
Life is like a blade, the original heart is the same, stick to a simple heart

author:Fisherman, farmer, read and see life

"Nineteen years and the blade is as new", this proverb from "Zhuangzi Health Master", depicts the extraordinary skill of Ku Ding to solve the ox.

The knife in his hand, after 19 years, still seems to be just beginning to sharpen, and the edge is exposed.

This not only shows the exquisite skills of Ku Ding, but also implies a profound philosophy of life.

Life is like a blade, the original heart is the same, stick to a simple heart


When we first entered the society, we had endless aspirations and ambitions.

However, when faced with many difficulties and setbacks, some people's hearts change:

The original straightforwardness became indecisive, the mind was distorted, the former ambition dissipated, the bottom line of being a human being was blurred, and finally reduced to mediocrity.

But in this complicated world, if you have a firm heart, are not moved by external disturbances, and always maintain that clarity and innocence, you can reach the pinnacle of being a human being.

Shen Congwen, a literary giant with no academic qualifications, ranks among scholars with his knowledge and wisdom.

When he first arrived in Beijing, he audited at Peking University, read a wide range of books, and became acquainted with many masters, gradually emerging to prominence.

Then, he set foot in the bustling ten-mile foreign field Shanghai, and soon shook the entire literary world with his unique prose style.

In 1928, at the age of 26, Shen Congwen was invited by Hu Shi to become a lecturer at a Chinese public school.

Previously, he depicted sincere emotions with unique brushstrokes, which was deeply loved by readers and had a prominent position in the literary world.

However, this is the first time for him to teach students.

In order to ensure the success of his lectures, he put his heart and soul into carefully curating the lecture notes.

However, when he actually stood on the podium and faced a full room of students, he still felt a little apprehensive in his heart.

Facing the full table of students, Shen Congwen fell into a silence for 10 minutes, so nervous that it was difficult to speak.

Eventually, he began to lecture, but he was so distraught that he had to bow his head and read the script, forgetting all the richness that he had planned to intersperse.

The class, which was originally carefully prepared, ended in a hurry in only 10 minutes.

In the following time, he was flustered and sweating coldly. This kind of embarrassment he had never experienced before.

However, Shen Congwen did not choose to use empty words to hide his embarrassment, but wrote frankly on the blackboard: "Today's first class, the crowd is surging, and I am afraid. ”

This frank and lovely confession sparked good-natured laughter from the audience......

Life is like a blade, the original heart is the same, stick to a simple heart


Hu Shi had a deep understanding of Shen Congwen's knowledge, potential and character, and after hearing his lecture experience, instead of accusing, he praised it with humor: "Shen Congwen's first lecture was a success. ”

In the article, a student who attended the class praised Mr. Shen's sincerity and honesty, calling it the most memorable and meaningful teaching experience of his life.

Since then, Shen Congwen has served as a teacher at Southwest Associated Teachers College and Peking University, and continues to preach and teach.

Although he does not come from a traditional literary background, he has successfully made a name for himself in the field of literature by subverting tradition in a unique way of teaching and doing.

His trademark first lesson of "success" is now passed down by word of mouth among students and is a vivid portrayal of his straightforward life.

It is often said that honesty is the most impressive.

A simple sentence of "I'm scared" shows the innocence of a generation of literary giants.

He is not perfunctory, not pretentious, and does not evade in the face of failure, and his honest and lovely honesty has naturally won people's understanding and respect.

Life is like a blade, the original heart is the same, stick to a simple heart


Simplicity is the background color of the world, and all utilitarian ideas are abandoned.

Just like flowers blooming naturally, branches swaying in the wind, and crickets singing softly, they all follow the guidance of their hearts, without the need for external forces.

The complexity of society and the environment cannot dictate the trajectory of life.

Even if they encounter setbacks, they should stick to that bright, pure and simple heart, which is the highest state of life for people.

On the road of life, the pursuit is like a starry star, truth, ideals, love, money, fame......

However, he knows that what is truly worth pursuing is something that nourishes the soul and fills the heart.

He has gained a lot from his unremitting search, but he has always kept a clear head and knows what he really needs and what is just a passing moment.

Those useless things, in addition to nourishing vanity, also disturb our souls.

Like a traveler with a full bag, he walks forward with a heavy load, and his steps are difficult.

Therefore, choosing to release those burdens and return to the true nature is the only way for us to be relaxed and wonderful.

Inner tranquility, life naturally blossoms, at least, is so precious to ourselves.

In a complex world, deceit breeds hypocrisy, intrigue breeds cunning, and the cold world deepens indifference.

However, the aging of life is actually the common imprint of external disturbances and inner fluctuations.

Only by sticking to a simple heart and living a responsible life can the tree of life be evergreen, let the soul return to nature and purity, and rediscover the true nature of that simple life. #记录我的2024#

Life is like a blade, the original heart is the same, stick to a simple heart

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, you pass by here like the wind, may you stay warm and comfortable for a moment.

I am (fishing and farming to read and see life), welcome to follow