
"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

author:Hole A C

The content of this article is written with authoritative sources, and the source and screenshots of the literature have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

The first signs of illness: a warning that should not be ignored

In 2013, Nie Weiping was active on the front line of the Go game as usual, but some unusual changes quietly took place in his life. One day, he suddenly noticed blood in his stool, and at first he didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was just due to hemorrhoids or anal fissures, which seemed not uncommon and not worth worrying too much about in his busy schedule.

Soon after, Nie Weiping participated in an important Go tournament. In the intense competition, he showed his skills as always, but he himself felt exhausted, and this time the exhaustion was particularly strong compared to his usual energy. After the match, he returned to Beijing alone. On the return plane, he tried to close his eyes and recuperate, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't shake off the heavy tiredness. After landing, he looked in the mirror and found that his face was unusually pale, almost a sallow yellow, and his eyes were bloodshot, and the whole person looked extremely bad.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

This physical condition made Nie Weiping have to pay attention to it. When he got home, he felt as if his whole body had been emptied, and he felt that even the simplest analysis of chess was struggling. This constant fatigue and obvious warnings from his body prompted him to decide to go to the hospital for a full check-up.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor conducted a detailed interview and initial examination of Nie Weiping, and then arranged a series of more targeted tests, including blood tests and endoscopy. While waiting for the results of the examination, Nie Weiping sat in the waiting room of the hospital, surrounded by patients and medical staff coming and going, he silently observed all this, his heart did not fluctuate much, just waited quietly.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

Severe diagnosis: advanced rectal cancer

In the hospital's consultation room, Nie Weiping sat across from the doctor, listening to the other party explain his medical report in detail. The doctor pulled out some scans from the folder, pointed to the images on the monitor, and explained in detail the exact location and size of the tumor. The doctor's voice was calm and serious, and he said, "Look here, this is where the tumor is, and it takes up almost most of the rectum. "A large shadow is clearly visible on the image, in stark contrast to normal tissue.

Nie Weiping listened to the doctor's explanation, his eyes glued to the screen, where the abnormalities in his body were displayed. The doctor continued: "Your rectum is about 15 centimeters long, and this tumour is already 10 centimeters in size, which is very rare. Subsequently, the doctor came up with some medical literature and charts explaining the stages of development of rectal cancer and the possible treatment effect.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

As the discussion deepened, the doctor mentioned the aggressiveness of the tumor, noting that the tumor grows at a faster rate, which is crucial in the choice of treatment. He explained that rapidly growing tumors require aggressive interventions to prevent further deterioration of the condition.

Next, the doctor showed Nie several possible treatment options, including a combination of surgical resection, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. He details the advantages and potential risks of each treatment. The doctor specifically mentioned the surgical treatment: "Although the surgery is risky, given the size and location of the tumor, if the surgery is successful, we may have a chance to completely remove the tumor, which is very helpful in prolonging survival and improving quality of life." ”

The doctor also emphasized the urgency of the treatment plan and advised to make a decision as soon as possible. He provided Nie with some information, including the detailed process of the operation, the expectations for postoperative recovery, and long-term management of the cancer. He also arranged for Nie Weiping to meet with several professional cancer treatment consultants so that he could receive more comprehensive information and support.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

Deep Reflection: The Relationship between Lifestyle Habits and Disease

After in-depth communication with doctors, Nie Weiping began to take a serious look at his life and eating habits that he had formed over the years to explore the factors that may lead to cancer. In Go competitions and daily practice, sitting for a long time has become an almost inevitable part. As a top professional Go player, his training and competitions often require sitting in front of the board for long periods of time, motionless. During the game, a game of chess duel may last all day, from morning to night, Nie Weiping sits almost all the time, and rarely has the opportunity to get up and move. Even in between matches, he often analyzes the game or discusses it with other players, rarely engaging in physical activity or rest.

This kind of sitting for a long time not only makes the physical activity extremely low, but also may affect the intestinal health. According to doctors, prolonged sedentary periods of time can slow bowel movements and increase the risk of certain diseases, including rectal cancer. This made Nie Weiping begin to realize that his professional habits may be closely related to his health.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

In addition to the problem of sitting for a long time, Nie Weiping also reflected on his eating habits. He is particularly fond of crabs, and this preference for seafood is almost to the point where it is difficult to make home. Nie Weiping recalled that after the season, he would often reward himself, and he could eat 13 and a half pounds of crabs at a time. While crabs are delicious, their high-protein nature can be a challenge for the rectum. If too much of a high-protein food is consumed, especially if it is not balanced with a corresponding fiber intake, it is likely to accelerate the growth of certain cancer cells, especially in digestive organs such as the rectum.

