
Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

author:3DM Game Network
It's really yours, "Against the Cold"

As a veteran player of "Against the Cold" who has been mixed in the "breathing rivers and lakes" for many years, my mood has been mixed recently.

Happily, this is not about to be the sixth anniversary of the end game of "Against the Cold" - according to the practice of previous years, in the anniversary of "Against the Cold" this year, in addition to the promotion of the new genre "Canglan" and the new linkage, of course, there are also various interesting anniversary activities and massive benefits.

But I soon found out that the recent official "Against the Cold" in the sixth anniversary of the welfare of players, seems to have fallen into some kind of unusually crazy state - I mean, although I know that "Against the Cold" has always liked to throw coins at its own players, and the official even gave players a house in the lottery in reality two years ago, but after all, it is a story that only belongs to a few extremely lucky people, and the anniversary benefits pay attention to a "sun shines", but according to the current method of sprinkling, I am really worried about the future "Against the Cold" Don't you plan to continue with the anniversary?

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

Because I have probably conservatively estimated that only the official anniversary white prostitution benefits that have been officially announced, the value of the total value has exceeded 1,000 yuan per capita. Good guys, can I still make money playing a game?

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

At the beginning, the official of "Against the Cold" just announced that it would give away red hair for free in the anniversary, which caused quite a stir among the player group. After all, as the most popular fashion item in MMO online games, a red hair in other similar games is basically the appearance enjoyed by krypton bosses, and the price in some games can even be speculated to more than tens of thousands of yuan. But "Against the Cold" doesn't care about these, and directly announces that it will be given away for free, so that the whole people can realize the freedom of red hair.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

And it's not enough to have a hairstyle, you have to wear a gorgeous outfit.

In addition to directly allowing players to choose any one of the more than 30 popular paid skins to take home for free, and give away the fashion "Qingxia Jinshi/Qingxia Fangchen" on the line, starting from the game's birthday on June 29th, all "Against the Cold" players can also get 24 rare appearance coupons for free. The official has also made a special commitment to this end, and in the future, the number of coupons will be superimposed on the basis of the year at the anniversary celebration in the future, in other words, and so on, as long as "Against the Cold" is not closed, the longer players play, the more benefits they will get.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

At the same time, considering that the anniversary celebration is a day of fun for the whole people, "Against the Cold" officially brought players up to a month of free face pinching and body shape benefits. At first glance, this may seem unenticing...... But you have to know that for domestic MMO online game players, pinching the face has always been a function that can improve the player's aesthetics and retreat to create all kinds of abstract fun. It is not difficult to imagine how many peers will appear on the stage of the anniversary celebration of "Against the Cold" after the opening of the free pinching of the face and body shape of the game this time.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

The abstract face pinching contest of the mobile game "Against the Cold".

Speaking of the anniversary stage, this is also one of the highlights of the sixth anniversary of "Against the Cold".

Compared with the previous two years, this year's anniversary stage of "Against the Cold" focuses on nostalgia and ritual in terms of the overall design policy. When players first set foot in this celebration area, they will be greeted by a gorgeous "Memory Corridor", where the aurora in the sky is complemented by nearby blue translucent trees and streamer walkways, decorating the entire corridor like a dream. At this time, if players interact with the "Memory Star Shatter" on the side of the corridor, they can unlock the exclusive "Against the Cold" 6th Anniversary Report, and at the same time obtain the unique "Happiness Points" reward of the Anniversary Event, which can be exchanged for more anniversary benefits in the future.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

When it comes to the main venue of the anniversary celebration, "Sweet Dream Heart", the design here highlights the characteristics of "breathing rivers and lakes" in "Against the Cold" - because the "true face" here needs to be revealed by players. At 21:15 p.m. on June 29th, all the "Against the Cold" gathered here will light all the birthday candles on the anniversary cake, so that their light will illuminate the entire venue. What do you think? Although it is a virtual birthday celebration, in terms of ritual, the official control of "Against the Cold" is still quite in place.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

In addition to being good-looking, this anniversary birthday party also has a lot of fun activities and rewards for players to experience and collect.

First of all, it is naturally the most anticipated national lottery for all players. At 21:18 and 21:28 on the day of the anniversary birthday party, there will be two rounds of red envelopes in the game, and players will be able to grab red envelopes and open the reward of up to 888888 Jiaozi (up to 188888 copper coins for the season server), and achieve financial freedom in one second.

While receiving the red envelope, players can also take photos in the "Memory Corridor" and "Sweet Dream Heart" maps. At that time, the game will open an exclusive commemorative long picture function to help players capture these memorable moving moments with images.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

Secondly, the official of "Against the Cold" has also prepared four exclusive fun gameplay methods for players in these anniversary map scenes: "Cream Don't Run", "Heart to Heart", "Neon Flying Parachute" and "Everyday Upward Shoes". In addition to completing these four fun mini-games to obtain the 6th anniversary fireworks in the game, players can also take a bite of the anniversary cake when they are free, and there may be unexpected surprise rewards that will come to you.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

Finally, don't forget the "happiness" mechanic we mentioned earlier - in fact, it's a special collection element that runs throughout the 6th anniversary celebration of Against the Cold. From the day of the celebration until July 3, five days later, players can continue to accumulate happiness points by completing multiple tasks every day, including taking photos and playing fun games. After reaching a certain amount, players will be able to unlock a variety of rewards including cosmetics and items through "Happiness Points".

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

Of course, in addition to the abundant anniversary activities and crazy additional benefits, this anniversary update of "Against the Cold" is also indispensable to bring players more well-known IP linkage content, and more revelations about the new genre "Canglan" that will appear in the upcoming new expansion.

