
Attention Jinshan enterprises and institutions! The work began to be declared

author:i Gold Mountain
Attention Jinshan enterprises and institutions! The work began to be declared

According to the "Guiding Opinions of the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation and the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology on Carrying out Industrial Quality Research Activities", the District Market Supervision Bureau will organize and carry out the cultivation and declaration of industrial quality research achievements in Shanghai in 2024. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

1. Cultivation and declaration objects

"(2+2)+(3+6)+(4+5)" modern industry-related enterprises and institutions in this area.

"2+2": Two integrations and two transformations, that is, to promote the integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, and to achieve digital transformation and green and low-carbon transformation.

"3+6": Vigorously develop the three leading industries of integrated circuits, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence, and the six key industries of electronic information, life and health, automobiles, high-end equipment, advanced materials, and fashion consumer goods.

"4+5": Take the lead in laying out the four new track industries of digital economy, green and low-carbon, metaverse and intelligent terminals, as well as the five future industrial directions of future health, future intelligence, future energy, future space and future materials.

Second, the direction of cultivation and declaration

(1) Landmark projects for industrial quality improvement. Focus on giving full play to the leading role of "chain master" enterprises in technology, market, standards, quality, brand, etc., promote the extension of advanced quality concepts and quality management models to the whole industry chain, and provide digital solutions for quality management for small, medium and micro enterprises; Carry out quality innovation and brand building through quality technology innovation consortium and brand alliance.

(2) Common quality and technical research projects. It focuses on solving the research and application of measurement and testing technology, standard development, key technology research and development of inspection and testing, and breakthroughs in key parameter calibration technology in frontier and basic fields.

(3) Key product quality research projects. Focus on the concentration of superior resources, the use of advanced quality management theories and methods, strengthen quality technology innovation, improve product quality performance, and enhance the economic and social benefits of the enterprise quality improvement activities.

Organization of work

(1) Declaration of results

1. Each project implementation unit shall fill in the Registration Form of Shanghai Industrial Quality Improvement Landmark Project, Shanghai Common Quality and Technology Research Project Registration Form, and Shanghai Key Product Quality Research Project Registration Form (Annex 1-3) according to the application category, and attach relevant supporting materials.

2. Submission requirements

Paper version: The project registration form and supporting materials are bound in duplicate into a book

Electronic version: WORD version of the registration form, PDF scanned copy of the verification materials, "2024 Shanghai Industrial Quality Research Project Application Summary Form" (Annex 4)

The above paper and electronic materials shall be submitted to the Market Supervision Bureau of the District for the review of the completion of the declared project, the actual effect and the degree of leadership, and then submitted to the municipal evaluation department.

3. Application deadline: July 24, 2024

(2) Achievement evaluation

The Municipal Market Supervision Bureau and the Municipal Economic and Information Commission will organize experts to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the declared projects in accordance with the "Evaluation Requirements for Landmark Projects for Industrial Quality Improvement", "Evaluation Requirements for Achievements of Common Quality and Technology Research Projects" and "Evaluation Requirements for Key Product Quality Research Achievements (DB31/T1368-2022)" (Annex 5-7). Projects that significantly improve the level of industrial quality and have good economic and social benefits are identified as achievements in industrial quality research, and the results are released and experience exchanges are organized. For projects that have obtained excellent results, medals and certificates will be awarded to the participants; Incentives and guidance will be given to units that have achieved excellent results.

(3) Cultivation of key projects

The District Market Supervision Bureau organizes a thorough investigation of the enterprises and projects that are to be carried out or are being carried out in the industrial quality research, gives full play to the role of quality infrastructure integration services, and strengthens the guidance and assistance for the implementation of the project. For projects that are expected to be completed within 2 years and can achieve good results, they are recommended as municipal key cultivation projects, and the project implementation unit shall submit the "List of Key Cultivation Projects for Industrial Quality Research in Shanghai" (Annex 8) before July 24.


Contact: Mr. Yu, Quality Development Section, Jinshan District Market Supervision Bureau

Telephone: 57922759

Email: [email protected]

Address: Room 1107, East of Jinshan District Administrative Service Center

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Attention Jinshan enterprises and institutions! The work began to be declared

Reporter丨Gou Rui

Correspondents | Yu Fang

Edit | Yu Luoyin

Editor-in-charge | Yu Luoyin

Attention Jinshan enterprises and institutions! The work began to be declared

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