As a professional chess player with a high level of work, Nie Weiping often smokes and drinks between intense matches and training during the season to relieve stress. Although such an act can temporarily relax him, over time, this habit slowly accumulates negative health effects. The harmful substances in tobacco affect every system in the body, especially how to increase the risk of cancer by altering the structure of cells. Excessive intake of alcohol has a similar effect, especially for the digestive system.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

In addition to the problem of tobacco and alcohol, Nie Weiping's life and rest are also another important factor. Due to the demands of competition and training, he often has to travel long hours and has an extremely irregular daily routine. In the car or on the plane, he often used these fragments of time to study the game, ignoring the importance of getting enough rest. This irregular routine causes his biological clock to be often disrupted, and his body is unable to get the necessary rest and recovery, and this long-term physiological stress may induce or aggravate health problems.

Treatment Choice: Risky Surgery

Faced with the two treatment options proposed by the doctor - conservative treatment and high-risk surgery, Nie Weiping chose the latter. The surgery was scheduled for a week later so that he had enough time to prepare and perform the necessary preliminary examinations to ensure that he was fit for this high-risk procedure.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

On the day of the operation, Nie Weiping came to the hospital early and was guided by a special nurse to complete all the preoperative preparations, including the last physical examination and necessary medication treatment. Before entering the operating room, the surgeon once again confirmed with Nie Weiping the process of the operation, the potential risks, and possible emergency measures. The doctor's attitude was very professional, ensuring that Nie Weiping had a full understanding and preparation of the upcoming surgical process.

In the operating room, the atmosphere is serious and focused. Nie Weiping was gently placed on the operating table, and the anesthesiologist explained the process of anesthesia to him, and then began to inject anesthetics. After the drug took effect, Nie Weiping gradually lost consciousness, and the operation officially began.

During the operation, the surgeon and his team showed a high level of professionalism and superb technique. Using advanced medical equipment, doctors precisely removed the huge tumor in Nie Weiping's rectum. The entire process requires extreme precision and patience, and any small mistake can lead to serious consequences. The team members work together tacitly, and every step of the operation is carefully planned and adjusted.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

Outside the operating room, Nie's family and friends anxiously awaited any news about the operation's progress. Every now and then, nurses come out to update the situation and let them know that the operation is going well.

A few hours later, the surgery was finally completed. The doctor came out of the operating room and informed the waiting family with a smile: "The operation was very successful, we successfully removed the tumor, and the preliminary examination showed that the cancer cells did not spread. This made the long-awaited family breathe a sigh of relief and joy.

Nie Weiping was sent to the recovery room after the operation, where he slowly woke up from anesthesia. Although he still felt a little tired and unwell, the success of the operation gave him great comfort. Healthcare workers continue to closely monitor his vital signs and recovery to ensure that there are no complications.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

Miracle Recovery: Back to Chess

After the surgery, Nie Weiping faced a slow and steady recovery process. Despite the significant weight loss of his body, his hair began to turn gray due to the effects of the treatment, and the change in his appearance caused concern and sympathy from many people. However, the Go grandmaster has shown admirable resilience and resilience, and he is in a very good mental state, showing a new zest for life and an undiminished affection for the game.

When Nie resurfaced in the public eye, he not only continued to show a high level of technical proficiency, but also inspired those around him with his experience and recovery attitude. In between matches, he often shares his recovery experiences and new insights into life with other chess players, and his story has inspired many to reevaluate and adjust their lifestyles.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

In terms of personal life, Nie Weiping began to strictly follow the doctor's advice and changed his diet and living habits. He insists on three meals a day and carefully selects ingredients to ensure a balanced diet rich in fiber, low in fat and low in sugar. This shift in eating habits not only helped him maintain his health, but also improved his physical and mental state.

In addition, Nie Weiping quit smoking and drinking, which was a major change in his life. Alcohol and cigarettes, which were once used to relieve stress, now have no place in his life. He also began to pay more attention to his sleep schedule, get enough sleep, and incorporate moderate physical activities such as walking and swimming into his schedule to strengthen his strength and improve his overall health.

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning

Nie Weiping is also actively involved in public health advocacy, with a particular focus on raising public awareness of early diagnosis and prevention of cancer. In interviews and public speeches, he spares no effort to share his experience and emphasize the importance of healthy living.

References:[1]Gai Yuanyuan. Family Health(Popular Medicine),2015,0(6):34-34

"Chess Saint" Nie Weiping's reflection after suffering from cancer: stay away from cancer and take me as a warning