
If you put your heart into it, you are the most worthy

author:Human affection is long

Fengzi Marriage

Liu Cheng sensed that something was wrong with his wife Chen Xuan, so he found a private detective. He wouldn't allow her to think anything else. Half a month later, the detective gave the result: the man was her fitness personal trainer, although there was not enough evidence to prove that the two had an affair, but at least it was not ordinary. Liu Cheng glanced at the stack of photos: it was taken secretly in the gym, and it didn't mean anything, but he still paid for it.

If you put your heart into it, you are the most worthy

He sat in the teahouse for a long time, looking at the pedestrians and vehicles outside the window, and felt so depressed for a while. Once Chen Xuan forgot to bring his mobile phone when he went out, he flipped through it casually, and there were several photos of macho men in it. He asked her where the photo came from, and she said that she downloaded it from the Internet and played with it. Thinking about those strong abs, he almost burst into foul mouth. Compared with them, she is indeed not strong, as a man, that aspect is even worse, usually only a few minutes, she should not be satisfied, right? But she can really pretend, as if she is satisfied every time, and can make every sex end successfully. This hypocritical and hateful woman! He clenched his hands into fists.

They shouldn't have been combined, uncle and Lori, the difference is more than 20 years. Liu Cheng is the kind of shrewd and intelligent man in the eyes of his friends, born to do business. He graduated from art school, worked in public institutions for a few years, and then resigned to start his own cultural communication company. When the wedding industry was just emerging, he switched to weddings and took the haute couture route. Knowing Chen Xuan is related to the wedding, that time in a wedding, two willow trees several meters high need to be moved indoors, and the wedding planner can't make a decision, so he is invited to take a look. When he passed, he saw a girl standing under the willow tree and taking a selfie, wearing a small green skirt and a small waist, and when she turned around, her face was even more beautiful. He had seen a lot of this kind of girl, but he was only moved by her. Maybe it was because of the little green dress - he had just had a dream the night before, and a girl in the green dress was smiling at him in the dream.

This should be providential. He began to pursue her, spending a lot of money for her. At that time, Chen Xuan had just graduated and joined a small company, her family was poor, even if she attended a classmate's wedding, she didn't have any decent clothes, and the skirt was borrowed. Who would have thought that it was this dress that pushed her into his arms, and he, oh my God, was actually the fifth king of diamonds. Before she could see what was in front of her, she went into his house and went to his bed.

Speaking of beds, this is Liu Cheng's shortcoming. He only hates that he is not good in that aspect, especially in front of the people he likes, and he can't control it. It was a shame for him. He felt that it might have something to do with the fact that he had indulged too much in the past, because he became a successful man early, so it was indispensable to give women to his arms, which was also the reason why he didn't want to get married, so free. By the way, there is another woman who has had a few miscarriages because of him, and in the end he ended up with a large sum of money. He once repented of this, but think that the woman fell in love with him because of money, and the so-called repentance went with the wind.

Liu Cheng will never tell Chen Xuan about these pasts. Chen Xuan didn't understand and didn't ask, she quickly resigned and adapted to the role of a full-time wife in advance. Soon after, they were married.

Smash out a green hat

In the blink of an eye, the son was 1 year old, and after weaning, they regained sex. He was still not confident, and sometimes asked, "Am I not satisfied with you?" "No matter how rich a man is, he will still worry about it. But Chen Xuan said that she didn't want much, so it was very good, and euphemistically said that she still admired him and admired him. In order to let herself return to the era of Xiaomanwaist as soon as possible, she wanted to find a personal trainer to lose weight. In fact, she didn't gain much weight, but Liu Cheng fully supported it, he didn't feel distressed how much she spent, he loved her in the end. But he never expected that what he smashed out with the money was a green hat!

That day, he sat in the teahouse for a long time and went home directly, and personally cooked a pot of braised pork. "Your figure has almost recovered, you don't have to go to the gym anymore, the child is small, you take care of it more, how can the nanny catch up with your mother." The tone was more severe than ever before, and he also sandwiched meat to her, "Eat more, it's better to be fat." ”

He obviously likes to be thin. Chen Xuan sighed in her heart, she is a smart girl, from having nothing to brocade clothes and jade food in the blink of an eye, I don't know how many women want to sit in this seat, but I sit on it by myself, thank God and earth. Of course, Liu Cheng is most grateful, a man has money, he may spend it on you, but he may not necessarily marry you. But for Liu Cheng, she is a little afraid, an indescribable fear, maybe he is born with a temperament that is not angry and self-authoritative. As for Liu Cheng's weakness, she was a little helpless, so when she saw that private trainer, she instinctively wanted to do something, after all, for a strong man with eight-pack abs, she couldn't help but scream if she was a woman.

Does this count as cheating? If so, it can only be regarded as mental derailment. That night, she ate meat in her mouth and waited for him to erupt, but he responded with terrible courtesy. What a master.

