
The night show of Amaron Fantasyland is officially opened

author:Xinjiang Net

 Urumqi Evening News (all-media reporter Tang Hongmei reports) This weekend, the night show of Amarlong Fantasy Park was officially opened, and the theme performance, float parade, circus performance and light interpretation will be presented in a concentrated manner, bringing a new play experience to citizens and tourists, and also bringing a new experience of "night tour" to everyone.

The night show of Amaron Fantasyland is officially opened

  On June 29th, in the parade performance of the Amaron Theme Fantasy Park in the Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District), the actors were interacting with the tourists on the spot. Photo by reporter Chen Yan

  On June 29th, the launching ceremony of the night show of Urumqi Amarkon Fantasy Park was held. Citizens can purchase night tickets at a price of 39.9 yuan through the official ticketing center and all online platforms. From 18:30 to 0:00 every day, you can watch the parade of floats and theme performances in the park, and you can also enjoy the "circus and stunt" performances such as mermaid shows and global speed cars in different time periods.

  Starting at 6:30 p.m. on the same day, night events were launched one after another, and various programs attracted citizens and tourists who came to experience it.

The night show of Amaron Fantasyland is officially opened

  On June 29, tourists were playing in the Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District) Amaron Theme Fantasy Park. Photo by reporter Chen Yan

  Sun Lingling, a citizen, learned that Amarlong had released a night ticket on the Internet in advance, and brought the elderly and children at home to play together. She said that the temperature is low at night, just after eating and going out to play, you can enjoy a wealth of programs and performances, and it is a good place to cool off at night.

The night show of Amaron Fantasyland is officially opened

  On June 29th, in the parade performance of the Amaron Theme Fantasy Park in the Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District), the actors were interacting with the tourists on the spot. Photo by reporter Chen Yan

  Liu Shuang, a tourist from Changji, came to play with friends from Hunan. She said that Changji is very close to Urumqi, and it just so happens that friends want to see the night view of Urumqi.

The night show of Amaron Fantasyland is officially opened

  On June 29th, in the Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District) Amaklong Theme Fantasy Park, visitors are experiencing the adventures of the prince. Photo by reporter Chen Yan

  As the first large-scale theme park in Xinjiang with the theme of Silk Road culture, Amaron has been rated as a national 4A-level scenic spot, with comprehensive animation technology, digital holographic film and television, theme interpretation and other forms of projects, and is a well-known cultural tourism brand in Urumqi.

  "We hope that our night activities will make tourists feel the richness of Urumqi's nightlife." Zhou Songru, deputy general manager of Xinjiang Amaron Fantasy Park Management Co., Ltd., said that before the launch of night activities, the park specially upgraded the lighting system, while providing various interpretation activities, it also paid more attention to interactivity, and will build the park into a "music market", bringing different styles of music theme activities such as pop, rock, and folk from time to time, and launching various kinds of food with the night club. On July 13th and 14th, the park will launch the Songkran Festival.

The night show of Amaron Fantasyland is officially opened

  In the Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District), the lights are dazzling at night. Photo by reporter Tang Hongmei

  On the day of the opening of the night show, Amaron Theme Park also signed a tourism and cultural exchange agreement with international travel agencies for overseas tourists.

The night show of Amaron Fantasyland is officially opened

  In the Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District), citizens and tourists are riding the night "little train". Photo by reporter Tang Hongmei

  Zhou Songru said that some projects in the park show the history and culture of the "Belt and Road" partners, with the advancement of the construction of the Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, Urumqi has more and more economic and trade exchanges and tourism activities, and hopes to cooperate with travel agencies to strengthen cultural and tourism exchanges with the people of neighboring countries, and contribute to the tourism development of Xinjiang.

The night show of Amaron Fantasyland is officially opened

  At the Amaron Fantasy Park in the Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District), citizens and tourists are experiencing the merry-go-round. Photo by reporter Tang Hongmei

  Wu Qiang, deputy director of the Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau of the Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District), said that the opening of the Amaron night market has created a diversified and distinctive night consumption scene for citizens and tourists. They will also work with a number of enterprises to launch projects such as intangible cultural heritage centers, teahouses, handicraft halls, and real-life adventures, and will create terrace music festivals, research tours, etc., to develop "cultural tourism +", so that citizens and tourists can have more and better experiences.