
The brigade of the high-tech zone jointly carried out emergency drills for gas accidents with multiple departments

author:Alxa Fire Fighting

In order to effectively improve the emergency response capacity to deal with gas emergencies and ensure the safety of life and property and public safety of gas users, on the afternoon of June 27, the high-tech zone brigade jointly carried out an emergency drill for gas accidents with the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, gas companies and property companies.

The brigade of the high-tech zone jointly carried out emergency drills for gas accidents with multiple departments
The brigade of the high-tech zone jointly carried out emergency drills for gas accidents with multiple departments

The drill simulated the leakage and fire of the inlet ball valve of the pressure regulator box in Building 2 of Yahe Qiuse Community. During the whole exercise, the whole process of emergency rescue and emergency disposal when the inlet ball valve of the pressure regulator box leaked and caught fire, covering all aspects of incident notification, emergency response, emergency disposal, response termination and aftermath treatment. Through this exercise, it not only trained the team, improved the command and dispatch and on-site disposal capabilities of emergencies, but also tested the effectiveness of the emergency plan, promoted the running-in and cooperation of the participating departments, and strengthened the overall ability of coordinated operations.

The brigade of the high-tech zone jointly carried out emergency drills for gas accidents with multiple departments
The brigade of the high-tech zone jointly carried out emergency drills for gas accidents with multiple departments

In the next step, the brigade will continue to strengthen actual combat drills, deepen departmental cooperation, and build a more complete emergency rescue system to provide a strong guarantee for the protection of people's lives and property.

The brigade of the high-tech zone jointly carried out emergency drills for gas accidents with multiple departments