
Good Morning Ganzi丨Audio Reading Essay "Water Ganzi"

Good Morning Ganzi丨Audio Reading Essay "Water Ganzi"

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"Aqua Ganzi"

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Good Morning Ganzi丨Audio Reading Essay "Water Ganzi"

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Aqua Ganzi

- Gedwo Shima

The water of the Yellow River is long

Overlooking the land of Ganzi, the Yalong River, the Jinsha River, the Xianshui River and the Dadu River all start from the North Road, passing through Ya'an City, Liangshan Prefecture and Yunnan Province, which are next door to Ganzi Prefecture, and finally join the Yangtze River. In this place where the three rivers flow together, the dense branches and leaves of the stone oak forest, fir forest, spruce forest and alpine pine forest show a new artistic conception of the primeval forest.

If you can't go to Tibet, in the Ganzi-Xinlong road section, in the Hailuogou Scenic Area, at the foot of the vast Ganzi land snow mountain, you can be the epitome of Bomi Ancient Dawsensen. Take a car ride with the ups and downs of the mountains, and the light and shadow are intertwined along the way, and the water is rushing. As the car moved fast, I was left far behind by the river below. Birds sing, animals keep shuttling through the jungle, gnawing moss, Ganzi Prefecture is a rare tourist holy place.

The river of the Zhaxika steppe bypasses the Songgemani stone warp wall, and the river flows in an amazing time, recording the changes of the stone canal over the years. Wild yak herds revel in this land of lush water and grass. Further down, the sea of rhododendrons in Mugecuo is evenly divided into pink, pure white and golden beaches, and the stream next to the plank road extends to Luding. The horn of victory was blown at Luding Bridge, and the Dadu River stirred up the road of rural revitalization and development.

Whether you take off from Ganzi Airport at an altitude of 4,068 meters, Kangding Airport at an altitude of 4,280 meters or Daocheng Airport at an altitude of 4,400 meters, you can overlook the vast area of hundreds of square kilometers, and the magnificent scenery of the three rivers and the magnificent Gonggar scenery can be seen at a glance. In the meantime, thousands of random scattered mountain lakes are the eyes of the plateau, and the colors of the blue sky are reflected in the bottom of the lake, and the waves are sparkling and flexible. The geese flew by, penetrated, the desolation of time, the foxes racing, and the sparse tracks.

Looking up at the blue sky, you can see long bands of clouds gliding over the blue snow, then disappearing into the skyline and the roaring engine sound gradually dissipating.

The ancient tea horse road is far away

I walked freely on the plateau, in the mountains, valleys, mountains, valleys. In the old days, the carrying roads were winding and rugged, and the plank roads were spread out in the forest. Walking up the stairs in the forest, the pine waves in the mountains are bursting, and the pine oil condenses the time and washes the years in the mountains. Mountain eagles glide over the mountains, and birdsong tugs at the heartstrings. The horse-tied pile is imprinted with a long-term memory, the bluestone slab street is late, Tibetan tea, salt, and cloth come from the ancient tea horse road, along the Jinsha River, and communicate with each other.

Aden, Haizi Mountain, Chaqing Songduo, Gongga Mountain primeval forest luxuriant, cliffs and peaks. From the Black Rock City, you can see the Yala Snow Mountain and Gongga Mountain, and the grand occasion of the year can still be seen. The mountains flow and rise and fall all the way to the horizon. Here, the fast and slow, the movement and the stillness of time echo each other. I felt as if I had returned to the ancient battlefield of a thousand years ago, the ice and ice were intertwined, and the weapons flashed with silver light.

The Ancient Tea Horse Road is far away, with rugged mountain roads and crumbling suspension bridges in the mountains. A suspension bridge records the era of a river, a zipline survives the years of a river, and a few cowhide rafts fluttering by the river show the beauty of the river's flow.

