
Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

author:Exploding in the digital circle

After pinching my fingers, I have been engaged in this job in a media company or as a self-media for nearly eight years, although I have encountered "unwarranted" false accusations, but fortunately I have won a complaint, and for a long time after that, the question I pondered was: should media people put "grievances and hatreds" into public comments? Even though I'm just a little transparent.

It's not a difficult question to answer, we just need to know what a media person does.

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

To put it simply, media professionals, as disseminators of information and guides of public opinion, have the responsibility to treat their work in a fair, objective and responsible manner. When private emotional issues such as "grievances and hatreds" are involved in public comments, personal emotional colors should be avoided in public discussions, and analysis and comments should be made from a professional perspective. Abide by professional ethics and do not use public platforms for personal attacks or retaliation; Pay attention to abide by relevant laws and regulations, avoid defamation, privacy infringement and other illegal acts, and maintain the credibility and professionalism of the media.

The reason is very simple, but whether it is the mobile phone industry or the automobile industry, in recent years, personal "grievances and hatreds" have been put into public comments, or they have lost their objectivity simply because of personal preferences, and there have been endless incidents of blind smearing and rumors.

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

Take, for example, the automotive industry. At present, domestic new energy vehicles are in a period of rapid development, all new forces emerge in an endless stream, the old car companies accelerate the transformation, each brand can be described as eighteen kinds of martial arts, each showing its powers, and with the rapid growth of automotive media/self-media, after all, brands in the Internet era also need more voice channels.

However, the established fact is that the more fierce the competition in the new energy vehicle industry, the more serious the problem of black public relations and black manuscripts faced by the head brands, and this kind of problem usually comes from several types of groups, including competitor cooperative media, cooperative media with grievances and hatreds, and media that do not cooperate in place, simply put, "unrecharged media".

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

As a leader in domestic automobiles and new energy vehicles, BYD has encountered black public relations and black draft problems in the past few years, and Li Yunfei, general manager of BYD Auto Customs, has exposed some gray areas in the industry before. It said that some enterprises may adopt informal means, such as spreading false news and maliciously slandering opponents, which not only damages the credibility of the victim enterprises, but also disrupts market rules and destroys the ecological environment of fair competition.

In order to solve this problem, BYD publicly solicited information on black public relations, and set up a high reward mechanism, with effective clues and evidence providers rewarding 200,000-5 million yuan. However, BYD's official response to this tough response does not seem to have allowed some media cars to stop the precipice, but to act more and more rampantly.

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

A few days ago, a few days ago, Jia Ke, the president of Xuanyuan School, the chairman of the China Automobile Blue Book Forum and many other titles, expressed his views on the "involution" of the domestic new energy automobile industry, which said that the domestic new energy automobile industry should be "reversed", and pointed out that he believes that the six major involution: volume cost, volume technology, volume capital, volume user, volume relationship, volume public opinion.

As soon as the remarks were published, they quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens, and many netizens directly said that they were talking about BYD under the relevant video, after all, BYD had responded to the "involution problem" many times before, and Li Yunfei, general manager of BYD Auto Product Customs, publicly issued a document as early as the end of 2023 saying that new energy vehicles can be "rolled", whether it is volume technology, volume products, volume prices, volume marketing, but if you want to start the lower limit of the volume, it is despicable. When it comes to malicious smears and war of words, even the best technology and products can become "worthless", which is not good news for consumers.

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

So what do you think about Jia Ke's "six major involutions"? I'm here to simply throw bricks and stones.

First, volume cost: There are indeed some car companies in the market that cut corners, counterfeit and sell counterfeits in order to reduce costs, but this does not mean that all car companies are carrying out such operations. On the contrary, it is reasonable and necessary for leading car companies to reduce costs and improve competitiveness through technological innovation and management optimization.

Second, volume technology: technological innovation is an important driving force to promote the development of the automotive industry. Although there are some car companies copying technology or coaxing partners, this does not mean that the entire industry is carrying out technical "involution". In fact, many car companies are actively investing in R&D to promote the advancement of automotive technology.

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

Third, volume capital: capital is an important support for enterprise operation. In the automotive industry, due to the need for a large amount of capital investment in R&D, production, sales and other links, arrears of payments, token waiting and other behaviors are not a common phenomenon in the industry, and there needs to be enough evidence to prove it, and the so-called volume funds lack effective evidence.

Fourth, volume users: Users are the core of the automotive industry. In order to attract users and improve user satisfaction, car companies need to continuously improve their products and services. Behaviors such as quelling incidents and deceiving do exist in the industry, but the user satisfaction, product and service satisfaction of an automobile company needs to be objectively evaluated by a third-party organization.

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

Fifth, volume relationships: In a complex business environment, it is necessary to establish and maintain relationships between enterprises. However, behaviors such as moving up and down, left and right, etc., are not a common phenomenon in the industry, and should not be over-interpreted as a "volume relationship". On the contrary, establishing good business relationships and partnerships is of great significance for the long-term development of a business.

Sixth, public opinion: The public opinion environment has an important impact on the image and reputation of an enterprise, but a positive public relations strategy and effective communication channels should not be overly interpreted as "public opinion".

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

Obviously, the "six major involution" lacks sufficient objectivity and neutrality, and from the perspective of consumers, we need to stand up by enterprises to carry out involution, after all, many industries, including automobiles, have inflated prices for many years, and consumers have suffered from it.

So, as the principal of Xuanyuan School and the chairman of the China Automobile Blue Book Forum, why Jia Ke scolded BYD, there may be something worth studying.

Jia Ke, formerly known as Yu Yong, sparked heated discussions in 2016 for spreading rumors about BYD's "Taiyuan taxi driver", and later publicly apologized; Since 2008, he has successively established two well-known forums in China's auto industry, the China Automotive Blue Book Forum and the China Automotive Supply Chain Summit, but it has been controversial due to the lack of official endorsement; Later, Xuanyuan University was founded, but it was reported as "Pheasant University", so it was renamed Xuanyuan Zhixue, but its high tuition fees and the enrollment model mainly for upstream and downstream executives in the automotive supply chain have raised questions about its purpose and effect. I don't know if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw it, it turned out that there was so much material behind Jia Ke!

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

In fact, in recent years, Jia Ke's various doubts about BYD have never stopped, and BYD models have always been absent from the "Xuanyuan Award" led by him, and whether there are personal grievances and hatreds in the award review work has also caused controversy many times.

Media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments?

In fact, looking back on the whole thing, the root of the problem still lies in [media people, should they put personal "grievances and hatreds" into public comments]. Personally, I think that it is no problem for us to comment and question any company, and we can also express our own views, but media people, as disseminators of information and guides of public opinion, it is obviously inappropriate to talk about personal preferences, grievances and hatreds as industry views, and there is also a suspicion of misleading netizens.

Looking around the current world, if China's new cars want to really gain a firm foothold and want to go to the next level, more companies need to stand up, and Chinese car companies need to come together to compete with Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States.