
China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry Development Research and Future Investment Analysis Report (2023-2030)

author:Friendly ice cream fh

First, the basic overview of the industry

Low-carbon cement refers to the cement produced by using low-carbon emission raw materials, new mineral admixtures, formulation technology and energy consumption measures in the production process, which significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions in the production process and can reduce environmental pollution. Low-carbon cement can effectively reduce carbon emissions in the production of cement unit products, and achieve energy conservation, emission reduction and green development.

Second, the development of the industry market

Cement is an important resource and a basic product that affects the development of the national economy, and is still an irreplaceable basic building material. Cement is a powdery hydraulic cementitious material that can be cemented into sand, stone and other materials, and can be hardened in air and water.

As a core building material, cement has huge carbon emissions and is one of the main sources of carbon emissions in the mainland, with carbon emissions of about 1.37 billion tons in 2020, accounting for about 13% of the country's total carbon emissions. The direct carbon emissions are about 1.23 billion tons, accounting for 84.3% of the total carbon emissions of the building materials industry. In the context of the era of low-carbon economy, carbon reduction and carbon reduction in the cement industry will become the main theme, and the low-carbon cement industry will become the main path for China to achieve the "double carbon" goal.

China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry Development Research and Future Investment Analysis Report (2023-2030)

Source: Compiled by Guanyan Tianxia

The mainland is the world's largest cement producer, and its cement output has remained the world's largest for many years. Data shows that in 2021, China's cement production accounted for 57% of the world's, with a total of 2.38 billion tons of cement produced. In 2022, the mainland cement output will be 2.13 billion tons, accounting for about 60% of the global cement output, which directly leads to the huge carbon emissions of the mainland cement industry and the arduous task of emission reduction.

China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry Development Research and Future Investment Analysis Report (2023-2030)

Data source: Compiled by Guanyan Tianxia

In recent years, in order to promote the development of low-carbon cement industry, the state has issued a number of relevant policies to vigorously promote the implementation of cement carbon reduction project demonstration projects. reducing coal consumption in cement production; Encourage research and development of key low-carbon technologies. For example, on February 11, 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Implementation Guide for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Transformation and Upgrading in Key Areas of High Energy-consuming Industries (2022 Edition)", proposing to strengthen the development direction of tackling key advanced technologies and accelerating the popularization and promotion of mature processes, and by 2025, the proportion of clinker production capacity above the energy efficiency benchmark level in the cement industry will reach 30%, the clinker production capacity below the energy efficiency benchmark level will be basically cleared, the industry will have significant energy conservation and carbon reduction effects, and the development goal of green and low-carbon development capacity will be greatly enhanced.

Policies related to low-carbon cement in mainland China

Released Publishing Department The name of the policy Highlights:
November 2022 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments "Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in Building Materials Industry" During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the comprehensive energy consumption level of cement clinker per unit product was reduced by more than 3%. Pay attention to classified policies, focus on cement, lime and other industries with the highest proportion of emissions, give full play to the advantages of resource recycling, increase efforts to implement raw fuel substitution, and achieve a major breakthrough in carbon emission reduction.
June 2022 Nine departments including the Ministry of Science and Technology Implementation Plan for Science and Technology to Support Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality (2022-2030) By 2025, carbon dioxide emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) will be reduced by 1M compared to 2020, and energy consumption per unit of GDP will be reduced by 13.5M compared with 2020. By 2030, a number of scientific and technological achievements will be formed to support the reduction of dioxide reading emissions in crude steel, cement, chemical industry, and non-ferrous metal industries, and realize the large-scale industrial application of low-carbon process reengineering technology.
February 2022 National Development and Reform Commission Implementation Guide for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Transformation and Upgrading in Key Areas of High Energy-Consuming Industries (2022 Edition) By 2025, the proportion of clinker production capacity above the energy efficiency benchmark level in the cement industry will reach 30%, the clinker production capacity below the energy efficiency benchmark level will be basically cleared, the industry will have significant energy conservation and carbon reduction effects, and the green and low-carbon development capacity will be greatly enhanced.
November 2021 Ministry The 14th Five-Year Plan for Industrial Green Development By 2025, the energy consumption of industrial units above designated size will be reduced by 13.5%, the unit consumption of key industrial products such as crude steel, cement, and Yinuo will reach the world's advanced level, and the coal consumption of major coal-using industries such as steel, coal chemical industry, and cement will be strictly controlled. Encourage new construction, reconstruction and expansion projects in qualified areas to implement coal reduction and substitution.
July 2021 Ministry Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Measures for Capacity Replacement in the Cement and Glass Industry For cement clinker and flat glass construction projects located in key areas for air pollution prevention and control stipulated by the state, the capacity replacement ratio shall not be less than 2:1 and 1.251 respectively; For cement clinker and flat glass construction projects located in non-air pollution prevention and control key areas, the capacity replacement ratio shall not be less than 1.51 and 1:1 respectively.

