
Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

author:I have pigs

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

There is always no shortage of topics in the entertainment industry, no, another hot news detonated the Internet. Recently, Internet celebrity Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong on social platforms, and the content was shocking. It turned out that this rich second generation, who was once known as the "national husband", couldn't even get the money for the child's milk powder? This drama not only made netizens' jaws drop, but also involved Wang Jianlin in the whirlpool of ridicule.

It all started when Huang Yiming revealed that his daughter's father was Wang Sicong. Since then, she has started the frequent baby mode. However, the doubts have never stopped, and many netizens think that this child is an illegitimate child. In the face of overwhelming doubts, Huang Yiming no longer argued, but chose a more energetic way to respond.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

In the early morning of June 28, Huang Yiming disclosed the chat records with Wang Sicong on social platforms. This move undoubtedly dropped a bombshell in the entertainment industry. When people looked closely at the chat, they were overwhelmed with surprise and then couldn't help but laugh out loud.

What is surprising is that Huang Yiming is asking Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money. You must know that Huang Yiming is a well-known Internet celebrity and has participated in talent shows, how could he fall to the point of worrying about milk powder money? This scene is really incredible.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

What makes people laugh and cry even more is Wang Sicong's response. This rich second generation actually claimed that he had no money, and asked Huang Yiming to endure it, saying that it would be good to survive next year. These words came out of the mouth of Wang Jianlin's son, which was unbelievable. The dignified "national husband" can't even get the money for the child's milk powder, and this scene is really a bit funny.

Of course, Huang Yiming's intention to post a screenshot of the chat is obvious. She wants to prove that the child is not an illegitimate child, and Wang Sicong has approved this daughter. It's just that the drama of the chat is far beyond what one might expect.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

Surprisingly, Huang Yiming did not take this opportunity to lash out at Wang Sicong. On the contrary, she is still speaking for Wang Sicong, saying that Sicong is not irresponsible, and she loves her daughter Shining, but she did encounter difficulties. She even left a message in the comment area, calling on everyone to help Wanda get through the difficulties. These remarks directly made netizens laugh, and I have to say that Huang Yiming really puts himself in Sicong's shoes! I don't know if Wang Sicong will be moved after seeing it?

In addition, Huang Yiming also explained the reason why he was blocked by Wang Sicong and attributed all the problems to himself. This empathetic attitude instantly won a wave of favor. However, attentive netizens found that Huang Yiming had previously said that he had never asked Wang Sicong for a penny and felt that he was capable of raising his daughter. But in the chat log, she is asking for milk powder money, which can't help but make people feel a little contradictory.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

Netizens left messages one after another, and the content of the comments made people laugh. Some people say that this chat log looks like a conversation between someone with a two-month salary of 3,500. Some people also joked that Wang Sicong was never stingy in buying gifts for his ex-girlfriend, but he cried poor about the child's milk powder money, and it seemed that when he was not loved, even Sicong had no money. However, some netizens pointed out that being able to reply to messages in seconds shows that this man is still very reliable.

This incident also made Wang Jianlin the target of ridicule by netizens. Someone made a picture and jokingly said that the grandfather would go online to see the cute granddaughter if he was fine. In this era when the Internet is so developed, I don't know if Wang Jianlin can see the ridicule of netizens, and whether he knows the emotional entanglement between Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming, which is really curious.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat record this time, which caused an uproar. One can't help but wonder what kind of move she will make next time? Although there is no way to know, it is certain that Huang Yiming seems to have some Wang Sicong's handles in his hands, and often breaks the news and various connotations on the Internet, but Wang Sicong has no temper at all.

Either way, the child is innocent. Huang Shanshan is so cute, everyone wants her to thrive. I believe that Huang Yiming will not be short of this milk powder money, and Wang Sicong will not care. The key is whether Wang Sicong approves of this child and whether he is willing to take on the responsibility of being a father.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

The incident sparked widespread discussion on the Internet, with mixed reviews of Mr. Huang's approach. Some people think that she is using her children to gain attention, while others sympathize with her situation. In any case, this incident proves once again that in this era of information explosion, intimate conversations can be made public at any time and become the talk of the public after dinner.

For Wang Sicong, this is undoubtedly a major public relations crisis. As a public figure, his every move is closely watched. The incident not only affected his personal image, but could also have a negative impact on the family business. How to properly handle this issue will be a test of his crisis public relations skills.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

For Huang Yiming, her behavior has also raised many questions. Some people think that she is using the fame of her children and Wang Sicong to hype herself, and some people think that she is fighting for the rights and interests she deserves for herself and her children. In any case, as a mother, what she does will directly affect the growth and future of her children.

The incident has also raised questions about the privacy of celebrities. In today's era of social media, the private lives of public figures seem to be becoming more and more transparent. But should we give them more personal space? This is a question worth pondering.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

Overall, the incident involved multiple interests and touched on a number of sensitive topics. It's not just a gossip news, it's a reflection of the present

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat and asked Wang Sicong for the child's milk powder money to no avail, and Wang Jianlin was ridiculed

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