
The case has been solved! The main attack is overcrowded, why do you still give the P card to Zhuang Yushan instead of Ni Feifei?

author:I'm a ball-talker

The 13-member list of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Paris Olympics has been released, but it has attracted the dissatisfaction of many fans. There are two reasons for dissatisfaction, one is that Zheng Yixin, as a three-no player, why can he enter? The other is that the main attack is already overcrowded, why do you still give the P card to Zhuang Yushan instead of Ni Feifei?

The case has been solved! The main attack is overcrowded, why do you still give the P card to Zhuang Yushan instead of Ni Feifei?

Zheng Yixin's problem, everyone knows, we won't talk about it here. This article mainly talks about why the Chinese women's volleyball team gave the P card to Zhuang Yushan instead of Ni Feifei?

Zhuang Yushan's position is the main attack, and at 1.82 meters, she won the MVP of the World Youth Championships, and her performance is better than Wu Mengjie. When Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning returned to the Chinese women's volleyball team, the call for Zhuang Yushan to enter the Chinese women's volleyball team has always been very high, but Cai Bin has never given a chance, and always crossed her out of the list at the last moment. It wasn't until Hong Kong, China, that Zhuang Yushan was able to enter the Chinese women's volleyball team, but she only served a few balls on the court. In the finals of the World Women's Volleyball League, Zhuang Yushan played the whole game.

The case has been solved! The main attack is overcrowded, why do you still give the P card to Zhuang Yushan instead of Ni Feifei?

The Chinese women's volleyball team already has Li Yingying, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning and Wu Mengjie in the main offensive position, so why did they finally give the P card to Zhuang Yushan instead of Ni Feifei? In the 13-person squad, there is only one free man, Wang Mengjie, what if she is injured? The fans' worries are not unnecessary, and everything can be prevented. Since the fans can think of the problem, the volleyball association and the coaching staff can't think of it?

I don't know if you have watched the finals? After the game, many people were spraying Zhang Changning and Zhuang Yushan, saying that the two were nothing, but professional people were praising their good performance. In the finals, a group of substitutes of the Chinese women's volleyball team were playing the game, and Zheng Yixin's offense was not good, only 2 of 14 deductions, and the defense was also not good. The secondary attack Yang Hanyu was not bad at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends, and II-VI only blocked the net. The free man Ni Feifei almost didn't mean anything, and he couldn't even catch a pass. In this game, Zhang Changning and Zhuang Yushan are both fathers and mothers, and the offense depends on them, and the defense has to count on them.

The case has been solved! The main attack is overcrowded, why do you still give the P card to Zhuang Yushan instead of Ni Feifei?

watched Zhuang Yushan's performance on the field, and his passing and defense were stronger than Ni Feifei. Although Zhuang Yushan is the main attacker, her movement speed is no worse than that of a free man, and she is accurate. Attack in the front row and protect in the back row. Many fans say that Zhuang Yushan is on the field, and free people can be used without it. Since Zhuang Yushan is stronger than a free man on the field, why should he bring Ni Feifei to the Paris Olympics?

There is another reason to bring Zhuang Yushan, you can also play at a critical time. Zheng Yixin's selection has been questioned by so many people, and her ability is indeed not good, so some people say that she should not be selected. But when Gong Xiangyu is also injured or in poor condition, Zheng Yixin will definitely not be able to withstand it. Zhuang Yushan can also be qualified to take on this position.

The case has been solved! The main attack is overcrowded, why do you still give the P card to Zhuang Yushan instead of Ni Feifei?

To sum up, Zhuang Yushan is a jack-of-all-trades player, she can not play, but the team can't do without her! That's why I gave her the P card!