
The woman took her daughter to pick up scrap metal on the construction site, and a few days later, she found several gold bracelets in her daughter's school bag

author:Natural small talk

Text/Fan Tao Material/Jiang Mei

Jiang Mei, a single mother.

Since her husband died of illness, she has been living alone with her two children, and in order to support her two children, she can only get up early and work greedily at night, and sometimes she even goes to work as a laborer in order to earn more money.

The work of the laborer is very tiring and hard, sometimes even men may not be able to persevere, a bag of 100 catties of cement on the back of the fifth floor, one trip or two is fine, and few men can persevere.

And Jiang Mei, she is like an iron beaten, no matter how bitter or tired she is, she doesn't say a word.

There was not a single man who did not admire her.

The woman took her daughter to pick up scrap metal on the construction site, and a few days later, she found several gold bracelets in her daughter's school bag

On this day, Jiang Mei came home from work and was just about to wash, but she didn't see the two children.

Jiang Mei looked around, only the bedroom door was closed.

There was also the sound of laughter in the room.

The sister and brother hid in the room and didn't know what they were doing, Jiang Mei shouted into the room: "Li Jiahao, Li Jiana, what are you two doing in the house?" Have you done your homework? ”

Jiang Mei finished shouting, but there was no response.

She frowned, and was about to open the door and go in to have a look.

But when she was about to open the door, she found that the door was locked, and Jiang Mei saw this and directly found the spare key to open the door.

Jiang Mei opened the door and shouted over and over again: "You two have stiff wings, do you know how to lock the door?" When I come in, you will know that the pot is made of iron."

Not long after, Jiang Mei opened the door.

Li Jiahao, Li Jiana, sister and brother were playing games with their mobile phones, because they were wearing headphones and were too involved, they didn't even notice Jiang Mei opening the door and coming in.

Jiang Mei saw that Li Jiana's sister and brother didn't do their homework, so they avoided her to play games, and she was suddenly angry.

At this time, Li Jiana's sister and brother also found that their mother Jiang Mei opened the door and entered the house, and his younger brother Li Jiahao hurriedly put his mobile phone behind him and looked at Jiang Mei nervously, he didn't know if he would be beaten next.

Li Jiana also lowered her head and didn't dare to speak.

Jiang Mei's face was pale, she stretched out her hand and said angrily: "Bring me the phone!" ”

The younger brother Li Jiahao glanced at his sister Li Jiana, and finally handed the mobile phone hidden behind him to Jiang Mei.

Jiang Mei took the mobile phone and looked at it, a trace of anger flashed in her eyes, she knew that the price of this mobile phone was expensive, she was reluctant to use this kind of mobile phone, Li Jiahao sister and brother actually used this kind of mobile phone to play games.

What she doesn't understand is that Li Jiahao's sister and brother don't have any money, where did this mobile phone come from?

The woman took her daughter to pick up scrap metal on the construction site, and a few days later, she found several gold bracelets in her daughter's school bag

Jiang Mei put the phone on the desk next to her and asked, "Anyway, where did this phone come from, if you are willing to tell the truth and explain this matter clearly, I may consider not beating you two, otherwise, you will wait to be beaten tonight!" ”

The younger brother Li Jiahao obviously knew his mother Jiang Mei's temper, and was so frightened by her that he immediately shook out all the truth.

He pointed to his sister Li Jiana and said, "The mobile phone was brought back by my sister to play, it's none of my business."

Li Jiana was glared at him by her younger brother when she said this.

Jiang Mei looked at Li Jiana and said: "Jiana, I always thought you were very sensible, but I didn't expect that you would play games with your mother and younger brother behind your back, where did you get this mobile phone, did you buy it or someone else played it for you?"

Li Jiana whispered: "I bought it."

When Jiang Mei heard her daughter admit it, her face looked a little better, and she was worried that her daughter would not admit it, or make up a lie to deceive her.

Jiang Mei nodded and said, "You are still honest, since this is the case, then let me ask you, where did you get the money to buy this mobile phone?" I don't think this phone is cheap, how much did you spend? ”

Although she will also give Li Jiana and her brother some pocket money, it will never reach the level where she can buy a mobile phone, this mobile phone looks like a few thousand yuan, and Li Jiana will never have so much money.

