
Photos|Walk into the red stadium to remember the revolutionary martyrs

author:Xinjiang Net

  On June 30, many citizens and tourists walked into the Urumqi Museum, Mao Zemin's former residence, the memorial hall of the General Detachment of the West Route Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army and other venues, and remembered the revolutionary martyrs through precious cultural relics, historical pictures, and heroic stories. (Photo by reporter Dilinar Galiken)

Photos|Walk into the red stadium to remember the revolutionary martyrs

  The statue of the West Route Army in the Memorial Hall of the General Detachment of the West Route Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. (Photo taken on June 30)

Photos|Walk into the red stadium to remember the revolutionary martyrs

  On June 30, a parent took his child to visit the exhibition of Mao Zemin's former residence.

Photos|Walk into the red stadium to remember the revolutionary martyrs

  On June 30, at the former residence of Mao Zemin, children Lele visited the exhibition.

Photos|Walk into the red stadium to remember the revolutionary martyrs

  Mingde Road, Xinjiang Party History Wall of the Communist Party of China. (Photo taken on June 30)

Photos|Walk into the red stadium to remember the revolutionary martyrs

  On June 30, at the City Museum, tourists visit the exhibition.

Photos|Walk into the red stadium to remember the revolutionary martyrs

  On June 30, at the Municipal Museum, tourists visited the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang.