
When I returned to my hometown, I realized that no matter how wide the cement road is and how bright the street lights are, it can't hide the fact that there is no popularity in the countryside

author:Don't forget the original intention 0342

Every time I go back to my hometown, I always look forward to seeing a new countryside full of vitality and vitality. However, when I set foot on this familiar land again, my heart was full of inexplicable loss and emotion. Spacious cement roads and bright street lamps seem to be prosperous, but they can't hide the deep ruin and dilapidation of the countryside.

On the way home, I walked slowly along the newly built concrete road. The road is lined with neat street trees, and streetlamps stand tall and glow softly at night. However, this modern spectacle did not make me happy, but rather made me more sad. Because I know that these superficial prosperity cannot hide the deep problems of the countryside.

When I returned to my hometown, I realized that no matter how wide the cement road is and how bright the street lights are, it can't hide the fact that there is no popularity in the countryside

As soon as you enter the village, the first thing that catches your eye is the dilapidated houses. Most of these houses were built in the seventies and eighties of the last century, and have long lost their former color after the baptism of wind and rain. Cracked walls and leaking roofs have become the norm in these houses. In order to make a living, the villagers have to continue to live in these dilapidated houses. Whenever it was windy and rainy, they had to be afraid that the house would collapse. Even if you build a new house, you will come back for a few days during the Chinese New Year and leave. Those who remained were the elderly and children.

In addition to housing, rural infrastructure is also in urgent need of improvement. Although the cement road has been built to the doorstep, the quality of the road is uneven. Some sections of the road are full of potholes, and when it rains, it becomes a river; Some sections of the road are overgrown with weeds due to lack of maintenance. In addition, there are many problems in rural infrastructure such as water supply and power supply. The power supply is also often unstable, which brings great inconvenience to the daily life of the villagers.

When I returned to my hometown, I realized that no matter how wide the cement road is and how bright the street lights are, it can't hide the fact that there is no popularity in the countryside

What is even more distressing is the lack of educational resources in rural areas. Although the state vigorously promotes compulsory education, there is still a serious shortage of teachers in rural schools. Many young teachers are reluctant to teach in remote rural areas, resulting in a generally low quality of teaching in rural schools. Some parents can only go to the county seat or take them to school where they work, and this vicious circle has put the education cause in rural areas in a difficult situation.

In addition to education and infrastructure issues, the industrial structure of rural areas is also facing enormous challenges. Traditional agricultural cultivation methods can no longer meet the needs of the modern market. However, due to the lack of financial and technical support, it is difficult for farmers to achieve industrial transformation and upgrading. They rely on traditional farming methods to make ends meet, and their incomes are meager and unstable. This single industrial structure has put the economic development of the rural areas in a difficult situation.

When I returned to my hometown, I realized that no matter how wide the cement road is and how bright the street lights are, it can't hide the fact that there is no popularity in the countryside

Despite the many problems and challenges facing the countryside, there is still endless potential and hope here. As long as we face up to these problems and take effective measures to solve them, we will certainly be able to promote rural revitalization and development.

First of all, we need to increase investment in rural infrastructure construction. It is not only necessary to build spacious concrete roads and bright street lights, but also to improve infrastructure such as water supply and electricity supply to ensure that the basic living needs of the villagers are met.

The most important thing is that we should attach importance to the development of rural education. Increase investment in rural schools, improve teachers' salaries and benefits, and attract more young teachers to teach in rural areas. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the integration and optimization of rural educational resources, improve the quality of teaching in rural schools, and ensure that every child can receive high-quality education.

When I returned to my hometown, I realized that no matter how wide the cement road is and how bright the street lights are, it can't hide the fact that there is no popularity in the countryside

In addition, we also need to actively promote the adjustment and upgrading of the rural industrial structure. Encourage farmers to develop emerging industries such as characteristic agriculture and rural tourism to improve their income levels and quality of life. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the connection and interaction between rural areas and cities, promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and make rural areas an important support for urban development.

In conclusion, I would like to say that rural revitalization is a long-term and arduous task, which requires the joint efforts and attention of the whole society. Let us work together to contribute to the prosperity and development of rural areas!

In the face of the temptation of electronic products, children do not have the strict control of their parents, and it is difficult for children to read well. Just like in our village, there are people who read books well and don't indulge in games, no. And 99 percent of these children are parents who work outside the home.

If children don't study well, how will they develop their hometown in the future? If you have any different opinions, please leave a message to discuss! #三农 ##头条创作挑战赛#

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