
Blue Alert for Severe Convection!

author:Inner Mongolia Ordos Fire Fighting

In the next three days (June 30-July 2), precipitation will continue, with moderate rain in Xilin Gol League, Chifeng City, Tongliao City, Ulanqab City, and Hohhot City, locally heavy rain, accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and other strong convective weather. The Meteorological Observatory of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued a blue warning for severe convection this morning, reminding the public in the above-mentioned areas to prepare for prevention. Affected by the precipitation, the temperature in most areas is around 28°C, which is relatively cool. However, there is still a high temperature of more than 35 °C in Alxa League and Hulunbuir City, so you need to pay attention to heatstroke and sun protection when traveling.

In terms of weather, precipitation occurred in most areas today, and the highest temperature in major cities was between 25 °C ~ 30 °C. Tomorrow's highest temperature will reach 31 °C in Wuhai City, and the temperature in most other areas will be around 28 °C. The temperature began to rise the day after tomorrow, and the temperature in Bayannur City, Wuhai City, Ulanhot City, and Hulunbuir City was above 30 °C.

Today, it is cloudy in the southwest and northeast of the west, most of the central part and the south-east of our region, with light rain or thundershowers, among them, there is moderate rain in the north of Xilin Gol League, the southeast of Chifeng City, and the south of Tongliao City, and there is heavy rain locally, and the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and other strong convective weather, and the rest of the area is cloudy in the clear; Short-term northerly winds of magnitude 4 and 5 in the east-western region, and short-term easterly winds of magnitude 4 and 5 and magnitude 6 in the north-central and south-eastern areas.

Blue Alert for Severe Convection!

Tomorrow, it will be cloudy in the east-west, west-central and south-southeast, and west-southeast areas of our region, with light rain or thundershowers, among them, there will be moderate rain in the south-south of Ulanqab City, southwestern and central parts of Xilin Gol League, and heavy rain locally, and the above-mentioned areas will be accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and other strong convective weather, and the rest of the area will be cloudy with sunny intervals; The northwest of the Alxa League has a high temperature of 35 degrees and above.

Blue Alert for Severe Convection!

The day after tomorrow, it will be cloudy in the eastern, western, southern, and southeastern parts of our region, with light rain or thundershowers, among them, there will be moderate rain in the north of Hohhot, the north of Ulanqab City, and some areas in the west of Xilin Gol League, and the above areas will be accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and other strong convective weather, and the rest of the area will be cloudy with clear and cloudy intervals; The western part of the Alxa League and the northeast of Hulunbuir City have local high temperature weather of 35 degrees and above.

Blue Alert for Severe Convection!