Source: Compiled by Guanyan Tianxia

At the same time, the state has put forward higher standards for low carbon emissions in the cement industry. According to the new version of the energy consumption index per unit of cement released by the Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China in 2021, compared with the 2012 version of the standard, the energy consumption limit per unit of cement product is more stringent. China's cement industry continues to implement energy-saving technological transformation to make product energy consumption meet the requirements of the new national mandatory standards. It can be seen that the development of the low-carbon cement industry is in line with the national requirements for the implementation of low carbon emissions of cement, and has broad development prospects.

Since 2018, when the mainland's leading cement manufacturers began to invest in large-scale production line technical transformation projects, the scale of the low-carbon cement market has shown a growing trend. According to the data, the size of the low-carbon cement market in mainland China in 2020 was 103.46 billion yuan. In 2021, the size of the low-carbon cement market in mainland China was RMB194.5 billion, up 87.99% year-on-year. It is estimated that by 2026, the scale of the mainland low-carbon cement market will reach 405.37 billion yuan.

China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry Development Research and Future Investment Analysis Report (2023-2030)

Data source: Guanyan Tianxia (WW)

Note: The above information is for reference only, please refer to the body of the report for details.

The "Research on the Development Trend of China's Low-carbon Cement Industry and Future Investment Analysis Report (2023-2030)" released by Guanyan Report Network covers the latest industry data, market hotspots, policy planning, competitive intelligence, market prospect forecasts, investment strategies, etc. It is supplemented by a large number of intuitive charts to help enterprises in the industry accurately grasp the development trend of the industry, market trends, and correctly formulate corporate competitive strategies and investment strategies. Based on authoritative data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the General Administration of Customs and the State Information Center, this report combines the environment in which the industry is located, and conducts market research and analysis from multiple perspectives such as theory to practice, from macro to micro.

The industry report is one of the important decision-making bases for enterprises, relevant investment companies and government departments in the industry to accurately grasp the development trend of the industry, gain insight into the industry competition pattern, avoid business and investment risks, and formulate correct competition and investment strategy decisions. This report is an indispensable and important tool for a comprehensive understanding of the industry and for investing in the industry. Over the years, Guanyan has provided professional industry analysis reports for tens of thousands of enterprises, consulting institutions, financial institutions, industry associations, individual investors, etc., and its customers include Huawei, PetroChina, China Telecom, China Construction, HP, Disney and other leading enterprises at home and abroad, and have been widely recognized by customers.

【Table of Contents】

Chapter 1 Overview of the development of China's low-carbon cement industry from 2019 to 2023

Section 1 Overview of the development of the low-carbon cement industry

1. Relevant definitions of low-carbon cement industry

2. Analysis of the characteristics of low-carbon cement

3. Introduction to the basic situation of the low-carbon cement industry

Fourth, the business model of the low-carbon cement industry

1. Production mode

2. Procurement mode

3. Sales/service model

5. Analysis of the main demand of low-carbon cement industry

Section 2 Life Cycle Analysis of China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry

