
Pingyao's fourth day: the street is full of young grandmothers

author:Mountain stream literature
Pingyao's fourth day: the street is full of young grandmothers
Pingyao's fourth day: the street is full of young grandmothers
Pingyao's fourth day: the street is full of young grandmothers

Pingyao One Day

Fourth, the street is full of young grandmothers

Mountain streams

Looking at the streets of Pingyao, the streets are full of young grandmothers wearing short jackets from the Qing Dynasty. These grandmothers are of all ages, but most of them are in their twenties and thirties. At first, I thought that people bought clothes to wear, but when I saw the thriving "travel photography" shops on the street, I realized that they were wearing clothes to take pictures.

chatting with the owner of the B&B shop, I found out that he also started a travel photography business in the house facing the street, and the area was quite large.

Pingyao's travel photography is popular, thanks to the hit of the TV series "Qiao's Courtyard". Legend has it that Qiao Zhiyong, the shopkeeper of the Qiao family compound in Qi County, married Miss Ma from the Ma family compound in Pingyao. And Qiao Zhiyong's first wife also happened to be surnamed Ma. It is such a legend, which has been widely spread by Pingyao people, and passed on by word of mouth by tour guides, which has made the Qiao family and the Ma family a good story. As a result, the culture of young grandmothers flourished.

As for whether the Qiao family and the Ma family are married, it doesn't matter whether there is a legend or not, or it is false or far-fetched. It can't be in the official history, and no one has tinkered with it, at best, it's just people's after-dinner chatter. The key point is that the inextricable relationship between the two richest people in Qi County and Pingyao has made the two major tourists have the effect of one plus one is greater than two, and they complement each other. In particular, it has increased people's attention to Pingyao, so that Pingyao City can make a big fuss about "Qiao's Courtyard" and Qiao Zhiyong.

Sure enough, in a certain compound, the wax figure sitting on the position of the big shopkeeper is based on Chen Jianbin who plays Qiao Zhiyong. For Chen Jianbin , he became famous because of "Qiao's Courtyard", and he was able to live as a wax figure when he was alive, which is also his Chen Jianbin creation. Of course, placing "Qiao Zhiyong" in the ancient city compound in such a rigid way, I have to say that those who engage in cultural tourism still have a lot of brains. But Chen Jianbin himself, I don't know if he will be taboo to be manipulated like this when he is alive. Oh, you don't have to, I'm too worried, isn't there a sculpture of a certain cross talk "Taidou" that has already stood up before his death? The business of the entertainment industry, let's let him go.

It is said that the beauties in Pingyao County, and even the beautiful girls in the surrounding counties and cities, are concentrated in Pingyao City, and the beauties in Pingyao City have gathered in the travel photography shop. In every travel photography shop, there is a pretty woman sitting at the door, and the huge beautiful picture behind her is taken with the beauty in the store as a model.

It is the beauty in the travel photography shop, which attracts the beauty among the tourists, and the beauty among the tourists uses their own beauty as the carrier to spread the majesty and heaviness of Pingyao City to all over the world. Oh, who can not be amazed by such a clever advertising communication effect.

(To be continued)

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