
417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

author:Constant Entertainment

Wow, there is another blockbuster news in the entertainment industry! Are you ready to eat melons? Today, let's take a look at the college entrance examination results of 818 Rong Zishan.

I heard that Rong Zishan scored 417 points in the exam, and as soon as this score came out, it can be said that the Internet exploded! Some people cheered, some questioned and dissatisfied, and some laughed that this was the "Versailles" of the acting school. What's going on? Let's find out!

[Acting and academic tyrants coexist? ] Rong Zishan's two-sided life】

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

If you want to talk about Rong Zishan, it is a famous "little drama bone" in the circle. From "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" to "The Awakening Age", this child's acting skills can be described as explosive. Who would have thought that this radiant teenager in front of the screen would still be a top student in private?

I interviewed one of Rong Zishan's classmates, and he said, "I usually look at Rong Zishan as ordinary, but I didn't expect the exam results to be so good. He often endorses on the set, and he really fights. "

This can't help but remind me of the old saying: One minute on stage, ten years off stage. It seems that Rong Zishan not only works acting, but also works hard in learning!

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

[417 points: high or low? What do you think? 】

417 points, is this score high or low? Some netizens said: "For an artist who is busy filming, 417 points is already very powerful!" But some people disagreed: "Isn't it just 417 points?" What is there to show off? "

I checked the data, and the average score of this year's art candidates is around 400 points. Therefore, Rong Zishan's score of 417 is indeed above average. However, compared with ordinary candidates, this score is not so outstanding.

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

So, whether this score is high or low really depends on which angle you look at. is like the paragraph on the Internet said: "For Xueba, this is a normal play; For scumbags, this is a coveted score; For art candidates, this is simply the ceiling! "

[Netizens ridiculed: Is this the "Versailles" of the acting school? ] 】

Interestingly, as soon as Rong Zishan's results came out, some netizens began to ridicule: "This won't be the 'Versailles' of the acting school, right?" "

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

What is "Versailles"? It refers to those who are obviously very powerful, but pretend to be very ordinary. For example, someone said, "Oh, I studied casually, and I got a top score." "Isn't this the naked Versailles?

But is Rong Zishan really in Versailles? I don't think so. After all, people are indeed actors and students at the same time, and it is not easy to get this score. is like what some netizens said: "People are really hard-working, you are really sour." "

[Star College Entrance Examination: Another Landscape in the Entertainment Industry]

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

Speaking of celebrity college entrance examinations, it is really a unique landscape in the entertainment industry. In addition to Rong Zishan this year, many celebrities have participated in the college entrance examination. For example, a member of a women's group scored more than 500 points in the exam, while a member of a men's group only scored more than 300 points.

This can't help but remind me of Guan Xiaotong, the "goddess of learning" a few years ago. That year, she was admitted to Nortel with the first grade in the province's liberal arts, which made everyone envious.

However, now the attitude of the entertainment industry towards academic qualifications is also slowly changing. In the past, I may have thought that it was okay to have good looks and talents, but now more and more artists are beginning to pay attention to academic qualifications. Does this mean that the entertainment industry is also developing in a more professional direction?

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

[The double pressure of art candidates: do you understand? 】

Speaking of which, we have to mention the double pressure faced by art candidates. I interviewed an art candidate, and he said, "We have to prepare not only for cultural exams, but also for professional classes. Sometimes I really feel like I'm lacking in skills. "

Think about it, Rong Zishan has to study while filming, how hard it is! No wonder some people say that the actor industry looks glamorous, but the hard work behind it is unimaginable to ordinary people.

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

[The future can be expected: a new chapter in Rong Zishan's life]

So, what will Rong Zishan, who has finished the college entrance examination, do next?

It is reported that Rong Zishan may choose a major related to acting. This is quite in line with everyone's expectations. But I think, with Rong Zishan's strength, maybe it will surprise everyone?

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

Imagine if one day Rong Zishan said, "I decided to study physics", wouldn't the picture be too interesting?

No matter what path Rong Zishan chooses in the future, I believe that with his hard work and talent, he will be able to create more wonderful. As the saying on the Internet goes: "Don't be defined by the results of the present, because there are infinite possibilities in the future." "

[Written at the end: The Art of Balance]

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results gave us a vivid "balance lesson". In this era, single development can no longer meet the needs of society. Whether it's an actor or another profession, it needs all-round development.

In closing, I would like to say that whether you are a celebrity or an ordinary person, finding your own balance is the most important thing. After all, there is not just one wonderful way to live, but countless possibilities.

Well, that's all for today's melon. Do you think Rong Zishan's results are considered "Versailles"? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area! Remember to like and follow, and we'll see you next time!

417 points! Rong Zishan's college entrance examination results are exposed, acting school or Versailles?

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