
7 signs that a man is starting to age, as long as there are no more than 3, it means that you are still tough

author:Medical original story meeting
7 signs that a man is starting to age, as long as there are no more than 3, it means that you are still tough

Just after his 45th birthday, Mr. Lu had a series of strange symptoms, lack of concentration, memory loss, irritability, irritability, and not as enthusiastic about life as before, and worse, he always felt poor breathing, local numbness and tingling and cold limbs.

You're in menopause. The doctor said to Mr. Lu.

After listening to the doctor's words, Mr. Lu was dumbfounded, and after a while, he asked the doctor, isn't menopause only for women? Doctor, are you mistaken, I'm male.

Doctors are not mistaken, usually everyone pays attention to female menopausal syndrome, but they do not know that men can also have menopausal syndrome, male menopause refers to a specific period of transition from middle age to old age in men, it is based on the hormone level, biochemical environment, and psychological state changes in men's body from prosperity to decline. If the process is too drastic, adversely affecting the function of multiple organ systems and reducing quality of life, it will manifest with certain physical and mental abnormalities or (and) signs and symptoms, which may be accompanied by low serum testosterone levels, also known as andropause syndrome.

Most men start menopause after the age of 40~55, so after the age of 40, men may have all kinds of symptoms, which are actually signs of aging.

As a doctor, I would like to remind the majority of male compatriots that as long as there are no more than 3 signs of aging in men, it means that you are still very tough.

First, physical fitness and energy decline, and fatigue is a sign of aging

As men age, they often feel inadequate, and the main manifestations are a decrease in physical fitness and energy, and fatigue is easy.

As a simple example, when you are young, you may not feel tired after running for hours when you go to a basketball game or a football game, but when you get older, not only can you not run, but you may even feel overwhelmed after running for a while.

When you are young, your energy is very good, even if you stay up late at night, your spirit is still good the next day, but when you get older, you will find that although your sleep time is quite sufficient, your energy can't keep up.

7 signs that a man is starting to age, as long as there are no more than 3, it means that you are still tough

Second, constipation or diarrhea is a sign of aging

As they get older, many men will find that their stools become worse and worse, some suffer from constipation for a long time, some suffer from diarrhea for a long time, and the intestines seem to become more sensitive.

The reason for this situation is that aging reduces the intestinal peristalsis function, there is a huge microbial kingdom in the intestine, and aging will also change the microbial structure in the intestine, which will lead to abnormal intestinal function, and eventually cause abnormal bowel movements.

Third, whether it is work or study, it is difficult to concentrate, which is a sign of aging

When you are young, whether you work or study, you are particularly passionate, and you are particularly focused, your memory is also very good, and many things can be remembered, as you grow older, you will find that whether it is work or study, it is difficult to concentrate, the main reason is aging, aging makes the brain shrink, and it will also affect the normal function of brain cells, so there will be memory loss, lack of concentration.

Fourth, insomnia, less sleep, more dreams, and easy awakening are manifestations of aging

As they grow older, many men will find that their sleep quality is getting worse and worse, when they are young, the quality of sleep is particularly good, they fall asleep, and they sleep until dawn, and they will not wake up early at night, but when they are older, they can't sleep when they want to sleep, and they finally fall asleep.

Fifth, bone and joint pain, loss of muscle mass and strength, are signs of aging

When I was young, I could do whatever I wanted to exercise, and my bones and joints were healthy, and my muscle mass and strength were great, but as I aged, due to osteoporosis, joint degeneration, bone and joint pain, and muscle mass and strength decreased due to muscle atrophy.

Another important manifestation of men's aging is that they are more likely to accumulate fat on their stomachs and look like a general with a big belly.

Sixth, the social circle is getting smaller and smaller, and the enthusiasm for life is becoming less and less, which is a manifestation of aging

As they grow older, many men have fewer and fewer friends, their social circles are getting smaller and smaller, they are less and less enthusiastic about life, they feel that they are not interested in anything, and even feel that this is it.

Seventh, sexual dysfunction declines, which is a manifestation of aging

I believe that this is the most unspeakable helplessness of most aging men, aging affects the secretion of male hormones in men, affects men's physical strength and energy, and these will lead to men's inability to have sex.

7 signs that a man is starting to age, as long as there are no more than 3, it means that you are still tough