
【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress

author:Micro will be happy
【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress
【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress
【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress

A gentleman is like jade, and his tentacles are warm Issue 586

【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress

In this life, who you walk with and who you have a deep friendship with is very important.

For the rest of your life, you might as well look for people who can grow with you. Live calmly together and achieve a better version of yourself.

【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress

Walk with great people

As the old saying goes: "Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black." ”

The influence of the people around you is subtle.

One of the ways a person grows is to walk with great people. Unconsciously, I will slowly progress and transform.

Excellent people, positive, optimistic and enterprising, full of wisdom and enthusiasm.

Being with them can open up your own pattern and broaden your horizons. They will unconsciously spur themselves and improve themselves.

Over time, whether it is conduct and cultivation, or ability and vision, it will become outstanding.

On the way forward, walking with excellent people can make you go further and walk more steadily.

【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress
【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress

Work with optimistic people

Optimistic and cheerful people, warm, kind, positive, in the face of life's setbacks, do not complain, do not give up, will use enthusiasm and full of emotions, nourish the hearts of those around them.

Working with such people can make you feel warm even on a bleak day; Even if you get stuck in the mud, you can burst out with upward strength.

When you associate with such people, you will become optimistic and open-minded, and your will will become strong.

Calm and calm, live elegantly and transparently.

【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress
【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress

Surround yourself with people who are comfortable

There is such a saying: A gentleman is like jade, and his tentacles are warm.

The profound charm of a person is not the appearance of the country and the city, but the comfort of getting along with people like a spring breeze.

The friendship between gentlemen is like this, not deliberately pandering, not wanton alienation, plain as water, not demanding of each other, but making people feel at ease.

With such a person, the relationship can last for a long time and prosper.

Good fences make good neighbors.

Friends are not in the number, it is good to be comfortable, and the joy at first sight is better than not getting tired of being there for a long time.

To have a deep friendship with a comfortable person is to taste a good cup of tea, maintain health and nourish the heart, and the later it is, the more fragrant it is.

No matter how many years have passed, you will never feel strange or bored, and you will always feel comfortable together.

In this life, we will meet a lot of people.

Getting close to people who can gain knowledge, energy, and warmth in getting along with each other will make our lives full of light.

(To listen to more "Night Reading" articles, please pay attention to the WeChat public account of Weijiangle.) )

Reader Qiu Wanyong, anchor of "Jiangle News".

【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress

Source: Insight Editor: Zheng Junji Preliminary review: Zhang Yinxian Review: Lin Chaoqun Final review: Xiao Jiuhui Business cooperation, news clues, and crackdown on fake news reports: 0598-2322923 Submission email: [email protected]

【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress

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【Night Reading】Look for these three kinds of people and achieve self-achievement in common progress
