
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......

author:Xianyou Jinbao
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, on June 29, led by Wang Jianhuang, a second-level researcher of the county CPPCC, a team of 36 people from the party and government team of Yuanzhuang Town, the secretaries of the village branches, the heads of relevant departments, and the president of the Yuanzhuang Chamber of Commerce went to the relevant townships and towns in Hanjiang District to carry out the second phase of the training of cadres at the town and village levels.

In Fujian Red Sun Boutique Co., Ltd., a leading enterprise in the food manufacturing industry, the training course has a detailed understanding of the development history, industrial characteristics and history of Chinese kelp of Red Sun Company; In Budweiser Xuejin Beer Co., Ltd., a Fortune 500 company, the training class experienced the beer culture and brewing process up close, understood the advanced experience and practices of the enterprise in development, operation and innovation, and provided reference for the development ideas of Yuanzhuang Town Pastry Industrial Park; In Chekou Village, Dayang Township, the training class visited the Chinese herbal medicine science and technology courtyard to learn about its industrial research, talent training, achievement transformation, social service and other work, and learn to absorb its experience in promoting rural revitalization through the integrated development of "production, education and research".

"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......

Visit Fujian Red Sun Boutique Co., Ltd

"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......

Visit Budweiser Sepjin Beer Co., Ltd

"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......

Visit the Putian Chinese Herbal Medicine Science and Technology Academy

In Shuangfu Village, a demonstration village of Jianxiang Township and a model market town in Fujian and Taiwan Township, the training class watched, discussed, and learned all the way, and was amazed by the beautiful ecological appearance and profound historical and cultural heritage of Shuangfu Village, and expressed that it was necessary to learn from the experience and practices of the Shuangfu Village Model Market Town Project, further improve the planning and design concept of the Yuanzhuang Model Market Town Project, and ensure that the construction of the Yuanzhuang Model Market Town is truly grounded and affordable for the masses.

"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......

At the Party and Mass Service Center of Hagilu Town, the training class observed the operation demonstration of the rural housing approval and supervision service platform, and conducted in-depth exchanges on key and difficult issues such as the construction of the platform system and mechanism, online process operation, implementation path, and system operation and maintenance. Everyone said that Yuanzhuang Town will focus on the work deployment of the city and county's "one map of the whole city", learn from the Hagilu housing approval and control model, and indeed solve the difficult problems of housing approval and post-approval supervision.

"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......

In the former residence of Jiang Chunlin, the training class carried out the "July 1st" party founding day and party discipline learning and education theme party day activities, listened carefully to the explanation, through detailed information and vivid stories, deeply felt the iron-faced imperial history, a generation of honest officials Jiang Chunlin's temperament for the country and the people, further improve the sense of integrity and responsibility of all party members and cadres, and build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and honesty.

"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......
"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......

Through this training and learning, the cadres of Yuanzhuang Town and Village have further opened their eyes, found gaps, made up for shortcomings, sought innovation, solved development problems, and promoted rural revitalization. The town will fully absorb and transform the results of this training, further enhance the comprehensive quality of town and village cadres, and empower the construction of the pattern of "one town, one industry" and "one village, one product" with professionalism, talents and achievements.

Author: Today's reporter Tang Wei Correspondent Li Qing Text/picture editor: Yu Lifan American editor: Li Tingting Review: Xue Yanhui

"Learning from the experience" on the spot, the town of Xianyou will make a big move next......