
This is the most humble decoration style I have ever seen, no wall painting, no ceiling, paved with cement, and direct occupancy

author:Install a small house

In this era of minimalism, there is a decoration style that has quietly become popular, it does not paint the walls, does not hang the ceiling, and even spreads life directly on the concrete floor, which is the legendary Syrian style. Today, let's explore this simple but not simple art of living.

This is the most humble decoration style I have ever seen, no wall painting, no ceiling, paved with cement, and direct occupancy

Imagine walking into a house with the walls maintaining the original cement texture, no complicated decorations, no ornate ceilings, only the most rustic beauty. This is not only a decoration style, but also a manifestation of life attitude.

This is the most humble decoration style I have ever seen, no wall painting, no ceiling, paved with cement, and direct occupancy

️ Syrian-style hard outfit, simple to the extreme. The walls don't need to be painted, the ceilings don't need to be decorated, everything is kept in its original state. The soft furnishings are just as simple, and a few simple pieces of furniture can create a warm and comfortable living space.

This is the most humble decoration style I have ever seen, no wall painting, no ceiling, paved with cement, and direct occupancy

The charm of this style lies in its originality and purity. There is no excessive embellishment, which makes people more focused on life itself. Every space reveals a simple beauty, which makes people involuntarily slow down and enjoy life.

This is the most humble decoration style I have ever seen, no wall painting, no ceiling, paved with cement, and direct occupancy

Syrian-style decoration is not only a pursuit of simplicity, but also a deep understanding and experience of life. It allows us to return to the essence of life and focus on what really matters.

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