1. Overview of the life cycle theory of the low-carbon cement industry

2. Life cycle analysis of the low-carbon cement industry

Section 3 Analysis of economic indicators of low-carbon cement industry

1. Profitability analysis of the low-carbon cement industry

2. Analysis of the economic cycle of the low-carbon cement industry

3. Analysis of the improvement of added value in the low-carbon cement industry

Chapter 2 Analysis of the development status of the global low-carbon cement industry market from 2019 to 2023

Section 1 Review of the development process of the global low-carbon cement industry

Section 2 Market size and regional distribution of the global low-carbon cement industry

Section 3 Regional Market Analysis of Asia's Low-Carbon Cement Industry

1. Analysis of the market status of Asia's low-carbon cement industry

2. Analysis of the market size and market demand of Asia's low-carbon cement industry

3. Analysis of the market prospect of Asia's low-carbon cement industry

Section 4 Regional Market Analysis of North American Low-Carbon Cement Industry

1. Analysis of the market status of the low-carbon cement industry in North America

2. Analysis of the market size and market demand of the low-carbon cement industry in North America

3. Market prospect analysis of North American low-carbon cement industry

Section 5 Regional Market Analysis of European Low-Carbon Cement Industry

1. Analysis of the market status of the European low-carbon cement industry

2. Analysis of the market size and market demand of the European low-carbon cement industry

3. Analysis of the market prospect of the European low-carbon cement industry

Section 6 Forecast of the distribution trend of the world's low-carbon cement industry from 2023 to 2030

Section 7 Forecast of the market size of the global low-carbon cement industry from 2023 to 2030

Chapter 3 Analysis of the industrial development environment of China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 1 Analysis of the Macroeconomic Environment of the Mainland

Section 2 Analysis of the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the low-carbon cement industry in mainland China

Section 3 Analysis of the policy environment of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. The current situation of the industry regulatory system

Second, the main policies and regulations of the industry

3. Main industry standards

Section 4 Analysis of the impact of the policy environment on the low-carbon cement industry

Section 5 Analysis of the industrial social environment of China's low-carbon cement industry

Chapter 4 Operation of China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry

Section 1 Introduction to the development of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Review of the development process of the industry

2. Analysis of industry innovation

3. Analysis of the development characteristics of the industry

Section 2 Market size analysis of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Factors affecting the market size of China's low-carbon cement industry

Second, the market size of China's low-carbon cement industry

3. Analysis of the market size of China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 3 Analysis of the supply situation of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. The supply scale of China's low-carbon cement industry

2. Supply characteristics of China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 4 Analysis of the demand of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. The scale of demand for China's low-carbon cement industry

2. Demand characteristics of China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 5 Analysis of Supply and Demand Balance in China's Low-carbon Cement Industry

Chapter 5 Analysis of the Industrial Chain and Market Segments of China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry

Section 1 Overview of the industrial chain of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Introduction to the principle of the industrial chain model

Second, the operation mechanism of the industrial chain

3. Diagram of the industrial chain of the low-carbon cement industry

Section 2 Analysis of the industrial chain of China's low-carbon cement industry

First, the development status of upstream industries

2. Analysis of the impact of upstream industries on the low-carbon cement industry

Third, the development status of downstream industries

4. Analysis of the impact of downstream industries on the low-carbon cement industry

Section 3 Market Segment Analysis of Low-carbon Cement Industry in China

First, market segment one

Second, market segment two

Chapter 6 Market Competition Analysis of China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry from 2019 to 2023

Section 1 Analysis of the current situation of competition in China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Analysis of the competition pattern of China's low-carbon cement industry

2. Analysis of major brands in China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 2 Analysis of the concentration of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Analysis of the influencing factors of market concentration in China's low-carbon cement industry

2. Analysis of market concentration in China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 3 Analysis of the Competition Characteristics of China's Low-carbon Cement Industry

1. Characteristics of regional distribution of enterprises

Second, the distribution characteristics of enterprise scale

3. Characteristics of the distribution of enterprise ownership

Chapter 7 Model analysis of China's low-carbon cement industry from 2019 to 2023

Section 1 Analysis of the Competition Structure of China's Low-carbon Cement Industry (Porter's Five Forces Model)

