
There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

author:The Three Musketeers

Swordsman Yamakawa Three Musketeers

There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

It has been almost three months since Lao Sun went to the superior unit to "work as a black worker", and every night when he lay down after work, he deeply regretted it, and when the leaders asked him for advice, how could he agree?

Speaking of which, secondment is actually not uncommon in the army. Indeed, many comrades-in-arms have gained good adjustment opportunities because of the performance of the secondment period, and they have ushered in a new platform. But the final result depends on a number of factors.


Picture: Datang

Swordsman XVII

There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

For Lao Sun, in fact, when the leader came to him, he was moved. But when it came time to decide, I was a little hesitant. There are many kinds of secondments, one can stay, and the other may be to go back in the end, and the latter is the majority. The reason why he didn't want to go was nothing more than this:

First, there are no formal procedures. People are seconded, but there is still a procedure, and they don't have any procedures like this, and if they say it sounds, they call it a "helper", and if they don't hear it, they really call it a "black worker".

The second is to leave the unit. Although it is a job wherever you work, there is still a difference between working in a unit and going out to "work in the dark". If you usually work in the unit and do a good job, you will have the possibility of promotion, and there will be hope for merit and awards. And "black work", even if you work hard, the benefits will not belong to you. Because he is just an outsider to the new unit.

Third, it is not yet known whether it can be compiled. Because it's too difficult to make up. Most of the comrades-in-arms who are willing to be seconded and "work in the dark" are nothing more than aiming to be able to make up the number.

But the comrades-in-arms who have experienced it know that the establishment of the higher-level units is also limited, and there are more people staring at it, so it is difficult to stay.

Fourth, it may face two places. Lao Sun's lover had already gone to the garrison with the army, and as soon as the old grandson left, he threw his lover and children at the garrison, and the family was going to live separately.

Although the higher-level unit is not far from the current station, the higher-level unit has strict management and cannot go home casually, even if you want to go home on holidays, you have to deduct vacation time.

There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

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There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

Knowing that it is not easy to "work in the dark", why did Lao Sun go in the end? He did so for several reasons:

On the one hand, the current situation is awkward.

In the current unit, Lao Sun has no possibility of promotion, and he can't go if he can't be promoted, so he thinks that instead of waiting in the unit to retire at the end of the age, it is better to go to the superior unit to work hard to see if he can be promoted.

If you can get what you want, the future is bright.

On the other hand, in the past few years, the placement positions at the battalion level and below in Lao Sun's hometown have not been satisfactory, and if you want a good placement, you must at least go to the deputy regiment and reach the rank of lieutenant colonel.

And if Lao Sun wants to be promoted to the deputy regiment, he can only go to the higher-level unit to "work in the dark" to strive to stay and be promoted.

Although there is not much hope of going to the establishment and promotion, there is no chance at all if you don't go.

On the other hand, working in a large organization has improved one's ability and quality.

Over the years, Lao Sun has been working in the organs, and he is "well-informed" compared to the grassroots level, but compared to the big institutions, he still doesn't see enough.

Therefore, Lao Sun wants to go to the superior unit to exercise, broaden his horizons, and learn the style of a large unit, no matter how much he learns, there is no harm to himself.

There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

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There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

In the end, Lao Sun packed his luggage and embarked on the road of "black work".

went to the superior unit, Lao Sun was so busy every day that his feet did not touch the ground, often worked until one or two o'clock in the morning, and then laid the floor in the office, woke up and continued to work.

than the comrades-in-arms who have an establishment in the superior unit, they are more desperate.

But the longer he worked, the more he knew about the establishment of the new unit, and it was impossible for him to think about working hard and staying.

Now, Lao Sun's situation is even more embarrassing. If you want to go back, the leader will not let you go, and in the new unit, you have to work hard. Coupled with the incomprehension of the family, the old grandson was very tired both physically and mentally.

Originally, "secondment" was a special form of mobility for agency staff. Normal secondment is not only conducive to ensuring the work of the center and the development of major special activities, but also has positive significance for promoting talent exchanges and improving the professional ability of grassroots cadres.

But in practice, there are fewer and fewer secondments, and more and more help work without formalities.

Lao Sun is not an exception, there are people like Lao Sun who "work in black jobs" in various units, and many comrades-in-arms have been "black workers" for many years and have endured too much unfair treatment. Like what:

There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

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1. Preparation

At present, whether it is a large unit or a small unit, the establishment is limited, and it is unrealistic to want to make up the organization through "cracking down on black work".

As a result, the comrades-in-arms of these helpers, due to the problem of staffing, even if they have done a lot of work in the new unit and have done it well, they have no way to stay in the new unit.

Unable to transfer to a new unit, he is an "outsider" to the new unit. If he was absent from the original unit for a long time, he not only missed the opportunity to be promoted in the original unit, but also became an "outsider" in the original unit over time.

2. Management

Although the comrades-in-arms of the helpers are not staffed in the new unit, they are also subject to the management of the new unit.

For example, those comrades-in-arms who are stationed at the grassroots level and are working in the organs must not only obey the management of the grassroots units and abide by the daily life system of the grassroots units, but also must not make mistakes in their work in the organs.

"One establishment, dual management" made many comrades-in-arms feel what it means to be powerless.

3. Appraisal and awards

In the new unit, I did not have the establishment and did not have the qualifications to participate in the merit evaluation. In the original unit, he has not made contributions outside for a long time and cannot participate in the merit evaluation.

In the end, after a hard and busy year, there was nothing at either end.

4. Self-development

For the comrades-in-arms of the helpers, the new unit naturally has no plans. Come when you need it, "repatriate" when you don't need it.

If you are away from the original unit for a long time, you will have to miss any opportunities for promotion, selection, and communication.

On the whole, if the new unit cannot be assigned, the helper will not be of any benefit to its own development.

5. Vacation

Most of the comrades-in-arms will not be able to take a vacation due to the busy work of the new unit when they are helping, and the original unit will not consider their vacation due to the absence of people.

Therefore, these comrades-in-arms do not have any security in terms of leave.

6. Time

Like seconded comrades-in-arms, there are also time regulations, and the maximum period of secondment cannot be.

As for the comrades-in-arms of the helpers, there is no secondment procedure, as long as the superiors do not release them, they have to help all the time, and they can't be the masters if they want to return to their original units.

There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

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There are two kinds of secondments, and one is very sad!

In fact, there is no essential difference between secondment and helper, but one has procedures and the other does not.

However, whether it is a secondment or a helper, in the face of the cadre inventory, they will all be cleared back.

Personal rights and interests are not guaranteed.

And the source of all this is either the unreasonable establishment of units or the irrational division of tasks.

Therefore, if we want to solve the problem of "cracking down on illegal workers", we must first solve the problem of establishment and the problem of cadres' ability to serve from the source.

As long as the establishment of cadres is scientific and standardized, and the ability of cadres to serve is enhanced, the situation of "illegal work" can be reduced.

Even if they have to borrow people to work, they should be given more room for human care and development, rather than being called upon as free labor.

In the end, it is not that the fewer secondments and "black jobs" the better, but that the fewer trivial things that are wasted and idled, the better, so that everyone can have more time and energy to focus on winning.