The wine and songs are endless

From the main snow-capped mountains of Sanshu to the Gongga snow-capped mountains, from the Jinsha River to the Dadu River, people roam in the narrow canyons and turbulent rivers. Slow streams seep out of several large mountains, converging into rivers, and the rivers converge to rush for time. Find presence at the confluence of the Yalong River and the Xianshui River. Black tents are scattered in the sea of green, and the mist of burning pine branches hovers and rises in the chanting of elders. In the distance, the Mani pile, prayer flags, prayer wheels, and unique cultures on the banks of rivers and mountain cliffs are constructed.

The great river is the lifeblood of Ganzi Prefecture, and this crystal stream of living water flows through Ganzi from the stone canal, forming a huge meander. Hence the name "China Water Tower", the water splashes in the pebbles, the waterfall flies, the mist fills the pine forest on the riverbank, the mountains are beautiful, and the valley echoes with the song of the herdsmen.

If you can walk, you can dance, and if you can sing, you can dance. Interpret "Akxiangba" in the sound of the strings of the Batang strings on the North Road; In the warm years of the Dadu River, singing: "Aroraye, Yewazhuola Demola, Dele, alas, Suozzaso, Sooh, Amora", you can also find the cultural heritage of the Yalong River in the Nanlu Mani Pot Village, you see, the graceful pace and the shallow and deep chant of "Oh Mani Bei Mi Coax" won the hearts of the people.

The high-quality water of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau produces Ganzi red wine, and I remember singing in the wine song:

If you think my wine is sweet,

Reach out and take the dragon bowl;

If you think my heart is hot,

Please open your mouth and drink this bowl of elixir.

The brick kiln next to the river is steaming, raising the hope of life, and the black pottery wine glass is full of barley wine, and life is full of poetry.

Yaks, horses, and Tibetan antelopes are distributed in the Maoya grassland, Wulianghe wetland, and Nilaba wetland, and they walk leisurely, bowing their heads and grazing; Bar-headed geese and black-necked cranes dance among the aquatic plants.

Years in the water

The large corn leaves shimmered, the red tassels of corn grew wildly, and the pearls of all the years were soaked in the river. The river breeze blows, and the farmers bend down to harvest peas and barley. In the wilderness, the blue waves are bursting, and the villagers are like smart fish hidden in the blue waves, and the crops are fragrant and fragrant.

From afar, the flowing water surrounds the White Pagoda and slowly flows through the antique village. The corridors of the temple are deep, the bells rise and fall, and the river becomes more and more tranquil with the sound of chanting. The gates of time are gilded gold, and the wooden doors of the farmhouses are closed. The boundless meadows are dotted with water, and the grass is constantly being eaten by the herd of livestock, and new sprouts sprout in the night. Rhododendrons, primroses, gentians, and saxifrage gradually stretch. Rhodiola blooms red flowers on the ridges, and the rhizomes lie deep in the rocks. The vegetation is abundant and the forests are forested, forming a strong ecological protection barrier for the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

The Yalong River, Jinsha River and Dadu River constitute two rivers and one river in Ganzi Prefecture, which are rich in water content. As a result, the Lianghekou Hydropower Station, the Monkey Rock Power Station, the Yebatan Hydropower Station and the Batang Hydropower Station were built in turn; The water conservancy infrastructure has been continuously updated and integrated into the province's "five horizontal and six vertical" water diversion and replenishment ecological water network; Solar photovoltaic irrigation station escorts the growth of crops; Actively implement the project of "planting trees in mountains, planting flowers on roads, and turning rivers into lakes" to form an ecological environment of Ganzi water with smooth rivers, clear water, green banks and beautiful scenery.

May the green mountains always be there, and the water will flow forever.


Good Morning Ganzi丨Audio Reading Essay "Water Ganzi"

Gedwo Zhima, the author of the work "Water Color Ganzi" that we recommend today, has published works in the overseas edition of the People's Daily, the WeChat public account of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Guangming Daily, Sichuan CPPCC Daily, Yangtze River Poetry, Bajin Academy of Literature, etc. He is a member of the Chinese Minority Literature Society. Anthology Yuanshan was selected as the 2022 Sichuan Provincial Key Works Support Project, the 2018 Sichuan Minority Writers Class Training Student, and the 2022 Sichuan Young Writers Advanced Research Class Student.

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