
Hurry up and delete! These 24 APPs...

author:Palm Bayannur

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology attaches great importance to the protection of users' rights and interests, and continues to rectify violations of APP's infringement of users' rights and interests in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, the Cybersecurity Law, the Telecommunications Regulations, the Provisions on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users, and other laws and regulations. Recently, our ministry organized a third-party testing agency to conduct spot checks, and found that a total of 24 APPs and SDKs infringed on the rights and interests of users (see the attachment for details), and they are hereby notified.

The above-mentioned APPs and SDKs shall be rectified in accordance with relevant regulations, and if the rectification is not implemented in place, our ministry will organize and carry out relevant disposal work in accordance with laws and regulations.

Attachment: List of APP (SDK) notified by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that have problems

Hurry up and delete! These 24 APPs...
Hurry up and delete! These 24 APPs...
Hurry up and delete! These 24 APPs...
Hurry up and delete! These 24 APPs...

Source: People's Daily client

Editor: Chen Long Proofreader: Qiao Hong