
When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

author:Hole A C

A stone mill has been found in the village of Ashankou, this stone mill is made of stone tablets, due to long-term use and wind and rain, the stone tablets themselves have been seriously corroded, from the recognizable text, you can also see a familiar name: Wang Jimei.

Wang Jimei is a well-known traitor in Zaozhuang, this person has done a lot of evil in the local area, and is deeply hated by the surrounding people, and the "official land tragedy" was concocted by him.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

A traitor who committed the most heinous crimes

The Japanese invaders announced their unconditional surrender on August 15, 1945, but the Japanese invaders in the Zaozhuang area of Shandong Province refused to surrender, and the local war continued.

In accordance with the requirements of the Shandong Military Region, the Lunan Military Region continued to attack the Japanese puppet army under the command of Commander Zhang Guangzhong, and the 1st Battalion of the 17th Garrison Regiment occupied the area west of Qicun, cut off the Linzao branch line, and the 3rd Battalion and 7th Company occupied the dragon head, forming a circular encirclement of Zaozhuang.

The encirclement became smaller and smaller, and the Japanese puppet troops in the circle shrank into a group, and they could only survive on the wells of a few vegetable gardens.

In order to force the Japanese puppet army to surrender, the soldiers found the remains of some wild animals and threw them into the well at night, so that the enemy could not draw water normally, but the traitor leader Wang Jimei had no intention of surrendering at all, fantasizing that the Kuomintang could come to save them.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

Wang Jimei knows the Eighth Route Army very well, which is related to his life history.

He himself is a native of Qianxiaowan Village, Guoliji Township, Zaozhuang City, and has a great understanding of the local situation, and when the Anti-Japanese War first broke out, he also participated in the anti-Japanese guerrillas, and in 1939 participated in the cadre training class of the Communist Party of China in Shandong, and after graduation, he went to the battlefield and was appointed as the platoon commander of the Yixian Detachment of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

Around 1941, the situation in the anti-Japanese base areas continued to deteriorate due to the repeated "purges" of the Japanese invaders, and in the most difficult days of the Shandong Anti-Japanese War, Wang Jimei actually surrendered to the enemy with a platoon of 28 soldiers.

This news caused a great shock at the time, however, the worse news was still to come: Wang Jimei was very familiar with the situation of the anti-Japanese base area, and was also assigned to the Yang Guiling Department by the Japanese as the leader of the third squadron of the third garrison brigade of Yi County, and concurrently served as the head of the pseudo-township of Shui Guo.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

Whenever the enemy launched an "encirclement and suppression" against the Japanese base areas, Wang Jimei was the kind of person who took the initiative to lead the way, bringing great harm to the soldiers and civilians in the base areas.

The local people are well aware of his notoriety, and they are eager to find an opportunity to get rid of him; Wang Jimei also understands what will happen if he falls into the hands of the Japanese puppet army, and he is also the most stubborn one.

In 1944 alone, he committed 41 bloody crimes.

Due to the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party during the Anti-Japanese War and the changes in the international environment, the Japanese finally could not resist in 1945, and they announced their unconditional surrender on August 15.

The Japanese invaders in the Zaozhuang area continued to resist stubbornly for a period of time under the influence of militarist ideology, and finally chose to surrender.

Wang Jimei was extremely panicked, and in order to prevent him from escaping, the 9th Lunan Garrison Brigade continued to compress the encirclement, and it was finally time to clear the old accounts.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

In October of the same year, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party signed the "Double Tenth Agreement" in Chongqing, and Chen Yi, commander of the New Fourth Army, responded to the call to actively implement the policy and actively strive for Hao Pengju to raise 20,000 people to revolt.

At this time, Wang Jimei was dying.

On the night of October 3, with the cooperation of the defeated Japanese invaders, he concentrated more than 1,000 people to launch a surprise attack on the position of the 9th Company of the 17th Regiment.

More than 50 soldiers of the 9th Company were killed, and Li Yongying, the deputy company commander, and others retreated to a turret in the north of the village with the remaining 12 soldiers to continue the struggle.

Wang Jimei launched several attacks in succession without success, and this heinous traitor thought of a shameless way: gather innocent people and push them to pile up straw under the turret, and then set fire.