1. The principle of Porter's Five Forces Model

Second, the bargaining power of suppliers

3. Bargaining power of buyers

Fourth, the threat of new entrants

5. Threat of substitutes

Sixth, the degree of competition in the same industry

7. Conclusion of Porter's Five Forces Model

Section 2 SWOT analysis of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Overview of the SOWT model

Second, the analysis of industry advantages

Third, the disadvantages of the industry

Fourth, industry opportunities

5. Industry threats

6. SWOT analysis conclusion of China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 3 Analysis of the Competitive Environment of China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry (PEST)

1. Overview of the PEST model

Second, policy factors

3. Economic factors

Fourth, social factors

Fifth, technical factors

6. Conclusions of PEST model analysis

Chapter 8 Demand Characteristics and Dynamic Analysis of China's Low-carbon Cement Industry from 2019 to 2023

Section 1 Market dynamics of China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 2 Analysis of the characteristics of the consumer market in China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Demand preference

Second, price preference

3. Brand preference

4. Other preferences

Section 3 Analysis of the cost structure of the low-carbon cement industry

Section 4 Analysis of price influencing factors in low-carbon cement industry

1. Supply and demand factors

Second, the cost factor

3. Other factors

Section 5 Analysis of the current price situation of China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 6 Forecast of the average price trend of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Analysis of the average price trend of China's low-carbon cement industry

2. Factors influencing the average price change of China's low-carbon cement industry

Chapter 9 Monitoring of the operation data of the industries to which China's low-carbon cement industry belongs

Section 1 Analysis of the overall scale of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Analysis of the number and structure of enterprises

2. Analysis of the scale of industry assets

Section 2 Analysis of the production, sales and cost of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Current assets

Second, sales revenue analysis

3. Liability analysis

Fourth, the analysis of profit scale

5. Analysis of output value

Section 3 Analysis of the financial indicators of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Industry profitability analysis

2. Analysis of the solvency of the industry

3. Analysis of industry operating capabilities

Fourth, the analysis of industry development capabilities

Chapter 10 Analysis of the regional market status of China's low-carbon cement industry from 2019 to 2023

Section 1 Analysis of the regional market size of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Factors affecting the regional market distribution of the low-carbon cement industry

2. Regional market distribution of China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 2 Market Analysis of Low-carbon Cement Industry in East China

1. Overview of East China

2. Analysis of the economic environment in East China

3. Market analysis of low-carbon cement industry in East China

(1) The market size of the low-carbon cement industry in East China

(2) The market status of the low-carbon cement industry in South China

(3) Forecast of the market size of the low-carbon cement industry in East China

Section 3 Market Analysis in Central China

1. Overview of Central China

2. Analysis of the economic environment in central China

3. Market analysis of low-carbon cement industry in central China

(1) The market size of the low-carbon cement industry in central China

(2) The market status of the low-carbon cement industry in central China

(3) Forecast of the market size of low-carbon cement industry in central China

Section 4 Market Analysis in South China

1. Overview of South China

2. Analysis of the economic environment in South China

3. Market analysis of low-carbon cement industry in South China

(1) The market size of the low-carbon cement industry in South China

(2) The market status of the low-carbon cement industry in South China

(3) Forecast of the market size of the low-carbon cement industry in South China

Section 5 Market Analysis of Low-carbon Cement Industry in North China

1. Overview of North China

2. Analysis of the economic environment in North China

3. Market analysis of low-carbon cement industry in North China

(1) The market size of the low-carbon cement industry in North China

(2) The market status of the low-carbon cement industry in North China

(3) Forecast of the market size of low-carbon cement industry in North China

Section 6 Market Analysis in Northeast China

1. Overview of the Northeast region

2. Analysis of the economic environment in Northeast China

3. Market analysis of low-carbon cement industry in Northeast China

(1) The market size of the low-carbon cement industry in Northeast China

(2) The market status of the low-carbon cement industry in Northeast China

(3) Forecast of the market size of the low-carbon cement industry in Northeast China

