
Ma Bo: A "technical pioneer" fighting on the criminal investigation front

author:Corps Police

Ma Bo: A "technical pioneer" fighting on the criminal investigation front
Ma Bo: A "technical pioneer" fighting on the criminal investigation front

Ma Bo: A "technical pioneer" fighting on the criminal investigation front

A party member is a banner, and a branch is a fortress. In recent years, the XPCC's public security organs have fully implemented the general requirements of party building in the new era, and have added glory to the party flag and the police flag with hard work and responsibility, and a number of outstanding communist party members and outstanding party workers have emerged. Among them, there are police officers from the police station who have gone from the barracks to the police barracks and practiced the dream of peace without regrets; There are criminal investigation police officers who are committed to fighting on the front line of crime; There are traffic police who are loyal to duty and stick to the road surface dredging and smoothing; There are community police officers who are dedicated to serving the people and are willing to be the "screws" of the community...... On the occasion of the July 1st Party Day, the reporter connected to interview the advanced deeds and touching stories of Ma Bo, an outstanding Communist Party member representative in the public security team of the Corps, a "technical pioneer" in criminal investigation, let us feel and listen together.

Ma Bo, Tujia, born in April 1988, joined the Communist Party of China in July 2012, joined the public security work in October 2013, and is currently the second-level sergeant of the Criminal Police Detachment of the Public Security Bureau of the Third Division. In July 2017 and July 2023, he was rated as an outstanding Communist Party member by the Public Security Bureau of the Third Division, and in 2018, he was given a personal commendation by the Public Security Bureau of the Third Division, in 2021, he was awarded a personal commendation by the Public Security Bureau of Tumshuken District (Urban District) of the Third Division, and in February 2024, he was awarded a personal commendation by the Public Security Bureau of the Corps.

Ma Bo: A "technical pioneer" fighting on the criminal investigation front

"Extract the DNA residue of the suspect on the evidence inch by inch to ensure that each detection link is accurate, so that the suspect can be accurately identified during data comparison." On June 24, in the DNA laboratory of the Tumshuk Public Security Bureau, Ma Bo, a DNA testing technician, dressed in a white coat, carefully dripped DNA testing reagents into the test tube, carefully observing the change in the color of the test tube.

"If a single sample is inspected, the results can be obtained in one day if it goes well, and most cases have more than one sample." Ma Bo said that the purpose of testing again and again, carefully comparing and screening again and again, is to let the silent evidence "speak", which requires great patience and care.

"Recruit" to "Pioneer", "Olive Green" to "Police Blue", Ma Bo has been a police officer for 11 years, step by step, from a "young man" full of dreams to an "old criminal investigator" who can investigate, identify, understand research and judgment, and has experienced a hundred battles.

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"My uncle is a military doctor, and he planted a seed in my heart." Ma Bo recalled that the uncle was dressed in a sassy military uniform, and the reddish-brown medicine box never left his hand, and every time he came back, he told him: "Grow up and go to the army to get training." At that time, in Ma Bo's eyes, soldiers and doctors overlapped, and he had the dream of becoming a military doctor.

"Life in the barracks has sharpened my will and character, and it has served me for the rest of my life." When Ma Bo graduated from university in 2010, he resolutely joined the military, and his two years of military life made him grow a lot, and he deeply understood the meaning of responsibility, belief and perseverance, which also laid the foundation for his later career in the police.

"The profession of a police officer is a continuation of my military career." In 2013, Ma Bo was admitted to the special police detachment of the Public Security Bureau of the Third Division of the Corps and became a special police officer.

Ma Bo: A "technical pioneer" fighting on the criminal investigation front

In the DNA laboratory of the Tumshuk City Public Security Bureau, Ma Bo is working.

In 2014, in the Corps public security police practical skills instructor competition, Ma Bo was selected to participate in the training, more than 200 days, he trained hard, devoted himself, devoted himself to studying the police skills close to the actual combat, summarized and refined the essentials of the action, and finally became one of the six members of the Corps public security team in the national competition, and 222 instructors from 37 teams in the public security industry from all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country competed on the same field, and won the third prize in the three subjects of anti-pressure force promotion drill, anti-riot and terrorism training, and rapid fire of pistols, won the Group Outstanding Organization Award.

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The deceased is silent, but the evidence is sound, and the use of DNA testing technology to deal with criminal cases has greatly improved the level of cracking cases, which is the "clairvoyance" of case detection.

In 2017, Ma Bo participated in the preparation for the construction of the first DNA laboratory in southern Xinjiang of the XPCC. In 2020, the laboratory successfully passed the national qualification review. During the construction of the DNA laboratory, Ma Bo worked hard to hone his skills, used his spare time to learn DNA testing techniques and related theories, and not only obtained DNA testing qualifications, but also published several papers in national journals. He has always adhered to the concept of "no trivial matter in the case", studied hard, innovated the "Chang + single parent + Y" inspection and identification method, and solved one case after another with skilled DNA testing technology.

In May 2018, there were several transformer thefts in the jurisdiction, and the suspects destroyed and dismantled the transformer and stole the copper wires in it. Ma Bo successfully extracted physical evidence at the scene of the crime and performed chromosome typing, but failed to match the suspect after entering the database. Undeterred, he extracted information from the evidence at the scene of the Xinfa transformer theft, and after repeated tests and comparisons, the suspect was finally identified. After online pursuit, the suspect was caught, confessed to the crime, and the series of thefts were solved.

Since Ma Bo engaged in DNA testing, he has accepted more than 800 cases, inspected more than 6,000 samples, directly cracked more than 500 cases, issued more than 600 appraisals, and participated in the examination of physical evidence in a large number of cases, providing valuable or even only evidence for the investigation and solving of cases.

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"I am a student sponsored by you many years ago, from Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province." In early April, Ma Bo received a letter from a young Tibetan named Qimei Zeren. In the letter, Qi Mei Zeren expressed his sincere gratitude to Ma Bo.

By chance, Ma Bo learned about Qi Mei Zeren's situation from a friend. Qi Mei Zeren's family is in Ao Village, Basi Town, Ruoergai County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, where her mother is sick all the year round, and her younger siblings are young, and the burden of the family is on her father. In order to reduce the burden on his family, Qi Mei Zeren decided to give up his studies and go out to work.

Ma Bo knew the importance of going to school for the children in the mountains, so he decided to sponsor Qi Mei Zeren to finish high school. He contacted the principal of Qi Mei Zeren's middle school, told him what he thought, and begged the principal to keep it a secret for him. Since then, he has taken out a part of his monthly salary and sent it to Qi Mei Zeren, which is 3 years. Later, Qi Meizeren was admitted to the Sichuan Police Academy as he wished, and only then did he learn from the principal that Ma Bo funded his schooling.

Ma Bo: A "technical pioneer" fighting on the criminal investigation front

Ma Bo and his colleagues extract evidence at the scene of the crime.

"Now I work in the court and become a political and legal cadre. I will follow your example and do my best to help those in need. Qi Mei Zeren said in the letter.

This is just part of Mabo's selfless help. Since joining the police, he has donated blood 14 times, with a total of 5,800 ml of blood donated, and won the bronze award for unpaid blood donation issued by the National Blood Center.

"I am just an ordinary policeman, trying to do ordinary things well, worthy of what we shouted loudly when we entered the camp: I am willing to dedicate myself to the noble cause of people's public security and work hard to realize my oath!" Ma Bo said.


Source: Shi Jiuyun/Xinjiang Daily, Political Department of the XPCC Public Security Bureau

Editor: Zhang Caiyuan

Editor-in-charge: Li Tong

Review: Wang Qin


Corps Police Circle