
Lights up tonight

author:Anhui Traffic Broadcasting
Lights up tonight

908 new media latest news: At 19:59 tonight, the central square, road parking lot, tower and other major single buildings in the terminal area of Bozhou Airport, the apron flood lighting system, runway lighting system, and approach lighting system in the flight area will be lit up in turn.

Lights up tonight

This "lighting up" will show the image of the main project of the new Bozhou civil airport, show the construction achievements of the Bozhou civil airport project, and present the aviation business card of Bozhou city highlights. The lights are lit up according to the arrival and departure of passengers.

Lights up tonight

With a total investment of about 1.08 billion yuan, covering an area of 2,340.8 acres, the airport project construction scale flight area grade index is 4C, and a new runway with a length of 2,600 meters is equipped with 8 stands. After opening to aviation, the airport can meet the annual passenger throughput of 1 million passengers, cargo and mail throughput of 2,650 tons, and aircraft takeoffs and landings of 6,404 flights.

Lights up tonight

Tonight, Anhui Radio and Television Station 908 New Media Official Video Account, Bozhou Radio and Television Station Yaodu Time and Space and other new media platforms will be broadcast live. Source: 908 New Media Pioneer Studio Yaodu Time and Space

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