The only possibility she could think of was for Li Jiana to steal money.

Otherwise, where would she, a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, have so much money to buy a mobile phone?

In order to ensure her daughter's dignity, Jiang Mei did not say stealing, but just asked her where she got the money to buy this mobile phone.

Li Jiana saw that there was no way to hide it, so she had to say: "This mobile phone cost 3,500 yuan, the money was given to me by Uncle Zhao, he gave me a lot of money, I saw that this mobile phone looked good, so I spent 3,500 yuan to buy one, and I didn't use the rest of the money indiscriminately."

Jiang Mei was stunned when she heard this, and asked, "That Uncle Zhao?" How much money does he give you? ”

Li Jiana said: "It's the Uncle Zhao you met when you took me to the construction site to pick up scrap iron some time ago, and the money he gave was in my schoolbag."

After that, Li Jiana picked up the schoolbag at the bedside, opened it, and took out two stacks of brand-new 100 yuan bills and a stack of loose money that had been erased.

The woman took her daughter to pick up scrap metal on the construction site, and a few days later, she found several gold bracelets in her daughter's school bag

Jiang Mei's face changed suddenly after seeing Li Jiana take out so much money, and she hurriedly asked, "Is there anything else?" ”

When Li Jiana heard this, she continued: "That's all the money, but Uncle Zhao also gave me some beautiful jewelry, you can see that this is the ......."

Li Jiana said, pulled up her cuffs, revealing the bracelets on her wrists, she had both wrists, a total of four bracelets.

In addition, Li Jiana also took off a few necklaces from her neck, she put everything on the bed, and said with some grievances: "It's all here, I haven't hidden anything."

Li Jiana may only think that these jewelry are good-looking, but in Jiang Mei's eyes, each of these jewelry makes her heart tremble, isn't this a gold bracelet and a gold necklace?

She picked it up casually and checked it in her hand, and found that the weight was not light, and these gold bracelets and gold necklaces were estimated to be worth at least about 200,000 yuan.

With so much money, Jiang Mei was a little dizzy.

She has never seen so much money in her life!

She tried hard to remember who this Uncle Zhao was, but she couldn't remember it, Jiang Mei asked again: "Jia Na, what did this Uncle Zhao look like you said, has your mother seen it?" ”

Jiang Mei was very puzzled, she didn't seem to have any particularly rich relatives at home!

Especially on the construction site.

is willing to give Li Jiana so much money, is she just a stranger?

Li Jiana said: "Mom, have you forgotten? Is that the uncle who invited us to ice cream before, the one with glasses? ”

After Li Jiana's reminder, Jiang Mei finally remembered!

Three or four months ago, the eldest brother took Li Jiana to the construction site to pick up scrap iron, which was almost completed, and she was allowed to pick up scrap iron.

That is, when she was picking up scrap iron, she met a man who was about her age, maybe a little younger than her, and Jiang Mei didn't know very well.

However, this man is still very good to her, not only letting her go into the construction site to pick up scrap iron, but also often buying ice cream for her and Li Jiana to eat.

At first, Jiang Mei thought that this person was a good person, and she was very grateful for it, but it was not until later that she found out that when this person was chatting with her, he more or less revealed that he wanted to be with her.

Jiang Mei also realized at this time, it turned out that the other party had taken a fancy to her, and after discovering this, Jiang Mei was very panicked.

Since her husband died of illness, she has not considered the issue of remarriage, she always feels that if she remarries, she will be sorry for her deceased husband, and secondly, she doesn't know if the other party will be good to her two children.

The woman took her daughter to pick up scrap metal on the construction site, and a few days later, she found several gold bracelets in her daughter's school bag

Worried so much, she naturally didn't think about it.

There are many people I know on the construction site, and Jiang Mei is also worried about other people's gossip.

After all, he is a single mother, and he is with a construction site manager all day long, and there will always be gossip.

In order to avoid these gossips, Jiang Mei simply did not go to the construction site directly, and went to find something to do elsewhere.