How did she know that his hesitation came from her son. The son is too young, if the divorce is mostly awarded to the mother, this is what he does not want to see, and he cannot accept his son calling other men father. This is the hardest part of him. But this hateful woman can't go unpunished! That night, he moved to the guest room under the help of work. She wanted to say something, but he was gone.

If someone is put on the shelf in my heart, someone will fill the vacant seat, this is the law. The first time Liu Cheng saw Xiang Lan was at a banquet, she was wearing a black jumpsuit, which was very cool and quite conspicuous in a group of girls in small dresses. She is a long-sleeved woman who is good at dancing, divorced and single, but a capable woman is not afraid of these, but is more at ease. Talking to her about work, current politics and even movies can make people interested. Especially when the two of them were sitting in a high-end Western restaurant, with a nice saxophone in their ears, he couldn't help but quietly reach over to hold her hand.

It couldn't be better. She helped him a lot, took the initiative to help, and did not ask for anything in return. She is always powerful and empathetic. He suddenly felt that he should be such a woman beside him, and he was in the same boat through thick and thin. One night he sent her home, and the two rolled the sheets. To his surprise, everything was much better than he expected, and she whispered "You're so good" in his ear.

He remembered that after separating the room with Chen Xuan, he moved the treadmill into his room for half an hour every day.

The more you polish, the smoother it gets

After that, Xiang Lan went to take a bath and waited for a long time without coming out. He guessed that she was putting on makeup, and he really hadn't seen her real face without makeup. I took the magazine that I opened on the coffee table, and a paragraph suddenly came into view: People may be screaming at you in bed, pretending to be high, but in fact, they are not interested in your 3 minutes at all. Even if you can hold on for half an hour, you have to rest for half a month. Do people also take holidays with you? However, at this age, turn a blind eye! It's not humane to give people a face.

Liu Cheng only felt that his blood pressure was rising, and he always thought that his ugly things were well wrapped, and he didn't want to be watched by people early! He thought of Chen Xuan, did she think so too? Does she really have a leg with that personal trainer? When Xiang Lan came out, Liu Cheng was still distracted. She stroked his head and saw the magazine in his hand and understood.

On the weekend, Xiang Lan asked him to relax, found a few friends to play with, and talked about men and women at the end of the wine. Some people say that big men and girls are the best match, and some people say that they are good at the same age, but Xiang Lan retorted drunkenly: "It's best to be rich, especially a middle-aged woman like me, you must be rich, and then find a handsome guy, that's called matching." As he spoke, he turned to Liu Cheng and smiled: "At that time, if you say you're good, you're really good?" ”

Liu Cheng preferred to believe that she was drunk. But soon he found out that Xiang Lan was not warm to him, and at the same time, there were really many handsome guys around her.

He was unexpected, a little dazed, a little disappointed, a little seen through something. In short, the fire that had just been lit was extinguished before it could burn to its fullest. That day, he went to drink tea alone, but unexpectedly saw Chen Xuan's figure flashing. He came to the spirit and immediately quietly followed. Chen Xuan mentioned to him that she didn't want to be at home all day and wanted to learn some crafts, she was actually learning to make purple clay pots.

Liu Cheng came back from a business trip and found that his son had a cold and cough, and there were blood streaks in his sputum. He called Chen Xuan loudly and shouted angrily: "I've only been on a business trip for a few days, why is the child like this?" How do you become a mother? After yelling, he took his son into the car and rushed to the hospital.

When the film was filmed, the doctor looked at it for a long time, raised his head and said to them, let's go take another film. Liu Cheng and Chen Xuan glanced at each other, their eyes full of panic. Then, during the few minutes of waiting, she grabbed his hand tightly as he wrapped his arms around her trembling body, neither of them speaking.

However, there was a false alarm, not what they thought, and the little guy hung the bottle for two days. On the way home, Chen Xuan admitted her mistake to Liu Cheng, saying that she had been busy learning how to make purple clay pots recently, and she had neglected her children for a while. "The master once said that without time polishing, it is difficult for craftsmen to make good purple sand. I used to be very impetuous, but after learning to make purple sand, I finally gradually calmed down. As she spoke, she took out a small purple clay pot from her bag, which surprised him very much, and he looked at her, her eyes were like water in the moonlight. Did you know that the finished product is covered with coarse particles, like a layer of mist, and it has to be finely sanded with soft slices of horn until the utensils in your hands are smooth. I want to tell you that I didn't cheat, I just haven't had time to love you yet. ”

As she spoke, she looked at him eagerly, and suddenly, Liu Cheng felt that the thing called lust in her body was about to move, and she whispered in her ear: "I run every day......"

He finally understood that there is nothing unworthy, only the heart is not careful, and the heart is the most worthy. Marry her out of love, not charity. These feelings made him ashamed, and he knew that there would be more insights, such as: feelings are like the purple clay pot, the more polished the smoother it becomes.