
Zheng Shaoqiu fell into selling a house after 35 years? Where is the former king now? Netizen: Retribution is coming

author:Constant Entertainment

The entertainment industry is really changing rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the former king may become a passerby.

In other words, this former "No. 1 beautiful man in Hong Kong" is now mixed up to the point of living by selling houses? Tsk tsk, this drama is even more exciting than the TV series he acted!

Zheng Shaoqiu fell into selling a house after 35 years? Where is the former king now? Netizen: Retribution is coming

According to insiders in the circle, Zheng Shaoqiu can be described as "cool" in recent years. Not only are there very few drama appointments, but even the appearance fee has dropped again and again. Rumor has it that in order to make ends meet, he had to reluctantly cut his love and sell his mansion.

But don't be in a hurry to sympathize with him! As the saying goes, "Plant melons and get melons, and plant beans and get beans". Zheng Shaoqiu's "operation" over the years can be said to have vividly interpreted the word "scumbag".

Zheng Shaoqiu fell into selling a house after 35 years? Where is the former king now? Netizen: Retribution is coming

Do you still remember how he treated his original partner Shen Dianxia back then? For the sake of the young and beautiful little flower, he abandoned his wife cleanly. This operation is simply a textbook for scumbags! No wonder netizens said: "You deserve it!" This is retribution! In an interview, he rarely talked about his past with Shen Dianxia, and his tone was full of remorse and self-blame.

"At that time, I was young and ignorant, and I did a lot of things that hurt her. If I could turn back time, I would definitely cherish Xiaxia. Is this still the Zheng Shaoqiu who could abandon his wife and children for love?

Zheng Shaoqiu fell into selling a house after 35 years? Where is the former king now? Netizen: Retribution is coming

However, don't be deceived by his "remorse"! As the saying goes, "the country is easy to change, but the nature is difficult to change". Whether these words are sincere or a bitter ploy to save his image, I am afraid that only Zheng Shaoqiu knows in his heart.

Speaking of which, I have to mention Zheng Shaoqiu and Shen Dianxia's daughter Zheng Xinyi. This second-generation star has lived up to his mother's expectations, and his career can be described as thriving. With her excellent singing skills and unique personal charm, Cheng Xinyi has become a leader of the new generation in the Hong Kong music scene. Zheng Xinyi not only inherited Shen Dianxia's talent, but also inherited her kind and strong character. At a public event, Zheng Xinyi said: "I will continue to fulfill my mother's dream in my own way."

Zheng Shaoqiu fell into selling a house after 35 years? Where is the former king now? Netizen: Retribution is coming

Faced with Zheng Shaoqiu's current situation, the reactions of netizens can be described as varied. Some people sympathized with him: "If a person is not a sage, who can be without fault?" Give him a chance to be a new man. Some people sneered: "This is retribution, it deserves it!" "

But in any case, Zheng Shaoqiu's experience has undoubtedly taught us a vivid life lesson. As the saying goes, "good will be rewarded, and evil will be rewarded", and each of our choices will bear corresponding fruits in the future.

Zheng Shaoqiu fell into selling a house after 35 years? Where is the former king now? Netizen: Retribution is coming

So, what do you think of Zheng Shaoqiu's experience? Do you choose to forgive or continue to condemn? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's gossip together! What we should pay more attention to is how to make the right choice in our own life and leave no regrets. After all, there is no dress rehearsal in life, every day is live!

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, that's all for today's revelations! Remember to like and follow, and we'll see you next time!

Zheng Shaoqiu fell into selling a house after 35 years? Where is the former king now? Netizen: Retribution is coming

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