
Thank you for these three years!

author:Taiyuan Railway

"Sister, I remember you!"

"I feel that you are very gentle and patient with us

Heart, it's also very good! ”

"I've been with me for three years in a row, I'm really touching!"

"We will definitely work hard in the future!"

Thank you for these three years!

We're graduating!!

It's graduation season

Youth League Committee of Taiyuan Jintai Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd

Organize youth volunteers

Came to Sulu Primary School in Dalin Township, Yuanping City, Shanxi Province

The three-year covenant came as scheduled

Walked into the same class again

With the help of the Children's Railway Safety Operation

A special gift for the kids

Graduation ceremony

Thank you for these three years!

Love road enlightenment is often accompanied by warmth

Three years ago today, the young volunteers began to contact the group of simple and lovely children in the third grade of Sulu Primary School, and they will carefully prepare before each activity, plan the school publicity process in advance, purchase exquisite gifts, and carry out road protection publicity and education in different forms, from the initial railway safety game to mobilize enthusiasm, to now use picture cards, PPT and other forms of interactive speeches, from the initial teaching to today's rush answers, from the initial strangeness to today's expectations, volunteers accompany each other all the way, watching this group of children grow up slowly, It has witnessed the deepening of railway safety knowledge and the continuous progress in his studies.

Thank you for these three years!
Thank you for these three years!

Build a strong security line

Thank you for these three years!

"You can't break the protective fence of the railway, otherwise small animals or people will run into it, which will affect the fast train." "You can't bring flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods into the station and get on the train, and you can't walk, sit or lie down on the railroad tracks. Grazing on both sides of the railway can easily make it dangerous for the lambs to run onto the railway......," the children responded.

Thank you for these three years!

In the form of interesting PPT courseware, picture reading and talking picture cards, volunteers explained railway knowledge and interacted with students at any time, while imparting new knowledge, recalling the knowledge taught before with their classmates, and combining what they saw and heard in their daily lives, they walked into the railway world together.

Thank you for these three years!

Yang Hongru in the team is full of energy, constantly interacting with the children, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the children and enlivening the atmosphere. "The important thing is to make the children feel cared for and encouraged, so that they will have confidence in themselves, learn more seriously and actively, and participate in our children's railway safety action classes", she has already had a set of her own road protection publicity experience after participating in the two consecutive years.

Love Road warmth and interaction help growth

Sulu Primary School is located in a remote location, the school facilities are poor, most of them are left-behind children, the whole school has a total of 65 children, one class constitutes a grade, the largest class is only 13 students. This group of children in schools along the railway line not only needs railway safety education, but also needs the help of learning materials.

Thank you for these three years!

Qiao Xinyu, a young volunteer who won the gold medal of the 2023 Taiyuan Bureau Group Company Cultural and Creative Design Competition, specially designed the "Railway Safe Travel" canvas bag for this event, and sent it to the children together with 14 kinds of stationery and sporting goods such as colored watercolor pens, plastic notebooks, canvas pencil cases, erasers, etc., full of love.

Thank you for these three years!

Love Road promises to be in love with the graduation season

Thank you for these three years!

During the graduation season, the youth volunteers carefully prepared graduation gifts for the students. Accompanied by the music that touched the heartstrings, they shared their graduation message with the students with the theme of "Life in the Sea and the Sea, Mountains and Rivers", and agreed to "be sure to come on and meet again in a broader future", and at the same time presented the carefully prepared stationery gift boxes to the students, and everyone couldn't help but burst into tears.

Thank you for these three years!

"Academic success, gold list title." "Get into the university of your choice." Companionship is the most affectionate confession! Before the end of the event, everyone wrote down their good wishes and expectations for the future on the banner.

When the return was approaching, the head teacher said to the volunteers from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you to the volunteers of Taitie, because of your arrival, the children have learned a wealth of railway knowledge, and they have also spontaneously become the disseminators of railway safety knowledge, which has improved the children's communication skills, and let them discover that the outside world is very broad in the process, and strengthen their confidence to study hard......" At the same time, a pennant was handed over to the volunteers, thanking them for their warm protection with this group of children in the past three years.

Thank you for these three years!

Graduation season

I hope that the students of Guangzhou University can realize their dreams

The future belongs to you

Love the road and protect the road

Let's take action together