
【Yingbo Security】Meet Yingbo and meet the most beautiful navy blue

author:Heian Tianshan
【Yingbo Security】Meet Yingbo and meet the most beautiful navy blue
【Yingbo Security】Meet Yingbo and meet the most beautiful navy blue

Submission email: [email protected] In Urumqi in early summer, the breeze blows away the white clouds, and the clear blue sky echoes the most beautiful Tibetan blue. As a landmark building in Urumqi, the Convention and Exhibition Center is an important window for Urumqi's foreign economic exchanges and the place where the 8th Asia-Europe Expo was grandly held. Since 1992, after 18 consecutive sessions, with the development of the world economy and trade and the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, Xinjiang has been an important trade hub between China and Central Asian countries and Europe. The police shuttled through the convention and exhibition center, as if traveling through a time tunnel, witnessing the yearning of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang for a better life, and also witnessing the diligent pursuit of the Urumqi Municipal Public Security to escort the high-quality development of the economy. "The Asian Expo will open on the 26th, and the flow of people to participate in the exhibition must be very large." Song Wei, an instructor of the Fifth Brigade of the Seventh Special Police Detachment of the Urumqi Public Security Bureau, said that we are very confident in ensuring the smooth operation of the venue. The hoarse voice played the Yabo peace movement. The five teams are responsible for the 9th, 10th, 11th exhibition halls, bringing together energy equipment, biopharmaceuticals, digital technology, cultural tourism, time-honored carnivals and other industries, the people's clothing, food, housing and transportation are basically all covered, the 27th is open to the Asian Expo to the society, the masses who come to visit are endless, this area seems to become a modern comprehensive tourist pedestrian street of the convention and exhibition center. Being "blocked" by exhibitors asking for help and being "surrounded" by the masses who asked for directions has become a true portrayal of the daily work of the five brigades of police. "Here, getting familiar with each booth is the first lesson in attendance." At the morning meeting, Chen Pan, deputy captain of the Fifth Brigade, reminded every police officer on duty to be familiar with every booth and surrounding traffic in the Convention and Exhibition Center again, "answer the public's inquiries and provide better services for the masses." "When you arrive at the duty point, you are often surrounded by customers, and all kinds of problems come one after another, and at the end of the day, no one can still make a sound." Chen Pan said that water consumption is the fastest, and the hoarse voice of the police has become a feature. The highest temperature in Urumqi in early summer reached 34 degrees, which still could not stop the enthusiasm of the masses. Since its opening, the number of visits has reached 41,800 on the 27th alone. "Adults are optimistic about children and avoid getting lost" "Large flow of people, pay attention to safety" ...... Through the shouts of exhibitors and the laughter of the masses, the police officers on duty tried to make their voices louder. "The time-honored brand of Erdaoqiao will have special singing and dancing performances every half an hour, and the masses have stopped to check in and take pictures, which can easily cause potential safety hazards." Wang Xiaodong, the administrator of the No. 11 exhibition hall, said, "The police of our five brigades are very powerful, and they will set up duty points around the performance area to carry out diversion, which makes me feel full of security." "Let the masses watch the exhibition safely." Song Wei introduced that the five teams carried out grid management of the three exhibition areas, adopted a combination of dynamic patrol and point duty, scientifically delineated the patrol control route, and also set up a convenient service consultation desk to ensure the stability and orderliness of the exhibition area. Countless deductions have created the shield of Yingbo's peace. In the past few days, Huo Zhenping, the captain of the second squadron of the fifth brigade, seems to be particularly happy, because he brought out an excellent apprentice Huo Xueyan, Huo Zhenping is also like his master back then, taking his apprentices to visit one exhibitor after another, telling her how to quickly remember their location and business scope, and make every effort to ensure the safe operation of merchants.

