
The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

Hua Yuhan

2024-06-30 23:05Creators in the field of film and television

I saw that some friends in the comment area were concerned: "Who is Bai Xiaohe's child?" ”

Huang Zhenhua's first reaction when he saw the child: Could this be my child?

After a few days of observation, he took the child's photo, crossed his fingers and counted it, counted the child's birthday and "intercourse" time, and always felt that the time was not right, and guessed whether it would be premature?

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

Huang Zhenhua was uneasy, and found an excuse to ask Bai Xiaohe's father for the answer he wanted, and asked Bai Xiaohe ruthlessly.

Bai Xiaohe said: The child was adopted by me!

completely extinguished Huang Zhenhua's flustered heart.

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

Presumably, the friends who have watched "The Story of the Rose" don't believe that the child is adopted, why did Huang Zhenhuaxin believe it?

It's funny to say that Huang Zhenhua has never paid attention to their mother and son since he got the word "adoption" from Bai Xiaohe.

said that it was marriage to avoid suspicion, but it was better to say that Huang Zhenhua was deceiving himself.

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

Anyone who has given birth to a baby understands that the due date is calculated according to the last menstrual period, because it is normal to have a little deviation because of the wrong time, or premature birth or something.

Huang Zhenhua secretly asked the child how old he was, and repeatedly asked the child if he remembered the wrong age, and when he could not get a satisfactory answer on the age, he began to worry about the birthday in May and June.

It can be seen from here that Huang Zhenhua is very afraid that the child is his, and he can't afford such a result.

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

Such a man who has no responsibility, what does Bai Fumei + Bai Xiaohe, who is a high-achieving student, like him?

If Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng have no children and don't understand that pregnancy is calculated according to the last menstrual period, he can ask his sister about it.

If he and Su Gengsheng have already given birth, as a father, they understand this truth better.

Instead of asking Daddy Bai and Bai Xiaohe, it is better to get a child's hair and do a paternity test.

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

Boldly guess the inner world of beloved Huang Zhenhua and Bai Xiaohe.

Bai Xiaohe chose to take the child to live near Huang Zhenhua's house, and he had long expected that it would attract Huang Zhenhua's speculation, and he also thought of countermeasures.

When Bai Xiaohe and Huang Zhenhua talked about wanting to have a child, it probably meant that it didn't matter if they had a father or not, what mattered was how to become a baby.

It was precisely because of her words that Huang Zhenhua saw her with a child, so he was worried about whether she had set herself a "trap" in order to have a child.

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

Bai Xiaohe's son is Huang Zhenhua's traces, it depends on whether Huang Zhenhua is willing to believe it.

Father Bai is not as calm as Bai Xiaohe, and he doesn't know when he gets a call.

If it is really an adopted child, Daddy White doesn't have to hide it at all.

was originally full of loopholes, but Huang Zhenhua chose to believe it, what does it mean?

It's either stupid, or he's too good at pretending.

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

If Huang Zhenhua had the courage to ask Bai Xiaohe in person, perhaps the answer he got would have been different.

Of course, Huang Zhenhua is already married, and Bai Xiaohe never thought of destroying his marriage.

Before Bai Xiaohe said the two words "adoption", the author thought that Bai Xiaohe was a child secretly born to her ex-boyfriend, so she kept it secret.

It wasn't until Huang Zhenhua's guess, coupled with a series of operations afterwards, that he realized that the child was Huang Zhenhua's.

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

said: Huang Zhenhua trusted that he was adopted because Bai Xiaohe (played by Chen Yao) didn't want to be involved?

Huang Zhenhua is afraid of admitting responsibility, so he trusts that he is adopted?

No matter what the reason, his previous character as a good man will be overthrown.

Of course, Bai Xiaohe's use of "means" to keep the child is not a glorious thing in itself.

It can only be said that Bai Xiaohe lived too rationally, and Huang Zhenhua became "tracheitis".

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

Write to the end: The above are all speculations made by the author based on the details of the plot, who is Bai Xiaohe's child, I can only ask the screenwriter.

PS: If Su Gengsheng (played by Wan Qian) knew that Huang Zhenhua had an illegitimate child, he would have dumped him in minutes.

Huang Zhenhua (played by Tong Dawei) in this play, he looks capable, but the two women he interacts with are better than him, and his life is better than his sister Huang Yimei.

The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

The interpretation of "The Story of the Rose" is written here for the time being, and more wonderful interpretations will be listened to next time.

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  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true
  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true
  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true
  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true
  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true
  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true
  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true
  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true
  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true
  • The story of roses: Everyone who has given birth to a baby understands that Bai Xiaohe's adoption is fake, and Huang Zhenhua's self-deception is true

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