
On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

author:Changyuan traffic police
On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

Civilized and law-abiding to go home safely

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

Vigilance will always be loyal to the party

Adhere to the original intention | Take history as a mirror | Creating the future

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...


July 1

ushered in the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

As a loyal guardian of the party and the people

The Changyuan traffic police have the same original intention of melting

with noble beliefs

Practice the mission of the times and continue the red blood

On the occasion of the "July 1st" party founding day

Party members, police, and auxiliary police carry it

Full of enthusiasm for the people's public security cause

Affectionate confession to the party

103 years of great journey, 103 years of eventful years

The party shines on our generation, and our generation is for the people

One party member, one flag

The oath he made when he joined the party was rooted in his heart

Become a lifelong belief of Changyuan traffic police

I want to say to the party

Weizhuang Squadron: Xu Zhigang

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

Time is like an arrow, and time is like a shuttle. As a grassroots police officer with 17 years of party experience and 25 years of police experience, I have a lot of things to say to the party, but the words are still on my lips after all: the wind and rain have been urging people to work hard, the original intention has not changed is loyalty, and the future is long. As a party member and policeman, I will continue to practice the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important precepts with practical actions, never forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, strengthen my beliefs, take responsibility, and strive for the party's cause for life. On the occasion of 1 July, I wish our party and the motherland prosperity.

I want to say to the party

Changcun Squadron: Deng Zhixing

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

Resolutely moving forward in the long river of rolling history, going through more than 100 years of ups and downs, now standing in the east of the world, looking back on the suffering and glory in the centennial journey, every page records the history of the struggle of the Communist Party of China to fulfill its original mission. As a party member of the grassroots traffic police squadron, I will not forget my original intention, cherish Shaohua, under the leadership of the party, for the prosperity of the motherland continue to forge ahead, charge ahead, take responsibility, and always faithfully perform the duties and missions of the public security organs in the new era, I will inherit and carry forward the spirit of courage and dedication of the ancestors and martyrs, charge at the front line of public security work, and make new contributions to the prosperity of the motherland.

I want to say to the party

DMV: Hou Rui

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

Respect the heart of the party with the original heart, respect the ideal with the oath, and respect the time with hard work, the road ahead is long and brilliant, my life is loyal to the party, and my faith is shining. As a young party member policeman, in the post of the police inspection in the vehicle management office, I will adhere to every detail, stick to the original intention of the police, strengthen the mission and belief, reflect the value in the work, and contribute my strength to the public security cause, the people and the society.

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

I want to say to the party

Office: Qin Bingbing

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

Born under the red flag and grew up in the party. As a member of the Communist Party and a traffic policeman, I carry out traffic safety publicity work on a regular basis, the community is the place where I am safe, the school is my classroom to promote safety, and the enterprise is the cradle of my innovative propaganda methods. I will always keep in mind the oath of joining the party, strengthen my ideals and beliefs, and cherish the honor given to me by the party organization. In my future work, I will always maintain a fiery heart for the party and the people, set stricter demands on myself, and treat the masses of the people as my relatives. Keep in mind the teachings of General Secretary Xi Jinping, take root at the grassroots level, stick to your post, send the warmth of the party to the hearts of the people, and be a screw that will never rust.

I want to say to the party

Iron Cavalry Squadron: Lu Hua

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

Time flies, participated in public security work for more than 20 years, in the police academy through hard work to become a party member, thanks to the party for me to point out the way forward, as a public security traffic police, a party member I will not forget the original intention, forge ahead, under the leadership of the party in the front, as a charge in the front line of public security work, always faithfully perform the duties and missions of the public security organs in the new era to be a police officer with the satisfaction of the people!

I want to say to the party

On this special day

Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

Forge ahead with the soul of loyalty

Continue to write glory with dedication

Salute to the great Communist Party of China

Heartfelt wishes to our beloved party

Forever new, forever youthful!

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...

If you have comments, suggestions, and questions about traffic management, please leave a message~~~

On the "July 1st" Party Day, I want to say to the party...