
Outside of marriage, there is true love

author:Li Gongzi in the east of the city
Outside of marriage, there is true love


Human feelings, or the fate between people, are wonderful and complex, and there is no standard.

So is there true love outside of marriage? Yes, and a lot, but after weighing the pros and cons, most of them still chose to let go. It can even appear at a different point in time, and it is very likely to enter into marriage and live another life.

But didn't you still choose to let go?

It can be seen that adults, especially married men and women who have experienced real life, have no love. Or they no longer see love as the whole of life. What can you do if you don't love it? Can it be more important than life and profit? Obviously, not comparable.

When you reach a certain age, you will only put your life and interests first.

Even if it's true love, if you're late, you're late, and you've already had a meal. Between people, the time of acquaintance is important, and the order of appearance is even more important.

In fact, this is all telling you that love is never as important as interests. Thinking and weighing interests has almost become an adult instinct. I also know that I have experienced life, even if it is true love, after entering marriage, everything will be different.

Everything that can be given up is unimportant, at least compared to what is chosen.

So don't believe too much in true love outside of marriage, and don't be too attached to true love outside of marriage, what can you do? What can it be? Instead of longing for a true love that has no results and will only bring regrets, it is better to keep to yourself, live your life in a down-to-earth manner, and take care of your own interests.

Don't give yourself too much trouble, let alone ask for trouble, if true love turns out like this, then isn't true love? And how will it end?

Outside of marriage, there is true love


There is a saying that I think is very good, saying:

"Middle-aged people have no love. Because before we move our hearts, we have already habitually used our brains first. As soon as the mind moves, and it is full of calculations and trade-offs, self-awareness becomes particularly strong. When we roll in the real society for too long, we will have more and more insight into human nature, and it is inevitable that we will be contaminated with a bit of worldliness and dare not believe unreservedly.

So like the simple and beautiful love of first love, the ignorant heartbeat, regardless of the gains and losses, will be farther and farther away from themselves, and they will never go back.

Now whether you like it or are ambiguous, you have to have a little utilitarianism and greasyness, to put it bluntly, it is the relationship between men and women, desire is greater than love, and there are more routines than sincerity. ”

Suitable for most people.

The only two things in this world that can prove true love are time and life and death.

If you are only with each other for a short time, all kinds of passions and sweetness, even if all kinds of fit and appreciation, these are not the criteria for defining true love.

It's also hard for you to tell the difference between lust and true love. Because the movements and forms expressed are similar.

The only difference is that over time, the latter's sense of stability and comfort will become stronger and stronger.

But have you stood the test of time? No, so is it possible that what you think is true love, true love that is difficult to reconcile, true love that is separated, is just desire?

To put it bluntly, the passion period has not yet passed, and you are separated, so it has become your lifelong unease.

Don't say it's impossible, on the contrary, it's very likely, even if you are true love, don't you end up separating because of insufficient interests? Isn't that contrary to your ideals?

Outside of marriage, there is true love


Just in case you get up, I'll tell you one more truth.

In this world, love is the only one, but the lover is not. In other words, your true love is the only one, but the person who can give you the feeling and experience of true love is not the only one.

You met true love today, and then separated, and if you can't touch it, you will meet another true love tomorrow. So which is your true love?

What are you uneasy about, but is it your own obsession? Still haven't had enough of it?

Giving up another true love for the sake of one true love is not that this true love is worse than that true love, but that this true love is not as fresh as that true love.

At the end of the day, all you love is yourself. You never know what love is, let alone how to love someone.

It is your emotions, your passions, your desires that are above you, not your true love. If you can really love your true love with nothing, with nothing at your heart, and desperately, how can you let go? Shouldn't true love come first? Haven't you always felt that true love is the most important?

If you choose this one true love, and later meet true love, can you be loyal and single-minded? Why not? Isn't that your true love? Or is there a comparison between true love?

Everyone is an adult, don't deceive yourself, the most practical thing, even if you are true love, what can you do? Does true love matter? Even if it is important, doesn't it still have to be ranked behind life and interests?

In this case, why not live well, and be greedy for this short-term experience, which will bring a lifetime of pain and regret.
