
Folk tale: The husband is too ugly, the woman is unwilling, and the neighbor: This ugly thing can't be stopped

author:Boerhua is easy

Ming Dynasty, Yiting County, Zhejiang.

There is a woman named Meng Min, who is very beautiful, but she is married to an ugly husband.

Meng Min often sighed, how could he marry this stone carpenter with his alluring appearance, it was really a trick.

The neighbor lived a suave scholar named Shi Guan, who was still a showman.

Shi Guan's father found him the daughter of the Qiu family, the Qiu family is a local rich man, as long as Shi Guan is rich, he can get a rich dowry.

But this Qiu girl is not an ordinary person, she has a hot temper and a fierce personality. Although I started looking for my son-in-law very early, I never found it, and finally met the money-greedy Master Shi.

The Qiu family is also very satisfied, after all, Shi Guan Yushu is in the wind and is a well-known beautiful man in the local area.

Shi Guan didn't want to be a son-in-law, and when he heard some rumors about Miss Qiu, he wanted to withdraw from the marriage, but Master Shi disagreed.

In fact, Shi Guan also heard that the neighbor had a beautiful daughter, and when the Meng family held a happy event a year ago, Shi Guan saw it once, and it is still unforgettable.

Later, under the operation of Master Shi, Shi Guan found an errand in the county office, and accidentally became a colleague with Master Meng, who was the master of the county master.

Taking this opportunity, Shi Guan often went to ask some officialdom questions, and Master Meng saw that he was sincere, and he was a junior who responded to his requests.

Over time, Shi Guan often went in and out of the Meng family, as close as a relative.

Of course, the most important thing is that they can meet Meng Min, and when the two of them looked at each other for the first time, they both felt that this was the person they were looking for.

Shi Guan wrote a poem first and quietly gave it to Meng Min, and Meng Min also wrote a poem in response immediately after receiving it.

So the two spent the moon before and after, chanting poems against each other, like a couple who are in love.

It is said that the stone carpenter was busy working every day, and he noticed the matter of the two of them at all.

But fortunately, Master Meng was at home, and the two had no chance to do anything deviant.

But at that time, bandits were rampant, and the county was not safe.

The Shi family also had a house in the mountains, and thinking that it would be safer there, they took the whole family to move there.

Meng Min discussed it with his father, and then moved over, renting a courtyard of the Shi family, and the stone carpenter still stayed in the city to work and make money.

After Meng Min arrived, he found that the scenery was not bad and the living was very comfortable.

One day, the stone carpenter fell ill, and Meng Min took him to the mountains to recuperate.

Shi Guan also brought gifts to visit, very respectful.

The stone carpenter was kind-hearted, and he didn't think much about it, and he felt that Shi Guanren was very good and took good care of himself.

At night, Meng Min cooked medicine for the stone carpenter, Shi Guan came over quietly, when the maid and the servant were asleep, the two looked at each other and smiled.

The next day, the two had a tryst at night, loving each other.

The two of them were silent in this moment of joy, and suddenly, the Qiu family came to urge.

Shi Guan had to leave temporarily and return to the county seat, but the two still exchanged letters and told each other about their thoughts. But the maid was accidentally caught by Master Shi, forbidding the two to come and go, and let Shi Guan move to his uncle's house.

Another year passed, Shi Guan's wedding date was getting closer and closer, Meng Min was also worried, the two vowed never to separate, and Shi Guan also said that it was a big deal to resist marriage with death.

Shi Guan bribed the maid with a lot of money and sent a letter, which said: "Don't worry, you and I are stronger than Jin, I won't go to Qiu's house to get involved, melt me and think of a way, you must wait for my news." ”

Meng Min looked at it again and again, excited, but it was impossible to meet now, but he couldn't think of any other way for a while.

Shi Guan's cousin also knew about the two of them, and wanted to help the two, so they frequently exchanged news between the two families, but was accidentally discovered by Master Shi and no longer opened the door to his cousin.

Meng Min discussed with his cousin that if there was really no way but to elope, his cousin thought it was not possible and said: "The elopement must have been at night, but we still have bandits here, and if you meet a bandit, your life will not be guaranteed; In addition, running out are all barren mountains and mountains, and encountering tigers, leopards, jackals and wolves are also certain to die, and in the end, as you said, you eloped smoothly, but this ugly thing has never been able to hold on, and the consequences are unimaginable. ”

Meng Min thought about it again and again and wrote the last letter:

I lost my mother when I was young, and I lived with my father, who fell seriously ill and relied on the help of a stone carpenter to take care of my father. My father saw that he was also a hard-working man, so he recruited him as a son-in-law.

The stone carpenter is honest and diligent, but he is stupid and ugly, and he does not understand the amorous manners and cannot read.

My father buried the happiness of my life in this way, until you appeared, I was reborn, but you and I have no fate, we can't grow old together, the person I love most in this life is you, die without regrets.

Shi Guan received the letter, burst into tears, and sighed: "There is such a good woman in the world, but I can't protect it, and I can't make decisions about major events in life, it's sad!" ”

At the same time, Meng Min also burned all the letters exchanged between the two before, found a red rope, hung it on the beam, and hanged himself.

Folk tale: The husband is too ugly, the woman is unwilling, and the neighbor: This ugly thing can't be stopped

When the stone carpenter and others found out, the body was already cold, and Master Meng was so sad that he hurriedly asked someone to buy a coffin.

The stone carpenter hugged the corpse and cried, Meng Min's soul came to the underworld, and the ghost sent to check the book of life and found that her life was not over, and she could not be reincarnated.

Meng Min was bent on death, saying: "If you can't be reincarnated, I'll be a lonely ghost." ”

Meng Po on the side smiled, pulled her to a room, there was a snow cave in the house, Meng Po pulled her inside, and after walking for a while, she came to Shi Guan's house, Shi Guan was bathing and changing clothes.

Meng Min asked, "What is he doing?" ”

Meng Po: "Keep looking, there are so many people outside." ”

Meng Min walked out and took a look, and sure enough, many people came, and everyone was happy. Meng Min saw a few tall horses again, and Ma De still had a big red flower tied on his head, and the team to welcome the relatives had already begun to prepare.

Meng Min returned to Shi Guan's room, and at this time he had already dressed in the groom's clothes, Meng Min asked Meng Po: "What is he going to do, didn't he say that he would not be killed and killed?" ”

Meng Po pulled her into the backyard, there were more than ten large boxes in the yard, and the house was already full of all kinds of boxes, Meng Po said, "You can go and take a look." ”

Meng Min opened it and saw that it was full of gold, silver and jewelry, and the box outside was a rare antique, and he was dazzled by it.

In a trance, the gongs and drums had already opened outside, Shi Guan set off to the bride's house, and when Meng Min ran out, he could only see a back from a distance.

Meng Po brought it back to her home, only to see the stone carpenter holding her body and weeping bitterly, and did not let her family put it in the coffin.

Meng Min shed tears of regret, it was this stone carpenter who really cherished herself, and suddenly, Meng Po pushed it.

Meng Min opened his eyes and found himself lying in the arms of the stone carpenter, who could get out of bed and walk around after a month, and since then he has been treating the stone carpenter with special care, and he is not thinking nonsense, over time, he found that although he is silly, he is also a little cute, and finally gave birth to a child a year later, Meng Min feels that this is also very good.