
At the age of 70, the life expectancy period is reached, and if you sleep there are 8 manifestations, or you are closer to longevity

author:Medical original story meeting
At the age of 70, the life expectancy period is reached, and if you sleep there are 8 manifestations, or you are closer to longevity

Longevity of the elderly, often have a distinctive feature, sleep quality is very good, one-third of life is spent in sleep, if you sleep well, detoxification and detoxification are good, physical strength and energy are restored, immunity is improved, endocrine is stable, just ask, can the disease not stay away?

As they grow older, many old people sigh, hey, my sleep is getting worse day by day, I haven't had a good night's sleep for a long time?

Why don't you sleep well? On the one hand, whether you have developed a good routine and whether you can really go to bed early and get up early instead of staying up late for a long time, on the other hand, whether you are targeted by all kinds of diseases, including physical and psychological diseases, which will affect sleep.

Especially at the age of 70, due to the arrival of full-scale aging, the body is more susceptible to disease, and if you do not pay attention to the abnormal signals sent by the body at this time, then the disease may become more and more serious.

At the age of 70, the life expectancy period is reached, and if you sleep there are 8 manifestations, or you are closer to longevity.

First, when you reach the age of 70, you can still ensure 7-8 hours of sleep every night

Many elderly people are very pitiful, they may not even be able to sleep for five hours a night, think about it, how can such a short sleep time be healthy and long-lived?

Sleep badly, all kinds of diseases are easy to find, sleep well or not, sleep time is a very important measure, the current research believes that insisting on 7-8 hours of sleep every night is the best sleep time, sleep time is too short or too long, are not conducive to health.

At the age of 70, the life expectancy period is reached, and if you sleep there are 8 manifestations, or you are closer to longevity

Second, at the age of 70, you can still maintain the habit of going to bed early and waking up early

Good work and rest habits are essential to ensure good sleep quality, going to bed early and waking up early is a very good habit, and going to bed late and waking up late, or going to bed late and getting up early, or going to bed early and getting up late are all bad work and rest habits.

In general, it is best for older people to fall asleep at 10 o'clock in the evening and then wake up at 6-7 a.m.

Third, by the age of 70, there is no abnormally early awakening when you are in deep sleep

I don't know if you have such an experience, sleep well, suddenly wake up early, and then long nights, tossing and turning in bed, how can you not fall asleep, frequent early awakening, is extremely bad for health, frequent early awakening, often occurs in deep sleep, more harmful to health.

Generally speaking, the time period between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. is the best time for deep sleep, and if you wake up at this point in time, the situation will be very bad.

Fourth, when you reach the age of 70, you will not have nightmares when you sleep, and you will not wake up suddenly

Hao Bin, a famous Chinese clinical psychologist, believes that the content of dreams is actually produced by the perception, memory, storage and other functions of people's nervous system, which contains people's subconscious desires and emotions.

But dreams are divided into good dreams and nightmares, if you have a nightmare, it is very bad, many elderly people often wake up because of nightmares, and then they can't sleep, some people believe that nightmares are often abnormal signals from diseases, in other words, the more sick people are, the easier it is to have nightmares, and the worse the quality of sleep.

Fifth, by the age of 70, there are no abnormal night sweats when sleeping

Many elderly people are sweating all over their bodies as soon as they sleep, and all the sheets and quilts are sweaty, and due to serious sweating, the whole person will even be dehydrated, and the mental state is also very bad when they wake up in the morning.

Night sweats are a manifestation of qi deficiency, such as hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, cancer and other diseases.

Sixth, by the age of 70, there is no abnormal chest pain and tightness during sleep

At night, because people lie flat and the amount of blood returns to the heart increases, they are prone to heart discomfort at night, and people with a bad heart are prone to abnormal chest pain and tightness during sleep, which will seriously affect sleep.

Seventh, by the age of 70, there is no abnormal dizziness and headache when sleeping

Whether the brain feels good or not during sleep directly affects the sleep quality of the elderly, and if you feel dizzy and headache before going to bed, then sleep at night is often not steady.

Eighth, by the age of 70, there are no abnormal cramps during sleep

Many elderly people often suffer from atherosclerosis or calcium deficiency in the lower limbs, and they are more likely to have abnormal cramps when sleeping, and severe cramps will wake them up suddenly.

At the age of 70, the life expectancy period is reached, and if you sleep there are 8 manifestations, or you are closer to longevity