Section 7 Market Analysis in Southwest China

1. Overview of the Southwest Region

2. Analysis of the economic environment in southwest China

3. Market analysis of low-carbon cement industry in southwest China

(1) The market size of the low-carbon cement industry in southwest China

(2) The market status of low-carbon cement industry in southwest China

(3) Forecast of the market size of low-carbon cement industry in southwest China

Section 8 Market Analysis in Northwest China

1. Overview of the Northwest Territories

2. Analysis of the economic environment in Northwest China

3. Market analysis of low-carbon cement industry in Northwest China

(1) The market size of the low-carbon cement industry in Northwest China

(2) The market status of the low-carbon cement industry in Northwest China

(3) Forecast of the market size of the low-carbon cement industry in Northwest China

Chapter 11 Analysis of Enterprises in the Low-Carbon Cement Industry (Adjusted with Data Update)

Section 1 Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

1. Main economic indicators

2. Analysis of corporate profitability

3. Analysis of corporate solvency

4. Analysis of enterprise operation capabilities

5. Analysis of enterprise growth ability

Fourth, the company's advantages analysis

Section 2: Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

Fourth, the company's advantages and disadvantages analysis

Section 3: Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

Fourth, the company's advantage analysis

Section 4 Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

Fourth, the company's advantage analysis

Section 5 Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

Fourth, the company's advantage analysis

Section 6 Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

Fourth, the company's advantage analysis

Section 7: Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

Fourth, the company's advantage analysis

Section 8 Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

Fourth, the company's advantage analysis

Section 9 Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

Fourth, the company's advantage analysis

Section 10 Enterprises

First, the company profile

Second, the main products

3. Operation

Fourth, the company's advantage analysis

Chapter 12 Analysis and forecast of the development prospects of China's low-carbon cement industry from 2023 to 2030

Section 1 Analysis of the future development prospects of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Analysis of the domestic investment environment of the low-carbon cement industry

2. Analysis of market opportunities in China's low-carbon cement industry

3. Forecast of investment growth in China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 2 Forecast of the future development trend of China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 3 Forecast of the scale development of China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Forecast of the market size of China's low-carbon cement industry

2. Forecast of the market size growth rate of China's low-carbon cement industry

3. Forecast of the output value of China's low-carbon cement industry

4. Forecast of the output value growth rate of China's low-carbon cement industry

5. Forecast of supply and demand in China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 4 Forecast of the profitability trend of China's low-carbon cement industry

Chapter 13 Analysis of entry barriers and investment risks in China's low-carbon cement industry from 2023 to 2030

Section 1 Analysis of entry barriers to China's low-carbon cement industry

1. Analysis of financial barriers in the low-carbon cement industry

2. Analysis of technical barriers in the low-carbon cement industry

3. Analysis of talent barriers in the low-carbon cement industry

Fourth, the analysis of brand barriers in the low-carbon cement industry

5. Analysis of other barriers in the low-carbon cement industry

Section 2 Risk Analysis of Low-carbon Cement Industry

1. Macro environmental risks of the low-carbon cement industry

2. Technical risks in the low-carbon cement industry

3. Competition risks in the low-carbon cement industry

Fourth, other risks in the low-carbon cement industry

Section 3 Problems in China's low-carbon cement industry

Section 4 Analysis of problem-solving strategies in China's low-carbon cement industry

Chapter 14 Research Conclusions and Investment Recommendations for China's Low-Carbon Cement Industry from 2023 to 2030

Section 1 A review of research on China's low-carbon cement industry

First, the investment value of the industry

2. Industry risk assessment

Section 2 Analysis of the entry strategy of China's low-carbon cement industry

First, the target customer group of the industry

Second, the selection of market segments

Third, the choice of regional market

Section 3 Analysis of marketing strategies in the low-carbon cement industry

1. Product strategy of low-carbon cement industry

2. Pricing strategy for the low-carbon cement industry

3. Channel strategy for low-carbon cement industry

Fourth, the promotion strategy of the low-carbon cement industry

Section 4 Investment Advice from Analysts

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