
Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

author:Shanghai Jiading
Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes
Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

Promoting the propaganda and popularization of the party's innovative theories at the grassroots level is an important link in doing a good job in propaganda and ideological work under the new situation. In recent years, Waigang Town has made great efforts to build a characteristic propaganda brand of "Gang Sound and Bright", with "field classroom" as the carrier, constantly consolidating and strengthening the main force of theoretical preaching, and striving to create "in-depth" theoretical interpretation and "simple" high-quality courseware for discourse expression, so as to promote the party's innovative theory to "fly into the homes of ordinary people".

Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

"Small steps" to take a "big path"

Focus on building a propaganda pattern


The "local team" narrows the "psychological distance". Waigang Town promotes the "number one" project of theoretical publicity, and promotes leading cadres to take the lead in giving lectures and experts and scholars to lead lectures in the form of "secretaries attending party classes"; Prison the red culture of Waigang, invite Lu Jiawei, a veteran of the "post-90s" generation and the son of Lu Bingkui, the captain of the Waigang guerrillas, to create an ideological and political course, telling the heroic deeds of Comrade Lu Bingkui who led a doctor to serve in the army and made many military exploits when the nation was in danger; Encourage grassroots villagers to talk about their feelings, select "hundreds of famous mouths" from students and teachers, literary and artistic backbones, township sages, post experts and other groups, and carry out propaganda around their own experiences, "On the Field of Hope", "Don't forget the martyrs, remember history" and other works have appeared on the district-level stage, arousing the ideological resonance and emotional identity of the masses.

Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes
Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

"Point to surface" to promote "a hundred flowers bloom". Waigang Town regularly organizes propaganda groups to carry out learning and training and collective lesson preparation, and encourages lecturers to combine the different characteristics of institutions, enterprises, rural areas, communities, etc., to create "The "Boss" around me", "Climb "high" and pick "new", and take the "only way" of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement" and other focused propaganda courseware. Further deepen the propaganda grid, based on the "field classroom" to send schools to the door, "tailor-made" excerpts close to social governance, related to rural revitalization of the content of the report, the party's good voice into thousands of households; Using the "New Ideas Jiayou Station" and "Tang Station" and other points, the party's innovative theories and service policies are sent to young party members and white-collar workers, and a "15-minute theoretical learning circle" is created in the park; Relying on the "Xiangyogang Bay" small and micro grid party and mass service points, Yimin Building and other positions, Jiakun Tai linkage preaching is impressive, and the "Pioneer Youth Talk" lecturer group is officially established to promote further cooperation and exchanges between the three cities around party building, industrial development, rural revitalization and other aspects.

Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes
Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

"Big Truth" Docking "Small Incision"

Grassroots preaching is in the brain and heart


How to make the preaching more warm and make the people willing to listen? Waigang Town accurately connects with the people's thoughts and needs, and continuously improves the accuracy and quality of propaganda work.

In terms of content, it is not only a comprehensive overall arrangement, but also carried out in different categories, integrating the achievements of economic and social development into the party's innovative theory propaganda, and combining the work of linking villages and enterprises, promoting high-quality development, improving people's livelihood and well-being, and optimizing the business environment as the focus of publicity, and "interpreting, dissecting, and solving doubts" in a targeted manner.

In terms of objects, we will find out the accurate portrait of the audience, carry out a series of lectures on "digital new agriculture" for front-line farmers, and reshape the understanding of farmers on the development of modern agricultural technology in the country with policies that benefit farmers, drone skill operation, network security, etc. Cooperate with the local colleges and universities, Shanghai Vocational and Technical College of Industry and Commerce, to bring the knowledge of automotive new energy and computer network technology to the grassroots level, and promote the two sides to achieve two-way services in rural revitalization, scientific and technological innovation, education and culture, and talent training.

Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

In terms of timing, we will launch relevant topics in a timely manner around important time nodes. In traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival, highlight the promotion of Xi Jinping's cultural thought and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture; On major festivals such as "July 1st", focus on publicizing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the party's discipline construction; In the process of building beautiful villages, we actively publicize General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on cultivating civilized rural customs.

"Document language" becomes "local dialect"

Open up the "last mile"


With more than a dozen benches, no rostrum, no microphones and sounds, experts and scholars, students, and villagers sit together to listen to theoretical lectures, learn red culture, and talk about the development of villages...... Such scenes often appear in the "field classroom", which also makes the working rule of "the speaker runs more errands, and the masses run less errands" into vivid practice.

Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

"It is the first step to improve the 'head-up rate' and 'nodding rate' of the masses, and then we need to rely on eloquent preaching to ignite the 'fire' in the hearts of the masses." Gu Fenglei, head of the people's propaganda group in Waigang Town, said.

Digitalization to achieve "online communication" is an innovative exploration. A "Green Live Room" was opened in Tiantou, and volunteers from the New Era Civilization Practice were invited to serve as anchors to vividly show the economy, society, civilization and traditional culture of Waigang. Through the "Waigang Online" WeChat public account "Gang Sound Loud" learning column, the launch of the "Struggle is the Right Time to Green Move to the Future" series of propaganda micro-videos and "One Classmate" and "One Classmate" and "Let's Come to Gang" and other theoretical propaganda columns, which greatly enhanced the radiation of the party's innovative theory.

Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes
Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

Realizing "precise drip irrigation" with vividness is a multi-faceted attempt. The sketches "Living as a Tree" and "Building a House" focus on the small things of people's livelihood, and explain the concept of "people's city" in a bilingual version of "Mandarin + local dialect"; The melodrama "Beacon Fire" combines various artistic expressions such as ballet and sand painting with the lecturer's lectures, telling the story of the heroic struggle of the Waigang guerrillas such as "burning enemy planes"; The opening chapter of the bullet "Juvenile Chinese Dream" is sonorous and powerful, highlighting the vision and hope of the Waigang youth; Allegro "Praise Our New Waigang", poetry recitation "Gang Loud Voice", song "Your Name is Waigang" and other literary and artistic programs vividly tell the development of Waigang from an "agricultural town" to a "green city......

Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes
Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes
Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes
Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

Since the beginning of this year, Waigang Town has carried out a total of 420 "Six Advances" preaching, covering 30,326 people. In the next step, Waigang Town will continue to innovate the theoretical preaching mode and promote the party's innovative theory to take root at the grassroots level.

Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes

Correspondent: Qu Yifan Editor: Wu Lirong

Dadao Jiasheng丨"Gangsheng Loud" promotes theoretical propaganda into 10,000 homes