The 14 soldiers on the turret saw Wang Jimei brutalizing the people, and the enemy was caught between the people, so they didn't shoot.

14 heroes were burned to death in the turret by Wang Jimei, and this group of puppet soldiers began to search door to door, capturing more than 70 people in total, and they also shouted to the people: "If anyone dares to harbor the eight roads, then the whole family will be shot." ”

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

This was the "Guandi Tragedy", and in the days after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, such a tragedy caused a great shock.

Brigade commander Hu Darong said: "It is necessary to conscientiously sum up the reasons for the defeat in the battle, and everyone should take the 'official land tragedy' as a warning, heighten vigilance, formulate a defense plan to deal with the enemy's surprise attack, organize migrant workers to bury the martyrs who have died, and do a good job in dealing with the aftermath." ”

When Comrade Wang Qingxiang buried the remains of the martyrs, he found a very tall "martyr", whose hands and feet were cold, and he was no longer breathing, but his body had not yet stiffened.

So, Wang Qingxiang touched the snort of the "martyr" with his hand, and found that he still had a faint breath, and he immediately shouted: "Come to the medical staff, there is a soldier here who may be too injured and in shock, and he can still be saved." ”

Several migrant workers hurriedly ran over and quickly carried the injured to the hospital on a stretcher, saving the "martyr".

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

Just when the soldiers vowed from top to bottom to make Wang Jimei pay for his blood debt, the 7th Division of the Shandong Field Army, which was preparing to attack Wang Jimei, stopped its operation, because the "Armistice Agreement" had been signed and Wang Jimei surrendered to the Kuomintang government.

From January 13 to June 1946, a short period of peace came, and the communist troops strictly abided by the agreement, but the Kuomintang troops repeatedly created friction.

It stands to reason that the communist troops who insisted on fighting the war in Shandong should take over Zaozhuang, but the Kuomintang attached great importance to Zaozhuang's status as a "coal city" economically, and specially sent Chen Daqing, commander of the group army, to Wang Jimei's department to take command.

Wang Jimei ignored the content of the agreement, wantonly harassed the surrounding residents, and constantly provoked the communist troops.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

The blood debt will be paid in blood

Due to Wang Jimei's murderous case, the Beiping Military Dispatch Department sent the 22 execution team to Zaozhuang, where the Kuomintang and the Communist Party will negotiate.

The people of Zaozhuang rushed one after another, and everyone shouted with paper in their hands: "Down with the murderer Wang Jimei and avenge the victims." ”

Some family members of the victims killed by Wang Jimei stopped the negotiator's car on the road, and they tearfully accused Wang Jimei of the crimes he had committed over the years and demanded that the enforcement team severely punish Wang Jimei.

The paperes were like snowflakes around the car, and the delegates found sacks of paper, all of which were accusations against Wang Jimei, and a whole sack was packed.

Under the accusations of so many people's blood and tears, the Kuomintang delegates and the American delegates who arrived were extremely embarrassed, and they could only perfunctory the masses.

During the first negotiation, Gan Chongdou, a representative of the Communist Party of China, said: "It is necessary to meet the use and demands of the people of all classes in Zaozhuang, and severely punish the traitor Wang Jimei." ”

But the Kuomintang representatives also came prepared, they just wanted to keep Wang Jimei and defend Wang Jimei's shameless behavior.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

After several rounds of negotiations, the Communist Party representatives could only temporarily retain the proposal to punish the traitor Wang Jimei, and the American representatives also began to make peace with the mud, saying: "We express our admiration for the profound righteousness of the Chinese Communists. ”

For the sake of peace, the three communist agreements were accepted, namely that the armies of both sides were not allowed to shoot, that ordinary people and royal soldiers could go to the market to buy food and vegetables, and that royal soldiers could meet with their families outside through the wall.

Considering that Wang Jimei is an unrepentant person, the CCP hopes that Wang Jimei's ministry will be disbanded and will not continue to plague Zaozhuang.

Of course, the Kuomintang was unwilling, and in the end an agreement was reached: Wang Jimei's ministry would not be disbanded for the time being, both sides would withdraw their troops at the same time, and Zaozhuang would be managed by the workers themselves.

Wang Jimei's troops finally retreated to the Guoyi area, and the people of Zaozhuang finally ushered in peace and were administered as a demilitarized zone.