After leaving, Jiang Mei gradually forgot about this matter, if it weren't for her daughter Li Jiana mentioning it, she would have forgotten that there was such a person!

Jiang Mei was a little flustered, and she asked, "Jia Na, did this Uncle Zhao say anything when he gave you these things?" ”

Li Jiana thought for a while, and she said, "Uncle Zhao said that he was embarrassed to see you, and this money is for me and my brother, and these jewelry are also for me."

"By the way, he also left me a letter saying that if you find out about the money, he will show you this letter ......."

Li Jiana seemed to think of something, and picked up her schoolbag and rummaged through it.

After a few minutes, an earth-colored envelope was found in a pile of test papers.

She handed the envelope to Jiang Mei and said, "Mom gave it to you, this is it."

Jiang Mei took the envelope, her face was a little puzzled, why did this surnamed Zhao write to her?

She also knew he would find out about the money? Deliberately left a letter to intercede with Jia Na?

Jiang Mei was full of doubts, she took the envelope and tore off the seal.

When I opened it, I saw that there was a card in addition to a folded piece of paper.

Jiang Mei took out the paper, opened it and hurriedly looked at it, frowning.

The letter reads like this.

Seeing the words, I didn't expect to meet your sister-in-law in such a way, and I made such a big oolong joke.

Sister-in-law, don't blame Jia Na, the thing is a gift from me to her, and it is also what Brother Jian'an left with me before, he used to always tell me that if he had a daughter, he would buy him a lot of gold jewelry, I thought he had done it, but I didn't expect that when I heard his news again, it was already forever, I haven't seen sister-in-law before, and I don't know that you are Brother Jian'an's wife, since he returned to his hometown twelve years ago, we have lost contact.

If Jia Na hadn't shown me the photos of your home, I would still be in the dark, I don't know that Brother Jian'an has passed away, Brother Jian'an is kind to me, there are 500,000 yuan in the card, this money is given to you by Brother Jian'an, something happened within our company back then, and there was no dividend after Brother Jian'an left, you must accept this money for your own use.

I heard from others that you are not doing very well, sister-in-law, and this money must be able to improve your life.

I have left the city and have no face to see you again.

Who would have thought that you would be Brother Jian'an's wife, this world is very big, but it is also very small, when I know about it, I only feel very ashamed, and I am a little sorry for you.

In the future, you will live with your children in peace, right?

During the Qingming Festival, say hello to Brother Jian'an for me.

Zhao Jichen stayed.

The woman took her daughter to pick up scrap metal on the construction site, and a few days later, she found several gold bracelets in her daughter's school bag

Jiang Mei looked at the content of the letter, and didn't know what to say for a while, this Zhao Jichen actually knew her husband, and the relationship was very good.

Jiang Mei doesn't know much about her husband's past.

This Zhao Jichen has never heard him talk about it, could it be that he is annoyed by what he is pursuing because he found out that he is the wife of his former brother?

Come to think of it, it should be the same.

Jiang Mei asked, "Jia Na, have you shown this Uncle Zhao a photo of our family?" ”

Li Jiana nodded when she heard this: "Mom, I can see that Uncle Zhao likes you, or you can find one!" I don't mind having a stepfather."

Li Jiahao nodded and said, "Yes, yes, Uncle Zhao often bought us delicious food some time ago!" ”

When Jiang Mei heard this, she glared and said, "You know how to eat, what nonsense are you talking about?" ”

"The money and jewelry are confiscated first, these things have to be returned, and we can't ask for other people's things."

Hearing this, Li Jiana stuck out her tongue.

There was a reason for the incident, Jiang Mei did not punish the two sisters and brothers.

The woman took her daughter to pick up scrap metal on the construction site, and a few days later, she found several gold bracelets in her daughter's school bag

The next day, Jiang Mei did not go to work, but hurried to the previous construction site, but she searched for a long time, but she did not find Zhao Jichen.

I only heard from others, he seems to have returned to the company's headquarters!

As for where it went, it is not known.

Jiang Mei pinched the card, looked at the passing vehicles, and didn't know what to do for a while, no one could contact her, what should she do with the money?


Disclaimer: This article is a fictional story, please read it rationally and do not sit down.

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