
Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

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Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor
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#长文创作激励计划#前段时间普京出访朝鲜和越南, it has aroused heated discussions in the international community.

Prior to this, Putin also did a very sensational thing, that is, he made some personnel adjustments to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

On June 17, Putin signed a decree appointing Shoigu as secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, replacing Shoigu with Belousov as defense minister;

In addition, a number of job transfers have been made.

One of them, Tsyvereva, was appointed deputy defense minister to attract attention because some media broke the news that Tsevereva was Putin's cousin niece.

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

One has to guess that Putin is cronyistic. Because before this, Tsevereva did not hold any military positions, and a person with no military background was appointed deputy defense minister, what exactly is Putin's intention?

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

The appointment of his niece as deputy defense minister has sparked controversy

On May 7, Putin officially began his eighth term as president, and shortly after, Putin made an important announcement, announcing a reshuffle of the Russian government and the presidential office, and making some appointments.

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

As mentioned above, Russia's political scene can be described as very "turbulent" this time, not only a large-scale replacement of key personnel at once, but also its own cronies.

But Tsyvereva's rise to prominence is remarkable.

Born in 1972, in addition to being revealed to be Putin's niece, she served as chairman of the board of directors of Russia's Kolmar Coal Group in 2018.

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Tsevereva served as the head of the "Fatherland Defenders Foundation", which helps mobilized people and families of veterans.

In addition, it is even more embarrassing that Tsyvereva's husband, Sergei Tsyverev, was appointed Russia's energy minister in May.

Tsyvereva, who oversees and leads the military's social and housing support since taking office, said she will actively look for innovative ways to create a "new level of quality."

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

But many people are still suspicious of her and even Putin: Putin uses a person who does not understand military affairs to be the deputy minister, is it really cronyism or is it meritocracy?

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

A new government is formed

In fact, it is not only Tsyvereva, most of the political scene in Russia is led by acquaintances. For example, the surprising new Minister of Defense Belousov.

Born in Moscow in 1959, Belousov graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

After graduating, Belousov first worked at the institute and then entered politics, all of which were related to the economy.

Belovesov, who was engaged in academic research in the field of economics, worked for 20 years and made considerable achievements in the fields of Soviet economy and Russian macroeconomic analysis.

After Putin became president in 2000, he greatly admired this man who had made many achievements in the economic circles, and since 2006, Putin has promoted him to a key leadership position in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in the cabinet government.

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

In 2013, Putin even arranged Belousov to his side as the president's assistant in charge of economic affairs.

Belousov stayed with Putin for 7 years, became Putin's latest economic adviser and was a close confidant of Putin.

Belousov is a leader in the economic field, but on what basis is he in charge of Russia's Ministry of Defense?

Obviously, Putin has his own considerations, and this has to go back to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

At the beginning of 2022, the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out. This was followed by economic sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries led by the United States, and many experts predicted that the Russian economy would be dragged down.

But the current Russia-Ukraine conflict has been going on for more than two years, and there is no sign of an end.

Even if Russia is much stronger than Ukraine's military power, the damage to a country caused by war is 100% irreversible.

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

First, war requires a large amount of military investment, second, war has a very large economic impact on other areas of the country, and third, war will shake people's livelihood.

For this reason, in order to innovate defense spending, which can not only maintain the needs of the war, but also not affect Russia's economy and people's livelihood, Putin will appoint Belousov to control the overall economic situation of Russia.

Looking at First Deputy Minister Gorning, in fact, Gorning's integration ability is very outstanding, having served as Deputy Minister of Finance and was also responsible for budget policy in the field of Russia's military department and defense contracts.

Fradkov has extensive diplomatic and security experience having served in the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Federal Security Service.

He also has a background in economics and worked at the Federal Administration of State-owned Assets, where he was responsible for the management and development of Russian state-owned enterprises and assets.

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

Savelyev previously served as Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and also worked as an auditor for the Ministry of Crimea Affairs and the Russian Federation.

In contrast to the appointment of officials with many economic backgrounds, the departure of the four deputy defense ministers, who accompanied Shoigu for 12 years, seems a little lonely.

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

Putin's calculations

So what are Putin's considerations for such a large-scale update of the ruling team?

First, as mentioned above, the Russia-Ukraine war is a key factor for Putin. Although Russia's military power is much stronger than Ukraine's, Ukraine has the support of Western countries, and so far, both sides have the ability and willingness to fight.

The fact that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has become a continuous conflict means that the economy has become an important factor for it, and only by ensuring the sustainability of military operations can the economy ensure the sustainability of military operations and maintain the combat effectiveness of the army.

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

Second, Putin realizes that the domestic economy cannot rely too heavily on the military industry.

Although Russia has shown considerable economic resilience in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and has not collapsed as predicted by Western countries, it will be difficult to achieve a true modernization transformation if it continues to adopt this economic model that relies on the military industry.

Third, since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Western countries have carried out all-round attacks on Russia, such as conducting public opinion warfare and economic sanctions, which not only caused the rapid deterioration of relations between Russia and Western countries, but also made Russia "suffer from the enemy".

In addition to dealing with the crisis in Ukraine, Russia is also facing pressure and challenges from Western countries, and Russia is in an increasingly difficult position.

In order to avoid Russia's predicament and seek a breakthrough, the new government reshuffle is intended to accelerate the adaptation to external changes, reduce the country's external dependence and improve its technological sovereignty capacity.

Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor


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Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor

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Putin appoints niece as deputy defense minister, US think tank: Putin began to train a successor