
Kidney essence loss, lack of qi and blood, how to choose Qilin Pill and Wuzi Yanzong Pill?

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In the fast-paced urban life, many people are facing the problem of kidney essence loss and lack of qi and blood due to high pressure and irregular work and rest. Do you often feel tired, lightheaded, or even chilly? These are all signals from your body to you: a warning that you need to replenish your energy! So how exactly to supplement? Which medicine is right for you? In this article, we will comprehensively analyze the composition and mechanism of action of Qilin Pill and Wuzi Yanzong Pill, two commonly used traditional Chinese medicine formulas.

Kidney essence loss, lack of qi and blood, how to choose Qilin Pill and Wuzi Yanzong Pill?

1. Comparison of the main ingredients:

Wuzi Yanzong Pill - Five sons work together to replenish the kidneys and fill the essence

Wuzi Yanzong Pill is formulated from five precious medicinal herbs, each with its own unique curative effect, just like a team performing its own duties and completing the task together:

Raspberry: Nourish the kidneys and strengthen sperm, improve reproductive health, restore self-confidence and virility.

Schisandra chinensis: nourishes qi and kidneys, calms the mind and calms the nerves, relieves tension and anxiety.

Psyllium: Clears away heat and diuresis, helps the body expel excess moisture.

Goji berries: nourish the liver and kidneys, enhance energy and regain vitality.

Cuscuta seed: nourishing the liver and kidneys, benefiting the essence and separating the fetus, all-round nourishment.

Kidney essence loss, lack of qi and blood, how to choose Qilin Pill and Wuzi Yanzong Pill?

Qilin Pill - Ten perfect supplements, warm yang and nourish yin

Qilin Pill not only inherits the essence of Wuzi Yanzong Pill, but also adds more than ten other precious medicinal materials to comprehensively regulate the body:

Cuscuta seeds, wolfberry seeds, raspberries: tonify the kidneys and fill the essence, make people energetic.

Epimedium officinalis, Polygonum multiflori, mulberry, Suoyang, Lotus and White Peony: nourish blood and aphrodisiac, collect essence and calm the nerves, enhance physical fitness, and improve sleep.

Codonopsis, astragalus, green bark, yam: nourishing qi, improving immunity and fighting fatigue.

Salvia, Yujin: invigorate blood and dispel blood stasis, relieve depression and relieve stress.

Kidney essence loss, lack of qi and blood, how to choose Qilin Pill and Wuzi Yanzong Pill?

2. Comparison of mechanisms of action

Wuzi Yanzong Pill mainly makes people feel better by replenishing the essence of the kidneys, just like adding a handful of "vitality" to the body. Wuzi Yanzong Pill is more focused on tonifying the kidney and filling sperm, especially suitable for people with soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness, sperm loss, and low sperm motility due to insufficient kidney essence.

Kirin Pill is not only a kidney tonic and sperm filler, but also enhances the overall function of the body by regulating the body's endocrine system (thalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis).

Kidney essence loss, lack of qi and blood, how to choose Qilin Pill and Wuzi Yanzong Pill?

Through this mechanism, Qilin Pill can increase the secretion of testosterone in the Leydig cells of the testes and increase the level of male hormones, thereby effectively improving symptoms such as kidney deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, and qi and blood deficiency. In short, Kirin Pill not only replenishes "vitality", but also activates the "power system" in the body, restoring health fundamentally.

3. How to choose the right drug for you?

The answer depends on the specific symptoms and physical condition. If it is only a deficiency of kidney essence, such as soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness, premature ejaculation, etc., then Wuzi Yanzong Pill is a better choice. Its medicinal properties are calm, suitable for long-term conditioning, and can effectively improve these symptoms.

And if you still have symptoms of kidney deficiency, such as cold limbs, chills and cold, frequent urination and urgency, increased nocturia, impotence, etc., then Kirin pills may be more suitable. Qilin pills not only replenish the kidneys and fill the essence, but also warm and replenish the kidney yang and comprehensively improve the physical state. In addition, it can also significantly improve fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, insomnia and other problems caused by lack of qi and blood.

No matter which drug you choose, you should follow the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, understand your physical condition, choose the most suitable treatment plan, and ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drug is the most responsible attitude for health. Hopefully, this article will provide you with some useful references to avoid detours on the road to health.

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