
Between husband and wife, if these three situations occur, it means that the "fate" has ended, don't take it seriously

author:Low-key yang

Between husband and wife, if these three situations occur, it means that the "fate" has ended, don't take it seriously

Between husband and wife, if these three situations occur, it means that the "fate" has ended, don't take it seriously

The relationship between husband and wife is the most intimate relationship in the world, and that level of intimacy can make the husband and wife become one.

It is also the most complicated relationship, the level of complexity that can make some people, who seem to be loving and loving couples during the day, become back-to-back neighbors at night.

Why is this so?

Some people say: The relationship between husband and wife needs two people to maintain it with love, manage it with heart, and care for it with action.

Otherwise, no matter how deep the feelings are, no matter how strong the love is, it will fade, and no matter how good the relationship is, it will be estranged.

Between husband and wife, if these three situations occur, it means that the "fate" is almost over, don't take it seriously.

Between husband and wife, if these three situations occur, it means that the "fate" has ended, don't take it seriously

First, sleep in separate rooms for a long time

What is a couple?

Husband and wife are in the same room, in the same bed, in the same quilt, and sleeping together, thinking in one place, working hard in one place, running their own family more perfectly, and managing the feelings of two people to the point where they are like a fish in water.

It is by no means under one roof, each bed, each quilt, and sleeping alone in separate beds for a long time.

If a husband and wife sleep alone in separate beds for a long time, this is a bad sign.

Because, couples who sleep alone in separate rooms lack intimate contact and physical communication, and do not have love to nourish each other's bodies and minds, their hearts will be hurt, their feelings will be blocked, and this or that problem will follow.

If the relationship cannot be improved, when the time comes, it is possible to go their separate ways.

We must pay attention to it, and we must remember that in real life, too many couples parting ways and their marriages are breaking down, all of which start from sleeping in separate beds.

Between husband and wife, if these three situations occur, it means that the "fate" has ended, don't take it seriously

Second, do not communicate and talk for a long time

There is a saying that says, "The Cold War is the biggest killer of feelings." "Couples who don't communicate for a long time and talk heart-to-heart, even if there is nothing else, after a long time, their hearts will be far away, and their feelings will be weak.

Husbands and wives should look like husband and wife, snuggle up to each other, care for each other, comfort each other, speak out about their hearts, find ways to solve difficulties together, take a step back when there are differences, and let each go if there is a dispute.

In short, in things that are not in sync, run in with each other, fulfill each other, communicate more, communicate more, and communicate more, in order to understand each other's intentions and know each other's hardships and difficulties.

It's never you who have lived yours, I have lived mine, relatively speechless, silent. There is something to tell to outsiders, and there are things to confide in outsiders.

You must know that in this world, those couples who divorce after living a life, it is not that they have no love, but that they lack communication and communication, and after a long time, the close heart gradually becomes estranged, and the slightest wind and grass, suspicion, suspicion, and tracking things appear, and the final outcome is waiting for the last straw and crushing the camel.

Therefore, not communicating and talking for a long time is not a good thing for couples; It is necessary to communicate more and talk more heart-to-heart, in order to deepen the feelings, love will become more and more understood, feelings will become deeper and deeper, and the relationship will become more and more intimate and harmonious.

Between husband and wife, if these three situations occur, it means that the "fate" has ended, don't take it seriously

Third, after the quarrel, there will be a cold war, no one will bow their heads, and no one will pay attention to anyone.

I have heard people say that husband and wife are originally a pair of enemies, all the way, all the way, all the way, all the way, all the way,

Because, all husbands and wives in the world are composed of two different independent individuals, no matter how loving and good the relationship is, two people cannot have the same views, the same ideas, the same preferences, and the same three views on all things in life.

Since it cannot be done, it is inevitable that there will be disagreements and quarrels.

It's like teeth fighting with tongue.

But you must understand that disputes are disputes, quarrels are quarrels, and it is not a bad thing to add a little fun, but it should be stopped in moderation, so as not to hurt people's hearts and feelings.

Between husband and wife, if quarrels are commonplace, it is not fun, but something that damages feelings, and if there is a cold war every time a quarrel occurs, it is not love, but hurting and hurting each other.

If this situation occurs between husband and wife, if no one is willing to change their minds, no one is willing to bow their heads, admit their mistakes, and communicate well, it can only mean that fate is coming to an end.

The leaves are not yellow for a day, and the hearts of people are not cool for a day.

Between husband and wife, quarrel at the slightest disagreement, and cold war if you don't agree, undoubtedly push the person you once loved the most away with your own hands, and the one who regrets it will be yourself, and it is you who want to cry without tears!

Between husband and wife, if the above three situations occur, if you still want to continue to live together, you have to change your thinking, let go of your arrogance and figure, and repair the relationship with heart and action, so that the relationship can last for a long time and happiness will last forever.

Between husband and wife, if these three situations occur, it means that the "fate" has ended, don't take it seriously