Although Wang Jimei was not brought to justice, the long-lost peace also made the local people extremely happy, and they supported the armistice agreement one after another, hoping that the peace would last longer.

Throughout the negotiation process, the Communist representatives showed their extraordinary talents, and when the news reached Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek was reluctant, and he scolded his own representatives in his office for being incompetent, and sent a telegram to the negotiators: Zaozhuang is the largest coal mine in East China, and many places use coal here, and they must not give it up.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

At the request of Chiang Kai-shek, the Kuomintang troops near Zaozhuang did not withdraw, especially Wang Jimei.

Originally, he accepted the proposal to withdraw the troops as a delaying measure, after all, the people's resentment was too great to make it difficult for him to end, and now that Chiang Kai-shek's order has come, he can act even more recklessly.

So, after the agreement was signed, Wang Jimei began to harass the military and civilians of Zaozhuang again, and the CCP representatives were very angry and protested against the Kuomintang's backtracking.

Even the American delegates who helped the Kuomintang to speak were a little unbearable, and criticized the Kuomintang deputies for not having the spirit of contract.

Within four months of the signing of the armistice agreement, Wang Jimei's troops burned down more than 300 houses and killed 45 ordinary residents and 14 Communist fighters.

The situation that had obviously eased down suddenly became tense again, and in order to stay in Zaozhuang for a long time, Wang Jimei even built a bunker.

Gan Chongdou, the representative of the Chinese Communist Party in charge of the negotiations, returned from a meeting of the implementation group accompanied by an American interpreter, but he did not expect to suddenly encounter a siege by Wang Jimei, and Gan Chongdou was dragged out of the car and beaten all over his body.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

At this time, the masses in Zaozhuang were completely unwilling, and everyone held rallies one after another to demand that the Communist army severely punish Wang Jimei and liberate Zaozhuang as soon as possible.

More than 2,000 workers poured into the streets armed with big knives, shouting slogans: Punish Wang Jimei as soon as possible.

The masses sent a joint telegram to Chief Chen Yi, hoping that the chairman could give an order to eliminate Wang Jimei as soon as possible and eliminate harm for the people.

On 26 May, Gan Chongdou was sent to Peking Union Medical College Hospital for treatment, and three American delegates met with Zeng Xisheng to meet Chen Yi. ”

The US representative also said: "We really want the CCP and the KMT to convene a meeting again, but the KMT has always refused, so this meeting has not been held." ”

This is not surprising, because the people who had the last meeting had already been severely scolded by Chiang Kai-shek, and now no one dares to hold this meeting.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

Chen Yi immediately demanded that the Zaozhuang matter be resolved, especially the demand for disbanding the puppet army and stopping the offensive against the liberated areas must be realized immediately.

Wang Jimei carried out Chiang Kai-shek's instructions, and he did not listen to the repeated demands of the CCP, and unilaterally harassed him day and night until June 1946.

At that time, the Kuomintang forces had already begun to launch an offensive against the liberated areas, and the all-out war of resistance broke out, the tasks of the past implementation team no longer existed, and the United States no longer mediated.

For the sake of peace, the CCP has made its greatest efforts, but Chiang Kai-shek has to shield even a traitor and ignore the demands of the people.

Now that a full-scale civil war has begun, the time has finally come to punish Wang Jimei.

When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier

Luo Binghui commanded the troops to launch a fierce attack on the night of 9 June, and Wang Jimei's troops resisted stubbornly, and the two sides immediately fell into a fierce battle.

After the battle began, the commander of the 2nd platoon of the 23rd Regiment of the 8th Division, Baoan Quan, was the first to rush into the coal mine stronghold, and was wounded 3 times within an hour, and the blood was already stained red all over his body, but he vowed to avenge the people of Zaozhuang, insisted on not getting out of the line of fire, and sacrificed his young life.

The whole territory of Zaozhuang was liberated, Wang Jimei was also shot and killed indiscriminately, and the demon who created the "Guanzhuang tragedy" was completely scattered.


  1. Zaozhuang mediated militarily, and the Kuomintang went back on its word and provoked Li Hailiu in the Spring and Autumn Period
  2. The official land tragedy Zaozhuang Daily
When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier
When burying the remains of the martyrs of the Guandi tragedy, an inadvertent discovery actually saved a soldier