【Yingbo Security】Meet Yingbo and meet the most beautiful navy blue

Huo Zhenping and his apprentice Huo Xueyan graduated from Nanjing Police College, Huo Xueyan has just joined the police for less than a year, and has participated in major security tasks such as the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the National Memorial Day, and the Nanjing Marathon during his college years. In the face of a new security model and heavy work, Huo Xueyan said, "I will bring the tenacity of police academy students to this security work, continuously improve the ability and level of service to the public, optimize the service details, and make every effort to contribute personal strength to the Asian Expo." ”

【Yingbo Security】Meet Yingbo and meet the most beautiful navy blue

Huo Zhenping and Huo Xueyan answer questions for the masses From the stage of the Asian Expo, Huo Xueyan and Master Huo Zhenping would ask each other questions during the break, how to deal with all kinds of emergencies according to the plan, and the two were very happy to do so. At noon on the 27th, the master and apprentice who were patrolling suddenly received a police report that "an old man is suspected of being separated from his family". Huo Zhenping quickly rushed to the old man's location with his apprentice, but because the old man was very old and had a bad memory, he did not provide any effective information. Huo Zhenping immediately activated the plan, released information through walkie-talkie calls and broadcasts, the police platform verified the identity information of the elderly, contacted the person in charge of the exhibition hall to call for a joint search in the exhibitor contact group, and soon the old man's wife, Ms. Yan, rushed over.

【Yingbo Security】Meet Yingbo and meet the most beautiful navy blue

Huo Zhenping helped the separated elderly find their families, "We encountered a lot of similar situations today, there are lost mobile phones, lost ID cards, and more are separated between companions, in view of all kinds of emergencies, our brigade has explored the linkage governance mechanism with fire protection, armed police, taxation, industry and commerce, exhibition hall heads, and exhibitors, and has formulated a variety of plans, repeated drills, and training to everyone, so that novices like me can also deal with it calmly." Huo Xueyan said. More than 30,000 steps, out of the road of safety. "The Internet of Things smart home appliances you are looking for are in L9, the large-scale engineering equipment you are looking for is in H5, and the biomedical treatment you are looking for is all ...... in K21-K32" Gan Xuepeng, the captain of the second squadron of the fifth brigade, can always answer the questions of the masses accurately in the first time, and he is like a treasure among the 153 exhibitors in the 10th exhibition area.

【Yingbo Security】Meet Yingbo and meet the most beautiful navy blue

In order to better serve the exhibitors during the patrol, Gan Xuepeng and his colleagues will walk around the exhibition area he is responsible for every morning to familiarize himself with the location of each exhibitor. "Xinjiang people are very warm, Xinjiang police are also very warm", Beijing exhibitor Irina said, on the afternoon of the 25th, less than a day before the opening of the Asian Expo, our booth still has a lot of key exhibits have not been arranged, it was about to close, the time is very urgent, Officer Gan learned of the situation, contacted the person in charge of the venue to buy me time, and asked the team members to help me arrange the exhibits, so that I can successfully exhibit. From 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., Gan Xuepeng and his colleagues walked 37,000 steps a day in the No. 10 exhibition area, which is less than 500 meters away. Walking on the patrol road, Gan Xuepeng and every exhibitor greeted warmly, as if they were "old friends" who had not seen each other for many years, when we walked to the southeast corner of Hall 10, we heard a strong Shandong accent "Officer Gan, Officer Gan...... exhibitor Zhang Kang trotted over with a box of water, "You take it to quench your thirst on a hot day." After Gan Xuepeng learned of the situation, he took the initiative to take Zhang Kang to a nearby gas station to buy fuel, which allowed Zhang Kang's large machinery to drive to the booth. I like the "fireworks" in the world the most, and peace and security are true.

The day's exhibition is coming to an end, and there are laughter and laughter in the convention and exhibition center from time to time, Song Wei said with a smile: "The bright smiles on the faces of the masses and exhibitors are the greatest recognition of our work!" Who can not love such Xinjiang and such Urumqi. ”

【Yingbo Security】Meet Yingbo and meet the most beautiful navy blue

Source丨Xinjiang Public Security Propaganda and Culture CenterAuthor丨Hongganggang



Issued 丨Xu Hongcheng