As a 360-degree all-round MMO online game that can be linked to anything without dead ends, the official of "Against the Cold" continues to maintain the momentum of "stylistic flowering" in the selection of linkage objects this time - this is not just a joke, because in this anniversary version, the game will take the lead in carrying out linkage activities with the classic 99 version of CCTV's "Journey to the West" animation. As a player who grew up watching this animation, I will inevitably go online as soon as possible and receive free Monkey King crossover fashion.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

In addition to the animation "Journey to the West", the currently known "Against the Cold" anniversary linkage objects also include the new popular Chinese style comic "My Emperor Cat", the classic domestic special drama "Armored Warrior", and the super popular domestic mobile game "Onmyoji", which is also owned by NetEase. With this lineup in front of you, it's hard for you to say what other IP "Against the Cold" doesn't dare to link. Whether you are born in the 90s, 00s or the future in the 10s, you can find your own childhood memories in "Breathing Rivers and Lakes" in "Against the Cold".

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

As for the new genre "Canglan", which will be released in the game's new expansion "Raging Sea", I don't think I need to introduce his popularity anymore - now click on a post about the new expansion of "Against the Cold" on the Internet, and you can see that players are engaged in heated discussions around the design of this character.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

The reason why this is so, in addition to the character quote that makes people sigh "dead memories begin to attack me" when they say it, this new genre of "Against the Cold" that regards the ruler as an exclusive weapon and almost writes the name of "Xiao Yan" on his face, the most unique thing is that it is the first genre designed by the official and players of the "Against the Cold" game.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

From the first official document to solicit the design opinions of "Canglan" from players, to the gradual shift from the initial play to serious ideas, and finally sorted out a number of mature design plans and were adopted by the official discretion, the official of "Against the Cold" tried to put the pen of the design character in the hands of players for the first time. And the players also took this opportunity to fully demonstrate their deep understanding of the game and their outstanding talents in reality.

For example, one player suggested the idea of adding a double health bar to the "Canglan" genre, and due to his detailed introduction to the mechanic and the creativity of the mechanic itself, it was quickly accepted and adopted by the authorities. In the end, there was a special mechanism for "Canglan" to flexibly switch between the two different weapon enhancement effects of "Shocking Waves" and "Zhenhai" in the actual demonstration.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

For another example, a player referred to the setting of the "Canglan" genre that has been adrift on the sea for nearly 100 years, and suggested that the development team add the negative status of water attribute to his skills, but the development team hurriedly worked overtime overnight to discuss, and finally integrated this idea into the design of the "Canglan" second unique skill, and praised the player, "Every time Canglan casts a stunt, you have your credit!" ”

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

This kind of harmonious and ultimately mutually beneficial and win-win creative environment is what I think is what many domestic online games urgently need at present, including "Against the Cold".

After all, no matter how often these games update their characters and sects, and how complex the skill mechanics are, they don't seem to be able to escape the fate of being complained about by players in the end. Although character co-creation cannot fundamentally solve this kind of problem, it is at least a positive step forward, making game development no longer just a word of the manufacturer, but the result of thinking and working together with players. In the future, if this model can be further extended to all aspects of game development, not only will players' complaints about the quality of the game be significantly reduced, but even manufacturers will be able to greatly improve the development efficiency of their own products, killing two birds with one stone.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

Having said so much, it is not difficult to see that "Against the Cold", which coincides with the sixth anniversary birthday celebration, is indeed a very suitable opportunity for new and old players to enter and return to the pit.

On the one hand, it has the highest standard celebration activities and the most luxurious celebration benefits in the past six years, as long as you log in to the game every day to complete some simple tasks, you can let you prostitute the benefits to soft, and at the same time feel the "breathing rivers and lakes" After six years of gameplay precipitation, the massive game content displayed in front of you - including but not limited to the super large open world map that reaches the nine heavens to the deep sea, the market that integrates various interesting gameplay, and the cyber "Sims" that can build houses and have children.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

On the other hand, in addition to the creative first co-creation genre "Canglan", a new season will also start soon. A new starting point, a new expansion pack "Furious Sea", whether it is PVE or PVP gameplay, will usher in the official drastic optimization and improvement.

Among them, the new large-scale group book "Eternal Life", whether it is the gameplay mechanism or the audio-visual concept design, will be the pinnacle of surpassing all previous dungeons. It is no exaggeration to say that the top game audio-visual feast that can only be experienced in foreign triple-A masterpieces in the past can now be experienced for free in "Against the Cold".

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

Secondly, in terms of equipment development and PVP gameplay, the development team also took advantage of this sixth anniversary version update to bring players a large number of optimization changes to reduce the burden and play well. For example, the theme of "Fun Play for All" was launched, striving to make it easy for all players to graduate and play wildly. Another example is the new life-and-death battle gameplay "Hanlu Battle", which will allow players to not only have a smooth PK in each duel, but also fully feel the difference between each duel through mechanisms such as matching battles, rejecting stuck points, and random in-game affixes.

Scattering coins? White prostitution? This game starts to go crazy on a birthday, but it's not going to be in the future?

There are not only rich anniversary benefits, but also a large number of gameplay content to experience, coupled with the official continuous optimization of the player experience, which together form the "Against the Cold", which has now passed its sixth anniversary. This, of course, will not be the end of it, but it can be the best time for you to join the "breathing rivers and lakes".

I'll admit that I was too superficial to complain about the coin scattering of "Against the Cold" at the beginning - after all, I am afraid that I can't really find a second game that can sprinkle coins so deeply in these years.

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