words: "You bear with it yourself, and I will give you money next year." "

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

This can't help but make people curious, as the "Discipline Inspection Commission" of the entertainment industry, what kind of predicament did Wang Sicong encounter to say such a thing? Does he also have times when money is tight?

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

Many netizens expressed their understanding of this. After all, everyone has their own difficulties. Even a rich man like Wang Sicong can't always be smooth sailing.

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

However, some people have expressed doubts about Huang Yiming's motive for exposing this chat log. Some people think that Huang Yiming just wants to take this opportunity to marry into a wealthy family. After all, she decided to stay with Shiny because Wang Sicong was Shining's father.

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

But Huang Yiming responded humorously: "This is not a conflict. It seems that she is now more concerned about how to raise Twinkle well, rather than some wealthy family.

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

However, some netizens suggested that Huang Yiming might as well go to Wang Sicong's father Wang Jianlin. After all, as a grandfather, Wang Jianlin must miss his granddaughter very much.

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

I have to say that this suggestion really makes some sense. After all, Wang Sicong once publicly stated in an interview that he was an unmarried person because he was afraid of marriage.

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

It seems that Wang Sicong's attitude towards marriage and family is really complicated. On the one hand, he was reluctant to get married, and on the other hand, he was unwilling to take on the responsibilities of being a father.

Burst! Huang Yiming exposed a large number of chat records, Wang Sicong cried poorly, and netizens said that Wang Jianlin missed his granddaughter

This can't help but make people think that Wang Sicong's emotional history can be described as colorful. From Lin Chiling to Xiong Dailin to Li Xiaolu, Wang Sicong seems to have had a vigorous relationship.

But for some reason, these romances all ended in breakups. Could it be that Wang Sicong is really a person who can't settle down?

However, this incident also makes people wonder if the life of Internet celebrities is too public. Huang Yiming's exposure of this chat record has aroused heated discussions among netizens, but it also makes people worry about whether this will affect minors.

After all, in this era of information explosion, everyone's every move may become the focus of public attention. This not only brings trouble to the parties involved, but also makes people have to think about whether we should give celebrities and Internet celebrities some private space.

The incident between Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming made people see the other side of the entertainment industry. It turns out that even a rich person like Wang Sicong will have a time when money is tight. And Huang Yiming's exposure also makes people think about the pros and cons of making Internet celebrity life public.

But the biggest winner in this matter may be Twinkle. After all, through this incident, Shining finally had the opportunity to meet his grandfather Wang Jianlin. I hope that Wang Sicong can let go of his fear of marriage and take on his responsibilities as a father, so that Shining can grow up healthy and happy.

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