
The smaller the "3 aspects" of a woman, the more men appreciate them, even if they are married for the second time

author:Vigorously love life
The smaller the "3 aspects" of a woman, the more men appreciate them, even if they are married for the second time

The smaller the "3 aspects" of a woman, the more men will appreciate you and treat you as a baby, even if it is a second marriage, it will also be favored by men.

Many people think that no matter what age men are, they will like young, beautiful women with good figures, but in fact, these are superficial phenomena.

The smaller the "3 aspects" of a woman, the more men appreciate them, even if they are married for the second time

Because the face will grow old, the figure will be out of shape, at that time, the man will be bored with you and lose interest, true love will not fade with the passage of time, but will only become more cherished with the precipitation of time.

Only these "3 aspects" of women are smaller, the more men will appreciate them, even if they are married for the second time, they will be treasures in the palms of men.

The first woman has a little temper

The smaller the "3 aspects" of a woman, the more men appreciate them, even if they are married for the second time

To be honest, anyone will have a temper, in the relationship, occasionally play a little temperament, which will warm up the relationship between two people, is the spice in the relationship, but if you blindly make trouble, there is no degree, and when you encounter things, it is like a cannon fight, then no man will stand it.

Two people together are to tolerate each other, mutual understanding, a small-tempered woman will capture a man's heart, a man is willing to stay by your side, live with you, will have the warmth of home, if you can marry such a woman, it is also a man's blessing.

The second is a small point of dependence on men

The smaller the "3 aspects" of a woman, the more men appreciate them, even if they are married for the second time

In fact, the best relationship between two people is to keep each other's space, be independent, and don't want to know everything well.

Women like their little birds, and their husbands are all-encompassing, putting themselves first, no matter what they do or where they go, they have to tell themselves that this is a sign that they care about each other.

In fact, women must not fall in love, don't lose yourself in love, you are an independent individual, even if you are married, you must have the ability to support yourself, don't think that getting married is to marry a chicken and a dog and a dog, and there is no self.

The smaller the "3 aspects" of a woman, the more men appreciate them, even if they are married for the second time

is like Luo Zijun in "The First Half of My Life", so trusting and relying on her husband, the result in exchange is to be disliked by the other party. Women are less dependent on men, maintain a certain sense of mystery, and tend to have more personality charm.

The third woman's vanity is a little bit

The smaller the "3 aspects" of a woman, the more men appreciate them, even if they are married for the second time

Every woman will be more or less vanity, but if she goes too far, she will drag herself down, and some women can't see that others are better off than themselves, especially those who were average before, or even inferior to themselves, and now they are better than themselves, so they can't stand it.

will nag with my husband, who is who, I used to be in a village, I didn't go to college, I went to work after graduating from high school, I met on the street today, I didn't expect to marry a rich husband, and now I am driving a luxury car and living in a mansion, why don't I have such good luck.

will begin to dislike their husband, think that he can't make money, can't afford to buy luxury cars and villas, women, live a personal life, don't envy anyone, others are not casually successful, you can't see the hard work behind them, live their own life, the family is healthy, and happy and happy.

Therefore, the smaller the "3 aspects" of a woman, the more men will like it, and they will have a happy and sweet life, I hope you are also such a woman.