
Liu Xinyue: The career presents a new pattern of development with two wings, and she has just gained a firm foothold in Yang 3 and appeared in Yang 15

author:Xiaojin Entertainment


Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] is exclusively released on the whole network for "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article was originally written by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together! ] 】

Liu Xinyue has started to record a new program for CCTV-15!

Liu Xinyue: The career presents a new pattern of development with two wings, and she has just gained a firm foothold in Yang 3 and appeared in Yang 15

At 11:30 a.m. on June 30, 2024, Liu Xinyue, a famous new-generation female anchor on the Variety Channel of China Central Radio and Television, posted on her personal social platform:

In the summer of this graduation season, I am often on college campuses.

Or 40 degrees of sunshine, or rain slightly cool, everywhere you can see young people on campus who have just completed the tassel crown taking pictures, looking at them, it is difficult not to raise the corners of the mouth, and the heart is reading over and over again: Youth is so good!

This summer, listening to the stories of youth and singing the songs of time,

Feeling the warmth of youth, but also enjoying the peace of mind and relaxation that only the campus can give [heart]

Late at night, passing by the lawn, I saw three or three graduates, casually sitting there playing the piano and humming, then City so chil! So precious and so beautiful! Instant exhaustion is wiped out by happiness [Cheers]

See you in July, a whole look forward to it! [Breeze]

Liu Xinyue: The career presents a new pattern of development with two wings, and she has just gained a firm foothold in Yang 3 and appeared in Yang 15

At the same time, Liu Xinyue also posted the latest photos of Jiugongge, these photos are tidbits of the host Liu Xinyue at work, let's take a look at the highlights worth paying attention to:

Liu Xinyue: The career presents a new pattern of development with two wings, and she has just gained a firm foothold in Yang 3 and appeared in Yang 15

Liu Xinyue began to record programs for CCTV-15

There are photos of standing on the lawn and playing the small guitar, there are photos of the big windmill at the recording site, and there are pictures of the car riding home after the video...... Liu Xinyue's nine-square grid photos this time record her before and after in the video gap, and these tidbits are a record of the whole process of the recording work. However, there is only one highlight in all the photos, that is, the female anchor Liu Xinyue is holding a script marked with the words "CCTV-15" this time.

Liu Xinyue: The career presents a new pattern of development with two wings, and she has just gained a firm foothold in Yang 3 and appeared in Yang 15

Liu Xinyue began to expand her career in CCTV-15 again

Liu Xinyue: The career presents a new pattern of development with two wings, and she has just gained a firm foothold in Yang 3 and appeared in Yang 15

Liu Xinyue has already gained a firm foothold in CCTV-3

Liu Xinyue, the former first sister of Liaoning Satellite TV's variety show, joined CCTV after participating in the "China Central Radio and Television 2023 Host Competition" and winning the silver award, since the end of the host competition, Liu Xinyue has been appearing on CCTV-3, and has hosted "Departure to Happiness", "Comedy Assembly Number" and the 2024 38th Festival Gala. Among them, the "Departure to Happiness" program was handed over to Liu Xinyue after the revision of CCTV 3 on May 13, and the show has been hosted by Yang Fan and Sister Moon before.

Liu Xinyue: The career presents a new pattern of development with two wings, and she has just gained a firm foothold in Yang 3 and appeared in Yang 15

Judging from all the contestants of the "China Central Radio and Television 2023 Host Competition", Liu Xinyue is the most stable one, it can be said that she has now gained a firm foothold in the variety channel, but judging from Liu Xinyue's release this time, Liu Xinyue, who is holding a script with the words "CCTV-15", has undoubtedly ushered in a new development pattern. Judging from CCTV-15's current female anchor lineup, the senior female anchor has Sun Xiaomei, and the Mesozoic female anchor has Zhang Yu, and the new generation of female anchors also needs to be filled.

Liu Xinyue: The career presents a new pattern of development with two wings, and she has just gained a firm foothold in Yang 3 and appeared in Yang 15

Finally, we also look forward to the early finalization of this episode of the program recorded by Liu Xinyue for CCTV-15.

Liu Xinyue: The career presents a new pattern of development with two wings, and she has just gained a firm foothold in Yang 3 and appeared in Yang 15

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Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] is exclusively released on the whole network for "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article was originally written by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together! ] 】

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